What did you accomplish today?

I've got a bunch of work I got to do to my car.. roads are horrible here, so I've got to replace the struts, wheel bearings,ball joints, and because my woman drives all crazy and shit I've got to replace pads and rotors..lol.. she's the type that jams on the brakes at the last second instead of applying brake well before the stop lights ..
Same here, my wife does the jack rabbit(and I’m not talking about on deez nuts) she slams on the brakes and the floors it:wall:
My new LED drivers just arrived... two Delta 320W babies.

We are going away over the weekend as my wife booked us a 5-star suite in Hermanus, so I won't be going anywhere near my table saw before we are back.
I might open the thermal paste though as I saw my gfx card is running a bit hotter than it normally does. I think the goop on there is like 4 years old already.
I've spent the last 3 nights on the couch. Mrs is down hard with the stomach crud, and I'm not wanting to get it. Suffice to say my sleep is shit right now and I'm sure it reflects in my attitude lately .
So today I wake to #1 son bitching at #2 son to get outta bed and ready for school before he misses the bus. This is a recurring issue with him lately (growing alot), but it pisses me off. I got him up, bitched at both of 'em, and got them on the bus... barely.
Come back in and #2 sons dog had puked in the kitchen! I was in some serious funk early on. Anyhow, I cleaned it up and grabbed a shower. A bit of coffee later and I was going through my shit from last night's meeting. In my rag I find a zip lock bag that says pineapple express. So I twisted one up and let me tell you, my attitude has done a 180. I don't recall tasting PE before, but I'm awful happy I've been able to today lol.

Hope everyone has a morning like the last hour of mine, not the first 2.
geforce 9800gt It actually is a very strong card, just a bit texture limited with only 512mb onboard, it creates about 2Gb virtual memory for the card so it is quite flexible with older titles.
Managed to get out and to a different store, specific things were needed so that means a specific store, made it there and back without spending too much, still breathing.

It's terrible when you start thinking that walking a mile or so, with regular stops, is somehow an "achievement".
LOL I justify my annual pass to Disneyland under exercise regimen. I bet @420God is rolling his eyes LOL he's in beast mode.
Wow, it was a close shave. The fan and heatsink was packed with cat hair and fluff.
Idling temp went from 63C to 39C with two monitors connected.
I'll stress test the bitch now, but it can't be worse than when I saw it was running 105C during gaming this afternoon.
I really like the thermal paste I got, it is quite thin for white paste and silicon free.
Wow, it was a close shave. The fan and heatsink was packed with cat hair and fluff.
Idling temp went from 63C to 39C with two monitors connected.
I'll stress test the bitch now, but it can't be worse than when I saw it was running 105C during gaming this afternoon.
I really like the thermal paste I got, it is quite thin for white paste and silicon free.
Brand name and source? Thanks