My first female - 22 days into flowering (pics)


Active Member
remember, marijuana can grow in the wild just fine without anything special so just don't over water or give to many nutes. the less the better since it wont hurt her like to much would.
I have to agree with that. About 20 years ago I got 20 seeds, all 20 germinated and after the small pots I planted them in the backyard near the back fence. It didn't seem long until they were about 6ft tall. I had to prune the tops about every 2nd day so they wouldn't go above fence height so my neighbour would see them. In that was only 2kms from the CBD of my city. LOL

These days the coppers in the choppers would probably find them. Now I'm starting again but indoors under lights.

I can see why they are called weed. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
here are some new pics, 37 days into flowering, better quality than the ones before, so you can see what's going on. The last few days, i've been giving just water with the ph adjusted to 6.4-6.6.
I can't say that it's getting better, but at least it's not getting any worse.
Should i continue with just water until harvest, or should i feed some more??
Any suggestions?




Well-Known Member
Yes I am curious to see your CFL flowering, mine never fully flowered and I had more CFLS than you, now I got the 600w HPS because I realized flowering is the mos important and crucial time, the bottom of your plant will produce the smallest buds, it is hard with CFLS to cover the entire plant instead of areas of the plant. Try to raise the bottom leaves so they can get as much light as possible


Well-Known Member
I'm still a newb so take what I say with a grain of salt but this is what I do:

If a leaf is turning yellow and necrotic I will gently press down on the base of the stem of the leaf where it meets the main trunk. If it comes off it's gone. If it's strong enough to not fall off with a TINY bit of pressure it stays.

I leave all the fan leaves but I chop the limb growth above those leaves on about the bottom 4 sets. I also prune when in flower. Basically I want to remove any new growth so energy is not diverted to that and if I can tell a limb is not going to produce I chop it.

It would probably be better to have the plants fully pruned before going into flower but I just don't know how to do that yet. Also the little limbs, while not producing much, give me a little bud to smoke while I'm waiting for the plant to finish. I haven't noticed any slow down but I also only take a little bit at a time.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am curious to see your CFL flowering, mine never fully flowered and I had more CFLS than you, now I got the 600w HPS because I realized flowering is the mos important and crucial time, the bottom of your plant will produce the smallest buds, it is hard with CFLS to cover the entire plant instead of areas of the plant. Try to raise the bottom leaves so they can get as much light as possible
you're absolutely right!! cfls can't cover the lower parts of the plant.
The last plant i had, i've trained it and i think it was much better, but it turned out a male. I should have probably trained that one too, because if it was bent then with the same amount of cfls that i have now, it would produce a lot more bud. But anyway, it's my first female, so i'm looking forward to harvest....even if the buds are smaller :))


Well-Known Member
I'm still a newb so take what I say with a grain of salt but this is what I do:

If a leaf is turning yellow and necrotic I will gently press down on the base of the stem of the leaf where it meets the main trunk. If it comes off it's gone. If it's strong enough to not fall off with a TINY bit of pressure it stays.

I leave all the fan leaves but I chop the limb growth above those leaves on about the bottom 4 sets. I also prune when in flower. Basically I want to remove any new growth so energy is not diverted to that and if I can tell a limb is not going to produce I chop it.

It would probably be better to have the plants fully pruned before going into flower but I just don't know how to do that yet. Also the little limbs, while not producing much, give me a little bud to smoke while I'm waiting for the plant to finish. I haven't noticed any slow down but I also only take a little bit at a time.
I do the same thing, i pull just a little and if it doesn't fall off, i leave it there. Most of the fan leaves though, have died. I've also cut the two lower sets of branches, because they were getting no light at all. I'll probably have to cut more of the branches. Or maybe leave them there, and use the tiny buds they'll produce, to make hash!!


