Why so much hate where it is not deserved


Well-Known Member
So I'm just gonna ask as a Canadian ;

What's with the politics in the states? I don't follow the US politics as much as I should, but I follow ours quite well.

Like man, why can't you all find a middle ground?

Sure, I don't agree with everything the leader of my country says but I don't go out cutting people down because they think otherwise. If the majority thinks it's wrong then they call for action. That's democracy.

Even the candidate I'm choosing to vote for, I don't agree with 50% of what he stands for, but hopefully with with opinion of others we can evoke change for the better.

It's just politics guys, as the common folk.. There's not much you can do. Why take it to heart so much?
The process of dividing the country against itself for the benefit of the oligarch class is much further along in the States than it is in Canada, Harper's record notwithstanding.


Well-Known Member
No, no we aren't.

So you want to change our government? All this war talk and we aren't even in 2 years of Trump.

Some of ya'll got yer panties knotted up real tight.
Shit. We've been at war more or less continually for over a century now. Try to keep up.

Russia's economy is the size of South Korea. Exactly who the fuck is our $770 BILLION dollar war department budget supposed to be protecting us from?

It's doing a great job of ruining America. Is that a good use of all that national treasure? Is it worth the debt we're racking up for our children to pay?


Well-Known Member
So what they just put those astronauts in the rocket ( which Millions of people saw live) shot them up into the atmosphere for a few days and then just came back down for a joke ? And the Reflecting mirror on the moon someone mentioned that you can actually go and do yourself in some Science education places lol

Tell me more please lol

I would love to grab all the flat earth morons and chuck them in a plane shoot them up into space so as they slowly all ran out of breath could see for themselves how stupid they are. But then it would just be a waste of money you could just suffocate them down here on earth for free.
I like the tinfoil bro, yeah's it's called Earth orbit man, the astronauts entered into low Earth orbit and became invisible from sight, the shuttle goes out to the Earth's magnetic field and begins to orbit , this is above the Earth's atmosphere which is 63 miles up by itself.(high five, smoke break...)

How would anyone on the ground be able to tell if they went to the moon or not just by watching the shuttle launch off? (Other than the people at NASA) don't you think they could have naturally re-entered earth's atmosphere once gravity guides them back down to Earth, and just say, yeah we went to the moon, with pics taken 2 years before the launch even took place?


Well-Known Member
So you are admitting they had the technology to send people to space/orbit ? But can't believe they didn't use that technology to actually go to the moon but instead it was a huge conspiracy ?

Yeah see that cat is the smart one.. Look at this idiot ! he doesn't even have his head covered .. what a goose



Well-Known Member
So you are admitting they had the technology to send people to space/orbit ? But can't believe they didn't use that technology to actually go to the moon but instead it was a huge conspiracy ?

Yeah see that cat is the smart one.. Look at this idiot ! he doesn't even have his head covered .. what a goose

Precisely, did you see where any of the money went from the discarded space program? Did they return it to the donors whom donated it, or did it go to another hidden cause? I'll let you decide that one, after all if it was faked, it has carried on for like 50 plus years and people still believe it, NASA has a big following from their faked space launches allowed to progress into the future , 19 billion per year or whatever ain't bad for CGI right?


Well-Known Member

You seem to have me confused, I'm here for entertainment with a shred knowledge shared between bros and brethren, you comment is perplexing, but as you can see my best buddy fogdog wanted to be the world's coolest and bring up some cool stuff together, this is just great, hi (high) five to fogdog, we're are basically partners in this game together.

But no man no moon landings were achieved, just sad lies by Never A Straight Answer.... Nasa.

