Today was a total cluster fuck. I had to put tubes in the front tires on my riding mower, easy right? Yeah, if you're not a complete moron like I was,

. I grabbed the tubes i had on the shelf that I thought I bought a couple weeks ago for these tires. Fought for an hour trying to stuff the tube into the first, stiff as fuck, 20 year old, original tires. When that didn't work i popped one side of the tire off the rim, which made getting the tube in much easier. Then it took me 4 fucking hours to get the tire back on the rim. I managed to stuff the other tire, only ripping 2 knuckles open, in about an hour. After a few attempts go get them to seat and not losing the air valve, I looked at the boxes and realized they were the wrong size tubes.

. Another hour to get them out without fucking them up, go buy two of the right size, fight another hour to put them in, more bloody knuckles and tear the last one trying to get the last of it in

. Throw the fucking tire across the garage while screaming profanities.

Go back to the store for another tube, come back and look for the tire, another half hour fighting, the ripped tube came out easily.... in pieces

, more body knuckles and swearing. 9 fucking hours.