A Holy Bible Re-Write is Past-Due

Christians won't thank you for trying to edit the Bible. they believe what they believe, and anyone trying to edit things won't be greeted with warmth. unless it's the warmth they use to burn heretics.
Christians won't thank you for trying to edit the Bible. they believe what they believe, and anyone trying to edit things won't be greeted with warmth. unless it's the warmth they use to burn heretics.
Funny, liberals burn "Heretics" all the time. And which "Christians" you talking about? The Popery? The Catholic Church killed 100 million "Heretics", aka Christians. Good thing we live in the USA, were the Constitution isn't dead, YET. But I know you arnt being insulting, I just had to point these facts out
conservatives don't have any shortage of heretics to burn.
all christians are the same, when you start editing the bible. makes no difference what sect they adhere to, they won't appreciate your efforts.
if you had been read to out of curious George daily as a child, and told that the man in the yellow hat was god, and saw your parents praying to him, you would do the same thing, and it would be a pretty upsetting experience learning that he's just a character in a book, and that George is just a monkey, and not a prophet.
don't take curious George away from the christians, it'll just stir them up and start another crusade
conservatives don't have any shortage of heretics to burn.
all christians are the same, when you start editing the bible. makes no difference what sect they adhere to, they won't appreciate your efforts.
if you had been read to out of curious George daily as a child, and told that the man in the yellow hat was god, and saw your parents praying to him, you would do the same thing, and it would be a pretty upsetting experience learning that he's just a character in a book, and that George is just a monkey, and not a prophet.
don't take curious George away from the christians, it'll just stir them up and start another crusade

You're already wrong Rodger; when you lump all of any group together, you do err.
then why is there such a thing as "group psychology" ?.....people react one way when they're alone, a different way when they're part of a crowd. and in this instance, i highly doubt catholics, baptists, and presbyterians will bother hating each other till you've been dealt with
yep, but that's different than an outsider trying to do it. the bible we have now is nothing like the original work, they removed many sections, and a lot of references they didn't like. but they did it at a time when the only thing more powerful than the church was royalty, and most peasants couldn't read. a major change within the church would cause upheavals, a major change forced on them from outside would cause them to flip their shit and start a jihad
The bible doesn't need a rewrite. Preservation of what it is for what it stood for, not sugar coating a non-revelant philosophy that has no relevance in modern society other than as a warning against doing something similar.

A proper translation utilizing both secular and traditional thought from a diverse backgrounds coming together for a proper translation would be interesting.

Like explaining Lucifer is describing not the "devil" but an actual human king who symbolizes earthly power over heavenly power.
yep, but that's different than an outsider trying to do it. the bible we have now is nothing like the original work, they removed many sections, and a lot of references they didn't like. but they did it at a time when the only thing more powerful than the church was royalty, and most peasants couldn't read. a major change within the church would cause upheavals, a major change forced on them from outside would cause them to flip their shit and start a jihad

The current bible is a revisionists interpretation of Essene ( jews who were heavily influenced by Indian thought who came to their land to trade during Solomon's time), the books of Enoch which is what the majority of the New Testament is based from a previously secret docrine of Essene priests, the Zoroastrian Avesta thought on four heavens, Greek and Roman syncrecism of Saturnalia, and the battle between Gnostics and Roman Constantine.

The disagreement between the Catholics and Gnostics is that later considered Christ as a symbol of what already exists in all of us, similar to Buddhist thought we all can become enlightened and reach the state of Nirvana.

That is what Paul meant by the mystery religions and why Jesus called the Pharisees a pit of vipers.

Translations have been manipulated so much and selected portions added to the New Testament making it hatdly reliable. The Coptic Codex is the closest we will find. I do recommend reading all three Enoch books if you read anthing from the Abrahamic tradition.

The Christian religion actually existed for almost a thousand years before Jesus supposedly lived and possibly longer.

It's a long read but very interesting.

"In the same way that the Anointing of the mind (Christ) was the main theme in the Old Testament scriptures, and those whose mind had not been enlightened by the Light could not perceive the inner spiritual meaning, so also was the scriptures of the people we today call the Pagans."

All I was trying to imply was that 10,000 yrs. before jesus was invented, there was cannabis. Now the stuff did grow of that we're sure, but why no mention of it was ever typed into the transcript? Instead there are more wild tales included with no explanation other than it was a "miracle". Who were these writers of the bible? How many women contributed to the bible? Those people drank a lot of alcohol, but never huffed any weed? "Who ya's teasing here?", Joey Buttafuco?
The bible doesn't seem like a truly truthful text. Like the "writers" were hiding some things in order to control the narrative, but then no, that would be a sin to misconstrue the facts. The bible needs a re-write to include cannabis as a player in some of these "miracles" that are chronicled, imo (i.e; parting of the red sea, a talking burning bush..... sounds like some good stash....anymore of that coming back around?)
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The bible doesn't need a rewrite. Preservation of what it is for what it stood for, not sugar coating a non-revelant philosophy that has no relevance in modern society other than as a warning against doing something similar.

A proper translation utilizing both secular and traditional thought from a diverse backgrounds coming together for a proper translation would be interesting.

Like explaining Lucifer is describing not the "devil" but an actual human king who symbolizes earthly power over heavenly power.
That's a start!
The current bible is a revisionists interpretation of Essene ( jews who were heavily influenced by Indian thought who came to their land to trade during Solomon's time), the books of Enoch which is what the majority of the New Testament is based from a previously secret docrine of Essene priests, the Zoroastrian Avesta thought on four heavens, Greek and Roman syncrecism of Saturnalia, and the battle between Gnostics and Roman Constantine.

The disagreement between the Catholics and Gnostics is that later considered Christ as a symbol of what already exists in all of us, similar to Buddhist thought we all can become enlightened and reach the state of Nirvana.

That is what Paul meant by the mystery religions and why Jesus called the Pharisees a pit of vipers.

Translations have been manipulated so much and selected portions added to the New Testament making it hatdly reliable. The Coptic Codex is the closest we will find. I do recommend reading all three Enoch books if you read anthing from the Abrahamic tradition.

The Christian religion actually existed for almost a thousand years before Jesus supposedly lived and possibly longer.

It's a long read but very interesting.

"In the same way that the Anointing of the mind (Christ) was the main theme in the Old Testament scriptures, and those whose mind had not been enlightened by the Light could not perceive the inner spiritual meaning, so also was the scriptures of the people we today call the Pagans."

agreed way more to it. also some speculate water to wine was a magic mushroom tea. reincarnation was a common belief. christ was also against big churches, america

edit: further yes lets add a new chapter about how fixed this crazy world of enslavement, bad laws, societies that create criminals, and how we almost destroyed the earth