Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden


Well-Known Member
nice you got that power skunk too. cant believe theyre just giving it away now haha. red diesel niceeeeeeee lets see some pics!! :weed:
I know, I just checked the site to see what the freebies were, hoping they would have some with a small order. I saw they were totally free and figured I might as well get something from the "value seeds" section as long as I was going to pay shipping. 15 seeds for $40 delivered $3.33 per seed:bigjoint:.

And Red Diesel looks soooo nice, and I really like the diesels, they taste medicinally exotic!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
damn my last 3 cost me over $30 haha. even if you just get the freebies though you have to pay for shipping but i already got those anyways so yeaahhhhhh red diesel id like to see you turn that as red as in the pictures haha


Well-Known Member
Hey DK, since you are like the west coast seed bank, Do you think there is a chance the damaged seed on page 10 could germinate?


Well-Known Member
Pics are of OG Kush at 8 weeks, the nice looking bud is headband at 53 days, red diesel seedlings break ground day 2 and day 3.

I was concerned about running out of space in the new veg box as I get up to speed, and just realized the flower box will be empty in 10-17 days:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hi Hayduke, hope you don't mind this post, it's a little long :oops:

. . . Like the shitty sativa I used to have to get (before my med card) from a dealer, no body.
just wondering, "Is it hard to get a med card?"

End of week 2 for the OG Kush, and the girls are looking nice. Pics are of the six OG girls. tops and full plant. In order: shorty, crocked, near death, worst, best, back. side branching of best, closeups crocked, and grow box shot. Best is 9" today. stretching a little cuz of heat maybe, still like 1/2" between nodes. Trichromes already!
nice growth for two weeks. Should the containers be clear though? I've read mostly that no light should be getting on the roots, so containers should be opaque.

End week 3 (pics are actually 23 days flower)

Nice ruler for photos HayDuke, I tried one that was metal and just got a big glowing sheen off it in the photo, couldn't read anything :dunce:

2008-09-07 . . . . The clear pots have been covered with panda film :bigjoint:
Leaves continuing to show damage, but buds are swelling. bongsmilie
. . . . good plan covering up the containers :!:

The Pics are 29 days flower from clone.

They are looking closer to maturity than I would like. I hope they take their time. (M)J-low has no red hairs, and most of the other girls have 1 or 2 here and there. The head band girls are looking pretty good pics are 19 days, about a week since pistils showed. :peace:
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. . . . coming along Hayduke

40 days and 40 nights, a love story

These are some close-ups at day 40. I am wondering if they will actually make it 3 more weeks?
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. . . . looks like they're getting a great THC buildup

Day 53 for the OG Kush

Day 43 Headband:weed:

Trainwreck/Kush new clones. From ad on craigslist. He said they had only been flowering for 2 weeks. Only one even had a root showing, the other two still don't. Only $15 each, but basically trying to root and re-veg at the same time.

That seems like a descent price for some clones :!:

OG Kush at 8 weeks . . . . headband at 53 days

Pics are of OG Kush at 8 weeks,

. . . . the nice looking bud is headband at 53 days,

red diesel seedlings break ground day 2 and day 3.


Everything is coming along fine HayDuke. I hope I got the OG Kush and headband photos in the proper order. I've got to learn about the different strains, can't tell the difference yet but I'm learning thanks to RIU :!:

Looks like you're gonna get a perpetual garden going here :hump:

have a good day



Well-Known Member
Hi Hayduke, hope you don't mind this post, it's a little long :oops:

just wondering, "Is it hard to get a med card?"

. . . . coming along Hayduke


. . . . looks like they're getting a great THC buildup

That seems like a descent price for some clones :!:

Everything is coming along fine HayDuke. I hope I got the OG Kush and headband photos in the proper order. I've got to learn about the different strains, can't tell the difference yet but I'm learning thanks to RIU :!:

Looks like you're gonna get a perpetual garden going here :hump:

have a good day

No problem on the length, it was nice to see the pics back when they looked nice!

Med card is very easy in Cali.

Pics were in correct order.

