Well-Known Member
Everyone at that rally made it very clear Bernie was their man and they'll be ready, able and very willing to vote for him come 2020. Never forget that pissing off the young is a loser's game in politics; there's more of them.we've been pointing out the problems with bernie co-opting this youth movement the entire thread.
bernie voted to allow guns on trains, voted against waiting periods, voted to ban research into gun violence, voted to prtect gun manufacturers from liability suits.
bernie got help from the NRA during the election because russia was laundering money through the NRA to hurt hillary and help bernie.
the fact that you and padaraper are such skeezy deviants is just additional entertainment for us
Your puerile attempts to change the subject are as transparent as they are adolescent. Google Denver Bound; I'm sure there's a kennel waiting there just for you.
Beyond that, your judgementalism about other people's sexuality speaks volumes about how intolerant you are of any viewpoints that differ from your own. You should join the Trump team, you're far too inflexible and judgementalism to be a liberal.