19 Billion, yeah and wouldn't you like to know what that Money is actually being spent on.

Good Times.....
Oh Hi. I guess you forgot to answer,

Elvis Presley faked his own death

yes or no


Well-Known Member
Precisely, did you see where any of the money went from the discarded space program? Did they return it to the donors whom donated it, or did it go to another hidden cause? I'll let you decide that one, after all if it was faked, it has carried on for like 50 plus years and people still believe it, NASA has a big following from their faked space launches allowed to progress into the future , 19 billion per year or whatever ain't bad for CGI right?
Do you see where any of the money goes for the majority of USA's programs haha.. So by your logic the USA Defense force must be faked as well cause how many billions do you guys spend there ? You go buy a few barrels of Aviation fuel and tell me how much money you have left in your wallet. I really don't want to call you out as an idiot but your making a very hard case against you.

CGI In the late 50's BAHAHA... go watch Star Wars which was done almost 20 years later and remind yourself how good CGI was back in those days


Well-Known Member
my wife was killed 4 months ago in a car crash!
Sorry for your loss friend, it is unfortunate that you have been treated rudely and inconsiderativly by several members here, and it was disgusting I agree.

I can tell she was a good friend to you and I hope you can find peace & consolation in the future, I lost my mother just 3 years back so I know how you might be feeling.

Just remember harsh words come back on people, they think all is said and over, but our consciousness is being judged, God see all thoughts, desires, intentions and it all gets recycled back into our final judgment after this life.

I hope you are OK, myself and others here care, there are some dickheads here that should be more careful about how they treat people, and stop going against common morals and proper edicate towards others who are not in a proper place or mind state to hear such words.

Rather disgraceful of several of the members here, and definitely not in a cool way.


Well-Known Member
FogDog you always have the dopest ideas... you're good in my book.

Yeah Elvis I didn't know the man personally but I imagine he had his struggles like the rest of us, let's hope a better life finds him in the future if this one was as bad in the end for him in the end as they say it was, as in the pill and booze routine that many rockstars succumb to, but I cannot be certain as in absolute here, but if he is alive somewhere he's definitely getting up there in age, I have no clue when he was actually born sorry.


Well-Known Member
FogDog you always have the dopest ideas... you're good in my book.

Yeah Elvis I didn't know the man personally but I imagine he had his struggles like the rest of use, let's hope a better life finds him in the future if this one was as bad in the end for him in the end as they say it was, as in the pill and booze routine that many rockstars succumb to, but I cannot be certain as in absolute here, but if he is alive somewhere he's definitely getting up there in age, I have no clue when he was actually born sorry.
Ok, so not Elvis conspiracy either. Dang, that one would have made me one box away from Bingo.

so, Illuminati

Illuminati are planning world domination through a single world government. The "New World Order" so to speak.

Yes or no


Well-Known Member
You shall receive a golden star for being polite in bringing your point forward, but once again a barren waste land of anything eligibly useful in a fair discourse of words, just childish, frankly narcissistic comments to others must make you feel better, lol you get strength from others displeasure or some bs? That's too funny Rrog lol how old are you? Just a vague mid 40's.... early mid late will do........

You see Rrog, you see something you disagree with and then respond with out adding thought to the matter, just going out of your way to try and control others, it's not going to work on me bro.

We are bros still, just got to get through the first impression stage, u know what I mean, this is going to go on and on and have a lasting effect on each other, letz do diz.
How’s the weather in Moscow, shrimp dick?


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss friend, it is unfortunate that you have been treated rudely and inconsiderativly by several members here, and it was disgusting I agree.

I can tell she was a good friend to you and I hope you can find peace & consolation in the future, I lost my mother just 3 years back so I know how you might be feeling.

Just remember harsh words come back on people, they think all is said and over, but our consciousness is being judged, God see all thoughts, desires, intentions and it all gets recycled back into our final judgment after this life.

I hope you are OK, myself and others here care, there are some dickheads here that should be more careful about how they treat people, and stop going against common morals and proper edicate towards others who are not in a proper place or mind state to hear such words.

Rather disgraceful of several of the members here, and definitely not in a cool way.
I read your posts with a thick Russian accent and they make much more sense


Well-Known Member
Illuminati are planning world domination through a single world government. The "New World Order" so to speak.

Yes or no
I think you just answered your own question to me in a way, you must know what's up? Ha ha sure man the NWO becomes the One World Order eventually, right? And how fun could it get?