Well-Known Member
i've miscalculated the days in my previous posts.
The plant's now 48 days into flowering. The last three times i gave only water, and i'll be giving nothing but water till harvest.
All the hairs are still white, so i think i have at least 2 weeks more before harvest time. In the "Buds For Less" book, something like 40-50% of the hairs have turned reddish after 48 days of flowering. I guess it has to do with strain?
I'll upload some more photos tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Yes I am curious to see your CFL flowering, mine never fully flowered and I had more CFLS than you, now I got the 600w HPS because I realized flowering is the mos important and crucial time, the bottom of your plant will produce the smallest buds, it is hard with CFLS to cover the entire plant instead of areas of the plant. Try to raise the bottom leaves so they can get as much light as possible
I'm curious about flowering length too. I'm almost finished with week 9 and my trichs keeps saying "2 more weeks" and have been for a month now.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about flowering length too. I'm almost finished with week 9 and my trichs keeps saying "2 more weeks" and have been for a month now.
just read your thread, it's a nice grow, with nice big buds!!! I can't wait for mine to get like yours...


Active Member
hi there they look good to me but try using a sodium bulb you will see a hell of a difference but all in all they look ok to me keep up the growing


Well-Known Member
hi there they look good to me but try using a sodium bulb you will see a hell of a difference but all in all they look ok to me keep up the growing
i know from what i've seen and read, that cfls can't compete with the hps. But, I'll finish this grow with the cfls because i'll move to another city sometime in the next couple of months. Then i'll build a nice new setup, with hid lights!!!

For now, i'm so looking forward to my first harvest!!!!!!! i can't wait:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
here are some new pics, 37 days into flowering, better quality than the ones before, so you can see what's going on. The last few days, i've been giving just water with the ph adjusted to 6.4-6.6.
I can't say that it's getting better, but at least it's not getting any worse.
Should i continue with just water until harvest, or should i feed some more??
Any suggestions?


yes feed more. ever see "Little Shop of Horrors"?

i recommend titrating nutes up to the highest recommended dose with every watering. i had good luck with blackstrap molasses too. it really helped them fill out and smell. all the action is in the last few weeks. no action. i fed until i saw nute burn, flushed a bit, then backed the dose down.


Well-Known Member
yes feed more. ever see "Little Shop of Horrors"?

i recommend titrating nutes up to the highest recommended dose with every watering. i had good luck with blackstrap molasses too. it really helped them fill out and smell. all the action is in the last few weeks. no action. i fed until i saw nute burn, flushed a bit, then backed the dose down.
aren't you supposed to give only water the last two weeks before harvest??

although i think i have more than 2 weeks till harvest, so i guess i can start feeding again!


Well-Known Member
some new pics, 49 days into flowering. quality not great, but will post some decent photos tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
aren't you supposed to give only water the last two weeks before harvest??

although i think i have more than 2 weeks till harvest, so i guess i can start feeding again!
feed the f^&k out of them till whenever the cutoff before harvest is


Well-Known Member
Also with organic you can feed up to the last week (7-10 days). I had been using molasses up until harvest but it seems like it really locks out the nitrogen and I get yellow leaves when I use it (1 tbsp per gallon) so I've stopped. YMMV

Some people say not to water at all the last time you would normally water so the plant will be dryer, saving a day of drying, but I'd rather the plant have plenty of water right up until it's ready to harvest so it doesn't stress.


Well-Known Member
feed the f^&k out of them till whenever the cutoff before harvest is

Also with organic you can feed up to the last week (7-10 days). I had been using molasses up until harvest but it seems like it really locks out the nitrogen and I get yellow leaves when I use it (1 tbsp per gallon) so I've stopped. YMMV

Some people say not to water at all the last time you would normally water so the plant will be dryer, saving a day of drying, but I'd rather the plant have plenty of water right up until it's ready to harvest so it doesn't stress.
i started feeding them again today, and also used a spoon of molasses. I'll be using molasses till the last watering before harvest. A lot of the leaves are already yellow or curled, probably since the ph got messed. I can't wait to see the buds fattening up.

When its budding propley cut off some leaves by the buds because the suck up the thc.
The lower 4 or 5 sets of fan leaves have already fallen off, and i still have at least 2-3 weeks before harvest, i think....after all it's my first female! and for now i'm removing only the leaves that are dead. what do you mean by when its budding propley?