Looks like I am going to lose 3/4 plants. All 3 just look terrible and droopy, I have no idea what the issue is. They just look terrible. I am just going to leave them alone until the weekend. If they pull through great, if not than well I will start again. I have no idea what went wrong. I have watered them all the same, was so careful not to over water yet they look over watered, but when I don't water they look the exactly the same. If I give them some water they look ok for a day or so than go back to being miserable. I have no idea, I am out of options and out of suggestions. If i keep giving them water they will die anyway. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I shall try again. Next try I will add 30-40% perlite to help drainage. These fabric pots just do not help with getting oxygen to the roots. I have measured my watering carefully every time but even so, still does not dry out at all. The 1 plant that is doing great, I have not watered for almost a week now and looks great, and it is the tallest out of all them. I gave it the same water as the others, and was actually the runt of the litter. The soil in the pot is still wet going on a week and I wont need to water for another week or so at least at this rate. It will literally be on two weeks with no water being added. FFOF just does not drain well at all without adding more perlite.