Humidifiers keep breaking? Recommendations?


This year I’ve probably been threw 12+ humidifiers!! There all just naff! Had one that was 65$ break within less that 24 hours:( any help or recommendations?
This year I’ve probably been threw 12+ humidifiers!! There all just naff! Had one that was 65$ break within less that 24 hours:( any help or recommendations?
Buy a better one haha I didn't know they made them that cheap my first cheap dehumidifier was like $300
It is kind of funny. I got one at sears about a decade ago and they recalled them. It is a 40 or 50 pint one. I then got one at Costco and it was a lot bigger. But that thing stopped working 1 week after warranty.

The sears one is still trucking along. Fire hazard...but it is a stupid people with cords problem.

But I think you have to get a great one. I always put it in perspective.
Ontario Cannbis store 1 oz costs about 250 to 350 dollars

Best humidifier in the world costs maybe 500 bucks

5 to 16 oz per round means it paid for itself every time....all the time
Hell,I've been using $20 sunbeams for over a year now...
Try an ultrasonic humidifier ave use distilled water. Ultrasonic humi doesn't have a filter, those filters can cause mold if you're not on top of cleaning them out.
I bought one of those.I liked it but it gives out visible moisture through the top.i was afraid it would jack up my light or put too much moisture out(on to leaves)
Thanks for the reminder on the filters.i've swapped mine out a couple of times and always rinse but have been procrastinating.i picked up 2 brand new ones after reading your post.

If you have hard water,your filter can harden and not wick up your humidifier water.i'm on a well with somewhat hard water and if I dont rinse with hot water from time to time that will happen.what exactly is not working? I couldn't imagine a humidifier breaking with one day of usage because of hard water.
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Hell,I've been using $20 sunbeams for over a year now...

I bought one of those.I liked it but it gives out visible moisture through the top.i was afraid it would jack up my light or put too much moisture out(on to leaves)
Thanks for the reminder on the filters.i've swapped mine out a couple of times and always rinse but have been procrastinating.i picked up 2 brand new ones after reading your post.

If you have hard water,your filter can harden and not wick up your humidifier water.i'm on a well with somewhat hard water and if I dont rinse with hot water from time to time that will happen.what exactly is not working? I couldn't imagine a humidifier breaking with one day of usage because of hard water.
I learned my lesson the hard way with the filters, I got lazy about cleaning and ended up with some bud mold.
Soo your saying the water I’m using(from tap) is the problem?
Yes. That is what he is saying.

What i dont understand is how you didnt notice the white dust that comes from calcium going through the ultrasonic...

I made the same mistake with tap water... i realized when i found the next morning that calcium dust everywhere, particularly the fans...
House of Hydro Ultrasonic misters/foggers. 5 Disc mister specifically is pretty good for a medium sized room/tent.

Individual discs last quite awhile if you keep your water level from getting low and are replaceable relatively cheap. Kits come with floating containers for the misters, perfect for 5 gallon buckets. You will need to keep a fan on it in some fashion to move the fog/mist around. You can also use containers as large as you like and not have to add more water for days if you have a very dry environment and go through more than 5 gallons a day. A basic 2 outlet humidity controller is a pretty sound investment along with this setup.