My first female - 22 days into flowering (pics)


Well-Known Member
70 days into flowering

i believe my lady's almost there!!! what do you guys think?? how long does she has left??
most of the leaves are turning yellow fast, and the fall off pretty easy.



Well-Known Member

anyway, besides of how long you think is left before harvest, i would also like to know another thing. You can see from the pics, that the main cola is looking nice!!! i was wondering if i should lower some of the cfls, so the lower and smaller buds would get as much light as possible until harvest. Do you think it will make a difference, or is it too late now?? or maybe i should leave the lights as they are now, and give all my attention to the main cola???


Well-Known Member
How much total watts r u using and what size cfl's. And where did u get those big none spiral cfl's
I'm using:
- 2 55W 6400K, 275W equivalent each
- 2 65W 2700K, 335W equivalent each (those are the non spiral ones)
- 3 24W 2700K, 100W equivalent each

For the non spiral ones, i just found them at a local hardware store, they were a little expensive, but they seem to work really great!!!


Well-Known Member
76 days into flowering

and i believe it's about time.....bongsmilie
i bought a microscope, and most of the trichromes are milky.
Here are today's pics. Please tell me what you think, and if you agree that it's about time to harvest.



Well-Known Member
thanx man!!

i have absolutely no idea about the strain. just a seed i took out of a bud i was smoking, bout 6 months ago.
i vegged for about 25 days. can't remember exactly.. but for sure it was less than i month!

PS: i was just looking at your thread, and bumped at the noah's ark post!!!!!!! hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
haha thanks man. ive been trying to decide when to start flowering these ones i got growing now. been vegging almost 5 weeks but theyre still only like 8 inches tall...


Well-Known Member
Everyone says when they turn milky to wait some more. they need to be about 75% might have another week maybe 2 left bro...and better to go to long than to early by what everyone says


Well-Known Member
nah i wouldnt wait too much longer shit its already been 11 weeks haha if you wait too long you will just be sacrificing potency for slightly more bud...


Well-Known Member
i think i'm gonna harvest tomorrow!!!!! I'm excited.... i'll post some new pics as soon as she's hanging upside down!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Harvest time!!!!!

I just cut and hang the bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first plant ever is drying now!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i do have some doubts, y know, if i should wait a bit longer, or if i should hang upside down the whole plant, or just cut every branch and hang each one etc etc...
But, I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!

pics are coming!!

puff puff pass


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of the plant hanging.
as you can see the buds are touching each other. is this bad? should i cut every branch and hang it on its own??



Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

do you have a fan blowing in the room?

ideally the buds would not be touching each other.. I would start to manicure now..

nice pictures!