She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!


Well-Known Member
I'll get back to ya, still readin the link provided (while mixin pancakes). I do think it was 8 outta 10, my bad if I was off by one, and yes, most women were actually under the age of 20 and were made to spit out babies, even in medicine preggers women are more likely to have REALLY bad problems while pregnant, I myself had gestational diabietes when I was pregnant both times, while I don't have blood sugar problems at all otherwise. Also, since women didn't go to war or work out in the feilds, then childbirth was the taker of the average life of a female. An old woman was usually a woman that never had kids, one of the perpetuators of the childless witch that fed off the young kind of thing. That is why so many stories (from Snow White to Cinderella) spoke of the mother having died in childbirth, commonly promoted by the church as 'punishment' for the sin of fornication or adultery. Also the past is a male dominated one, where the birth of the offspring was tied up with ego, and the mother was more a bearer of the child, the father tended to care more about his child than the mother, particulary those who hadn't married for love but made to by arranged marriages, the main way of the early colonists. Kids weren't really loved and cherished by such men either, they were just a free work force, and the daughters could fetch better status if they marry up.

That link was vewy vewy intwesting and I am still checkin it out.

But so far the link has shown that until the 1940s, when childbrith went to hospitals, and even then it still took awhile for medicine to catch up to what we now have as for pregnant women and babies.


Well-Known Member
man im telling you i had a knot in my stomach before she came on after all the hoopla in the press sayin she was a dumbass
I'll never understand how these religious nutbag, right wing fascists can't just stand there pretending to believe their own bullshit. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. This guy is CLEARLY a supporter and his fake attempt at pretending to be unbiased is laughable.
she really knocked it outa the park though with a wink an a smile man! shes the real deal wether you agree with her opinions or not shes not fake at all.
If you think her fake ass country charm is real then you are as dumb as her handlers think you are. She's about as fake as it comes; even the way she mispronounces nuclear is on purpose to make her sound more like the ignorant unwashed masses that have been brainwashed into thinking the Republicans give a shit about them.

But it's fairly clear you've already consumed the Flavor-Aid so you no longer have a mind of your own.


Well-Known Member
No, it was 8 outta 10. THe numbers MAY have reperesented a worldwide ratio, rather than just America, plus it wasn't record specific, it was prolly a rationalization based on other criteria, may have been theoretical by the author, I don't know. I doubt there are alot of records as to the reason for death in those years, if there is any record at all. But I do remember it being in med school, and I do remember it being an astonishing amount considering the ratio today. (Which was the point, to show how far obstretics had come.)

I have emailed my old nursing teach, will pm you if she ever responds.....

I notice the point of the effect of the law as dependant on your economic status hasn't been approached yet. :blsmoke:


New Member
Still nothing about the point about how such a law will affect differently those of different economic and social statuses?
Its evident at this point that you can't provide any documentation regarding your childbirth death statistic claim prior to 1940 ... Can you provide any documentation that supports your assertion that making abortion a state's rights issue would affect the poor in a disproportional way?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can't truly find fault with the point, so instead you try ot discredit me altogether, typical of a rabid right winger. Churches and government does the same thing, then if that doesn't quiet you out comes the law, and then the gun. Nice tactics, but no more than I have come to expect.

So, you deny that wealthy women will have the option of break the law in a clean and sterile environment while less priveledged females will be be subject to basement horrors? ANd the only difference is that one is not born with the priveledges of another? THAT takes a mind to think of, (numbers and stats can be manipulated they are no sign of proof of anything) somehing you wuddn't have cuz you are blindled by party loyality and can't think for yourself, you let others do your thinking and you spout off what they have fed you. Have an original thought, man, before it's too late!!!!:blsmoke:

And I KNOW that soures and facts don't matter to you, if there were viable records of how many women died in those days a book of fact wuddn't change your mind, and I wuddn't waste my time trying to convince the likes of you. And by the time I get the validation, this thread will be forgotten and only those who genuinely want that info and won't just dismiss it cuz it don't fit in the pre-dordained peg, I will be glad to pm it to. But you are a lost cause.


New Member
^^^ So, in other words, you have no proof to back up your assertions, right? You're just blowing steam out of your ass, right? You're an O'Bama supporter right? You're an empty suit, just like O'Bama right?

"Change!" Change that is no change at all. Steam out the ass.



Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]Childbirth in colonial America was a difficult and sometimes dangerous experience for women. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, between 1 percent and 1.5 percent of all births ended in the mother's death as a result of exhaustion, dehydration, infection, hemorrhage, or convulsions. Since the typical mother gave birth to between five and eight children, her lifetime chances of dying in childbirth ran as high as 1 in 8. This meant that if a woman had eight female friends, it was likely that one might die in childbirth.[/SIZE]
we are talking about abortion in the U.S


Well-Known Member
Abortion is a WOMANS RIGHT as provided by the supreme court (you know that group that Republicans are so often in direct conflcit with) not a "state right". This is a dead arguement despite dumbass Palin's assertion otherwise.


