Need help with drug test *newbiehere


New Member
Ok so I have a drug test tomorrow and obviously I can't pass it with my own pee so I got ahold of someone who I know don't smoke...long story short she has already left and I don't think it will be enough pee..what do I do???
Ok so I have a drug test tomorrow and obviously I can't pass it with my own pee so I got ahold of someone who I know don't smoke...long story short she has already left and I don't think it will be enough pee..what do I do???
Pretty much screwed. You could get something like gold seal or some of those but if it’s in an actual lab those machines can detect that sort of stuff.if it’s a dip test you can still beat those. Then there’s hair test, of it’s one of those screwed there as well.
Pretty much screwed. You could get something like gold seal or some of those but if it’s in an actual lab those machines can detect that sort of stuff.if it’s a dip test you can still beat those. Then there’s hair test, of it’s one of those screwed there as well.
Well the pee is in a pill bottle but I read somewhere that I would need more than that...not sure what kind of test it will be, its for a job
Well the pee is in a pill bottle but I read somewhere that I would need more than that...not sure what kind of test it will be, its for a job
Most likely it will get sent to a lab an depending on their equipment they can detect stuff like gold seal and junk. How long has it been since you smoked?
In the military I had a guy that always volunteered to be a pecker checker. He would watch so close you would think he wanted to get peed on lol.
this is why i refuse drug tests or taking employment from a company that insists on employees get tested
Either way she would have to do it or forfeit the job or they can terminate based on noncompliance.
i know hints why avoiding them companies. i think its rude to test for cannabis i see no problem in smoking weed the night before going to work . soon they will be testing for tobacco and a high sugar content in our systems
i know hints why avoiding them companies. i think its rude to test for cannabis i see no problem in smoking weed the night before going to work . soon they will be testing for tobacco and a high sugar content in our systems
If you do you can lose out on good jobs. Especially given what I do for a living it would be hard. It’s why I work for me. As for tabacco and sugar they do indirectly through medical evals.