$15 is a good price for a clone, however 2 were not yet rooted, they were in full flower (I want to veg up to 12-18" before putting to flower) and all the leaves were cut, making growth a challenge. My 2 other experiences buying clones from different sources, the clones were not in full flower, one showing no sex. They also have some leaves which have not been cut in half, while the bottom fan leaf set was cut to send the energy of the cutting to the roots rather than shoots.

Today is the cut for the OG girls, maybe they will look better with all the brown leaves cut off and on the scale! I think I am 7-10 days late.

Thanks for the kind words snake dude! I hope I am learning, and will soon be growing nice buds, or at least green plants!


Well-Known Member
how did you go about getting your card anyway? do you have an actual condition or just make up some bullshit like everyone else haha. the only people i know that have them just said they cant sleep or eat or have some sort of chronic pain, no pun intended haha i know you have to pay too but is it really that simple??


Well-Known Member
how did you go about getting your card anyway? do you have an actual condition or just make up some bullshit like everyone else haha. the only people i know that have them just said they cant sleep or eat or have some sort of chronic pain, no pun intended haha i know you have to pay too but is it really that simple??
Well...I am not dying of cancer or anything...yet.

I did a lot of LSD, mainly in the early 90's. I fight pretty severe depression, a little anxiety, and if I don't smoke some insomnia. Again nothing I am dying from...yet.

I have taken a couple of anti-depressants which would kinda work, for a while, and then steadily need more to work even a little. The side effects suck, they are physically addictive (if I missed my dose I would know within 2-3 hours because I started feeling a sick "high" which progressed to vertigo if I did not take the shit. What a perfect scam, I have to take the medication or feel like I am on drugs. This is pretty much backwards! I took about 6 weeks weening myself off. It sucked!!!! the long term effects seem to make it harder to focus on shit like calculus and O' Chem, stuff you, or at least I, need to really focus to get.

So, I decided to just deal with it. I found that cannabis can elevate my mood to the point I don't feel (as) depressed. I am a single father and my daughter likes me better when I smoke, I am not as much of an ass.

I have found really good clinic sativa dominant crosses like the diesels are excellent mood elevators, and don't make me as lazy while still feeling stoned. My doctor recommends "staying ahead of your symptoms" meaning don't wait till you feel like shit to medicate. Unfortunately my job would frown on me being :eyesmoke: at work, so not always the case. Luckily I like my job and am used to poverty.

Although I have always smoked, I tried to smoke as little as possible cuz of the cost, hence the money pit of growing your own:-?.

Smoking really good bud and more of it sure improves the quality of my life...duh!

So no I do not have some mysterious back pain, but I am also not terminally ill. The Cali law states, "for any other condition" that a physician approves.

The shit "normal" doctors feed people who have the blues is serious brain chemistry altering crap that has not been studied enough. The SSRI class drugs are a trap. In the long run they do not work, unfortunately by then many people are heavily medicated on often several psych drugs. And after all if your doctor gave it to you it can't hurt you, and he would not give them to you if they did right...?

Doctors practice medicine...on you!

****upon close inspection (removal of cat hairs with tweezers) harvest has been delayed****

They appear to be making another push of flowers following a weird increase in small single bladed leaves. Got my scope to focus and except for one which looks like maybe the trichs got cooked a little, the others are clear, on stalks, and about 10-20% amber. So I will be patient. This was after 14 hours of dark. I have heard of people keeping them in the dark for 2-3 days to increase yeilds.


Well-Known Member
how did you go about getting your card anyway? do you have an actual condition or just make up some bullshit like everyone else haha. the only people i know that have them just said they cant sleep or eat or have some sort of chronic pain, no pun intended haha i know you have to pay too but is it really that simple??
Damn I am long winded!

Yes it really is that easy. I made an appointment on-line, paid with a card, ($125 guaranteed) took an assessment to determine if I would qualify and scored 16/20. The doc just asks some questions, fills out some paperwork, hooked me up with a free pen and bic lighter, both with the office logo, and in 20 minutes I was off to the clinic.

