Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


I'm 60. I got acid stories.... Driving through the middle of town.. dude in the back seat jumps forward in the middle of downtown and yell's "DEER!" Driver stomped on the brakes.....I said we had better get moving......Makes you understand the bumper sticker "I brake for hallucinations"
I did give that to the driver too...

Riding a bike back from a dealers house. All the sewer/man hole covers were green crowns and I was afraid of punchering my tires. Later on, the little tin soldiers on my bathroom wall paper. All came together and attacked me.

Turns out the guy gave me a whole 4 way windowpane. was supposed to get a 1/4..My older sister wanted to kill the guy.
Today, we ride Harley's together..

plenty of others

Acid opens doors
Mushrooms you talk to god
Cacti, You walk with god, and he likes to play with you.
One of my favorite ' we had some orange barrel, it was me, my brother and another friend, I had a oil painting that I did of a house in the woods, not the best painting I ever did, but we were all looking at it, and got lost. Later we somehow all remembered the exact same interior of the house. Minute details, stuff on the counter, bathroom door being open, even a magazine on the table in the living room. Again not a great painting, but still one of my favorites.
the only real "hallucinations" i ever had was on fresh peyote buttons. i can remember learning things that changed my mind, but i forgot them all the next day....
Never tried peyote, but remember arguing with a friend who said he smoked it. To my knowledge, it cannot be smoked?
Never tried peyote, but remember arguing with a friend who said he smoked it. To my knowledge, it cannot be smoked?

It can, to an extent. The Mayan's did it by muddling it and pouring it in their ass with a funnel. There are pictures of this being done on some "odd" Mayan pottery!
You can smoke the toad alkaloid too. I haven't tried it but, that would be how I would try it.....Have hard time with the idea of licking a toads back. Ass too close...lol

There are those about this forum that grow the cacti.:hug:.... You can find the seeds on ebay, and a few other places.
Me and my wife were smoking a joint the other night, when she started an argument over something stupid. I tried several times to change the subject to less combative, but no, she was on a roll, so after a few minutes of this, I did the only thing that came to my agitated old mind, I shook my fist at her and yelled, GET OFF OF MY GRASS!, I have waited half my life to say that.
Me and my wife were smoking a joint the other night, when she started an argument over something stupid. I tried several times to change the subject to less combative, but no, she was on a roll, so after a few minutes of this, I did the only thing that came to my agitated old mind, I shook my fist at her and yelled, GET OFF OF MY GRASS!, I have waited half my life to say that.

Not verbatim, but close enough. :wink:

My buddy had a blacklight and he would string monofilament line in front of it in geometric patterns. The mono would light up like neon. Spent many an hour staring at it while my brain melted
I remember being told, man that shit stays in your system the rest of your life. Hell I looked at it as an investment, 5.00$at a time. So now I sit here and wait, sometimes it's the only thing that gets me out of bed some mornings, this might be my free trip day! !
I remember being told, man that shit stays in your system the rest of your life. Hell I looked at it as an investment, 5.00$at a time. So now I sit here and wait, sometimes it's the only thing that gets me out of bed some mornings, this might be my free trip day! !
There are times I could use a nice unplanned mental vacation.
I have a friend, who I grew up with, started telling me that I wasted my "potential", because I didn't get an education, I told him to pull his head out of his ass, that he went to law school, and became a lawyer, while I was popped a couple of times for simple possession didn't mean shit, who did I hire to get me out of those troubles? Me, he said. That's right I told him! So uneducated or not, you work for me, and I won't tolerate insubordination from my employee's.
potential is yours to do with as you please.
some people are driven, and need to not only succeed, but excel. it's not enough to be good at what you do, you have to be the best, and get paid the most.
i've never been overly concerned about money. i try to keep the bills paid and have enough extra to pay for a small problem.....after that, money is just something i trade time for, and i'd rather have my time.
other people don't value their time, they don't like time, they have to think about their lives if they have time, and their lives don't make them happy. no matter how much money they have, they're still unhappy. so they go out and make more money......
It can, to an extent. The Mayan's did it by muddling it and pouring it in their ass with a funnel. There are pictures of this being done on some "odd" Mayan pottery!
You can smoke the toad alkaloid too. I haven't tried it but, that would be how I would try it.....Have hard time with the idea of licking a toads back. Ass too close...lol