Well-Known Member
No, if you weren't so obsessed with lables and pigeonholes you could see past your ass being on your shoulders. (Were IS that bag of troll food?)
I DON"T like Obama. I mite wirte in a vote for Ron Paul, or Hagel, just as likely not to vote at all. Unlike you, I am not told what to think by some majority, I don't fit any of your pre-maufactured holes, so you can quit the futility of tryin to shove me in one. I voted for Reagan, so shove that in your bong and puff on it, and I never voted Clinton, I was a Perot supporter.

And from what I have read since I have been here, you are the resident expert at blowing steam outta your ass, so you should SHORE know all about that. If I was posting stuff you agreed with, you would be backslappin me and not worried about any sources or facts, and you know it, so don't kid yourself. You are just a narrow-minded party loyalist, and part of the biggest problem WITH this country, people so worried about lables and pigeonholes that they themselves wont think for themselves or they mite no be able to fit in thier own anymore.....



Well-Known Member
The easy way to solve this entire problem: take sperm donations from males as soon as they hit puberty (tax dollars to purchase some Hustlers for them is fine), freeze the sperm in multiple locations for safety, then sterilize the males. Bam, no more unwanted pregnancies. It's such an easy solution.


Well-Known Member
The easy way to solve this entire problem: take sperm donations from males as soon as they hit puberty (tax dollars to purchase some Hustlers for them is fine), freeze the sperm in multiple locations for safety, then sterilize the males. Bam, no more unwanted pregnancies. It's such an easy solution.
great idea! a few well placed power outages and we could reduce the population as needed.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Actually, Bong, there are people who advocate paying chics to be volentarily sterilized, we are becoming more and more socialistic every day.....:evil: (Not men, of course. They don't have the babies, they aren't the problem.)

From the start I said women from 1940s and before, even YOU shudda realised I wuddn't have 'stats' for that. It was in an old medical book. I have emailed my old teacher, all I can do. I am wondering if that was a waste of time. You musta missed where I posted about it being a worldwide figure, and where it prolly was theoretical from the author as there is little evidense from those earliest years to go by.

And for someone that claims to be on my side, ya shore cudda fooled me the way you are badgering me......:roll:


Well-Known Member
I'll call anyone if they are presenting dubious "facts". You are not helping your side by stating false claims, because you give the other side ammunition to dispute your "facts"., and they are able to ignore anything that you may have said that actually does as validity


Well-Known Member
I pulled it outta my head. Something from my medical training. I really don't give a fuck less if it passes your criteria, and I am done with this. I MITE try and find something online that can validate it, and I MITE not.

If you ARE on 'my side' (which you mite not be for outlawing abortion, but you SHORE ain't on MY side, don't delude yourself) then why not save some of your hostility and badgering for the opposing side?:roll:

OH, btw, I wasn't talking about abortion, I was talking about mortality rates of pregnant women before 1940, DUH.


New Member
I'll call anyone if they are presenting dubious "facts". You are not helping your side by stating false claims, because you give the other side ammunition to dispute your "facts"., and they are able to ignore anything that you may have said that actually does as validity
That's it exactly. ^^^^

And, puffdamagikdragon ... I too voted for Reagan. And also like you, and 20% of the electorate, I voted for Perot and it resulted in Clinton being elected. As much as I support Ron Paul, I won't make that mistake again. If you voted for Reagan and Perot, and are a Ron Paul supporter, why in the world would you give (in essence) your vote to B. Hussein O'Bama?

And by the way ... the fact that you are asked to prove your premises doesn't necessarily mean that you are being disagreed with.



Well-Known Member

one more thing, the other side won't listen reguardless of validity, I have seen that enough on these threads. When facts are given, they are STILL ignored.
Excuse the fuck outta me for not having all my papers handy so I could suit everyone's criteria.

(Hint. I don't fuckin care.)bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Vi- Who DA FUCK said I was? I didnt. Oh yeah, that is right, YOU did. YOU have already determined FOR me who I am voting for, obviously.



New Member
Vi- Who DA FUCK said I was? I didnt. Oh yeah, that is right, YOU did. YOU have already determined FOR me who I am voting for, obviously.Idiot.
"No, if you weren't so obsessed with lables and pigeonholes you could see past your ass being on your shoulders. (Were IS that bag of troll food?)
I DON"T like Obama. I mite wirte in a vote for Ron Paul, or Hagel, just as likely not to vote at all. Unlike you, I am not told what to think by some majority, I don't fit any of your pre-maufactured holes, so you can quit the futility of tryin to shove me in one. I voted for Reagan, so shove that in your bong and puff on it, and I never voted Clinton, I was a Perot supporter."

Your turn. bongsmilie