Science Bless California!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
well shit thanks for the info! wasnt expecting all of that haha. ive always thought about getting a card but mainly for buying bud which is expensive in the first place. but now that i have started growing ive gotten interested again and have heard it was real easy but did not believe it! ive been on plenty of meds myself that havent worked out at all. explain to me how anti-depressants that cause weight gain makes any fucking sense?? like im going to feel any better about myself when ive gained 40 pounds!! haha and yeah besides that i can rarely get to sleep at night if i dont smoke first. so you think i got a shot???


Well-Known Member
well shit thanks for the info! wasnt expecting all of that haha. ive always thought about getting a card but mainly for buying bud which is expensive in the first place. but now that i have started growing ive gotten interested again and have heard it was real easy but did not believe it! ive been on plenty of meds myself that havent worked out at all. explain to me how anti-depressants that cause weight gain makes any fucking sense?? like im going to feel any better about myself when ive gained 40 pounds!! haha and yeah besides that i can rarely get to sleep at night if i dont smoke first. so you think i got a shot???
You not only have a shot, but by law you have the right! The one thing that I forgot to mention, If you are currently under a Dr's care, get a copy of your medical records. I am not, and my prescriptions are out dated, so I need to see a Dr. within 6 mos and bring in a copy of my records for the full 1 yr card. My Dr. recommended that I see natureopath? since I don't like prescriptions. The doc just needs something saying that you have a condition and you are under care. I may go to the hippy doc, or I know if I go to any doc, and tell them I am depressed and have been on meds before, I will be sent home with a prescription for the poison of the month. then you hand them a request for med records, which will now say the patient is being treated for depression, or whatever your ailment is.

Also considering your grow... the doc can rec. that you are allowed to grow more than the 12 immature or 6 mature, and 8oz of bud. This is the state minimum, though the more enlightend counties are using 99 plants or some square footage of canopy. This is more realistic as 6-12ft tall mex sativas and my 6 half dead, lucky to get an oz, straight to flower clones can't really be compared.

Being near the Gay Bay, you could be good anyway.



Well-Known Member
damn well i havent been to an actual doctor in years haha. do therapists and shit count?? i saw one dude that was a douche bag and just wanted my money he gave me some antipsychotic that didnt do anything and made me feel like shit haha. i was on some other meds a while ago but stop takin those like 6 months ago... so i dont know who i would see or where to get records from??


Well-Known Member
damn well i havent been to an actual doctor in years haha. do therapists and shit count?? i saw one dude that was a douche bag and just wanted my money he gave me some antipsychotic that didnt do anything and made me feel like shit haha. i was on some other meds a while ago but stop takin those like 6 months ago... so i dont know who i would see or where to get records from??
Yes! Depending on how recent you have been seen and whether your prescriptions have refills on them or not, maybe all you need. Look on line for a form to request your medical records. If you can get records, take them with you to see your cannabis doc. If not, do you have the old prescription? If so take that with you. This may only get you a six mo card, until seen by a regular doc.

The cards are renewed each year for some fee less than the original. This renewal is how the docs make their dough. I have heard of pigs not looking at expiration date, after all it is not a cure, and the law does not say anything about a unexpired dr's rec. Although most clinics will not except an expired card.

Also, some docs in norcal give discounts for medical patients if you happen to qualify.


Well-Known Member
Alright! sounds good ill have to look into that. i still dont get who i would be going to see though?? who is my "cannabis doc" haha


Well-Known Member
Alright! sounds good ill have to look into that. i still dont get who i would be going to see though?? who is my "cannabis doc" haha
a cannabis doc usually is a dr. who only does medical cannabis recommendations, while regular docs could legally do this, they are usually too worried about repercussions.

Look on-line for "cannabis doc" "compassionate care" etc. The bay area has several. The visit is usually in an office that looks like a normal dr's office but there is no exam, only some paperwork and questions whether cannabis helps your condition. They will also make sure you understand negative effects, and rec. what kind (sativa, indica, mix) which would be best.

As for the pricey bud: The bay area is cracking down on clinics who are in bizz to make lots of money rather than provide commpassionate meds to patients who need it. The drug dealer turned clinic is being run out of town, with licensing and back-ground checks of employees. What will be left are the compassionate care-givers, who run as a collective grow op with reasonable prices to cover expenses. These types often give free meds to the terminally ill. Talk about kick-ass karma.