There are those about this forum that grow the cacti.:hug:.... You can find the seeds on ebay, and a few other places.
Enema is the only way to do peyote. It tastes like absolute shit and you barf. Guaranteed. An enema and within 20 minutes you get the metallic taste . But no puking. We used to buy beer boxes full of buttons in Juarez from the Tarahumara Indians at the old City Market. $5. This was in the 60's. Same time we were getting good southern Mexican from Michoacan and Acapulco for around $100 on the Texas side. In Juarez 1/4 of that.

We read we could find it in the deserts down near Eagle Pass. We did but it was so far and wed found so few. It was back over the bridge to Juarez.
Enema is the only way to do peyote. It tastes like absolute shit and you barf. Guaranteed. An enema and within 20 minutes you get the metallic taste . But no puking. We used to buy beer boxes full of buttons in Juarez from the Tarahumara Indians at the old City Market. $5. This was in the 60's. Same time we were getting good southern Mexican from Michoacan and Acapulco for around $100 on the Texas side. In Juarez 1/4 of that.

We read we could find it in the deserts down near Eagle Pass. We did but it was so far and wed found so few. It was back over the bridge to Juarez.

West Texas. gotta look but, you can find it there.
i had a lot of stuff i wish i still had. i had 2 whole sets of Kiss collector cards, when you lined them up in order they made a big poster of Kiss on stage.
G.I. Joe stuff, loads of it, the big stuff, when they were still like a foot tall. jeeps, boats, motorcycles, tents, i could have invaded afghanistan with all the g.i. joe stuff.
4 banana boxes full of erector set pieces, motors, gears, pulleys. built bases for g.i. joe.......
don't even wanna talk about the comic books that my mom gave to all my nieces and nephews when she got tired of them being in the upstairs closet......
Here is a pic for you.


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One of my favorite ' we had some orange barrel, it was me, my brother and another friend, I had a oil painting that I did of a house in the woods, not the best painting I ever did, but we were all looking at it, and got lost. Later we somehow all remembered the exact same interior of the house. Minute details, stuff on the counter, bathroom door being open, even a magazine on the table in the living room. Again not a great painting, but still one of my favorites.

Orange barrel, I left my house in Orange drove to Orange show fairgrounds SB, bought a ticket, dropped 2/26/1977:


First time grateful dead played terrapin station in concert. Bleachers first half, front and center for second act, best trip and show, I still remember driving 45 minutes back to Orange, I drove quite well even though the car tires rarely touched the road!!!
"Medicare open enrollment dates are Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Now’s the time to decide whether to keep your current coverage or to make changes that will be effective January 1, 2019. During this time, beneficiaries can pick a new Medicare Part D drug plan, a new Medicare Advantage plan, or switch from original Medicare (coverage managed by the federal government) into a Medicare Advantage plan (coverage managed by private health plans that contract with Medicare, also known as Part C — or vice versa).

Just remember: Medicare supplement plans are not part of open enrollment; you can apply to switch your Medigap policy at any time, but outside of certain circumstances you might be charged more or denied coverage due to your health status. Medicare Part A, which covers inpatient care, and Medicare Part B, which covers doctors appointments and other outpatient care, are also not part of open enrollment."
Last year a friend of mine was bragging how his Medicare Advantage plan was really cheap, like next to nothing, compared to my supplemental policy. This year he was scheduling something and our local hospital (group), told him that his Advantage supplier decided the hospital was now considered "out of network". Good thing he didn't have a $urgery done there.The next closest "in network" for him is 40 miles away. So it pays to make sure what was covered in the last plan year is still in effect this year and that it really is a good deal. Might not be so bad in a bigger city where you have multiple choices but...