Father will not approve


Well-Known Member
Have a date this weekend. First date I've had since high school (so its been over a decade)

We're going to have lunch then smoke a little. Just something chill to get to know each other.

Something I'm worried about is where to smoke that's safe. Last thing I need is to spend our first date in handcuffs. Both our places are off limits because... Well its the first time meeting each other. Don't know the area very well. I was thinking a park or the back of parking lot but idk
Have a date this weekend. First date I've had since high school (so its been over a decade)

We're going to have lunch then smoke a little. Just something chill to get to know each other.

Something I'm worried about is where to smoke that's safe. Last thing I need is to spend our first date in handcuffs. Both our places are off limits because... Well its the first time meeting each other. Don't know the area very well. I was thinking a park or the back of parking lot but idk
More info please.

Are you in the city? the country? mountains?

How cheap of a date? Park in the last Walmart parking spot and hot box it.:eyesmoke:

Don't stress out, if the Father does not approve a Pope can offer absolution.:bigjoint:

Or find a Rabbi.:blsmoke:
I've never had an issue smoking joints in public, just don't be obvious you're passing it. Rolling with a machine, which is all I do, makes it look more like a cigarette. Even better if you can find papers that are brown where there should be a filter, but I haven't seen those in years unless you use the paper tubes.
Lol you’d guys are off the chain.

But to the op, your post was sincere. I’ve been with my wife for 20 years(literally) so now I shit with the door open, fart in front of her, jerk off when she’s asleep... my point is, after all this time and as much as I love her, I miss that “first date” feeling. And the fact that you’re asking us(idiots) tells me it means a lot to you.

Don’t make it weird and fuck what all these shit heads are telling you. Find a chill spot to hang out and kick back. Don’t think too much about it, but keep in mind that you could possibly create a memory. Maybe 20 years from now y’all can talk about the first time y’all hung out and smoked?
One question is she worth sharing your precious stem stash with?

Desperate and dry I grabbed my stem stash... We all have one, that bunch of stems we're saving for one reason or another.

I chopped it up real fine and smoked it up. Made for a pretty nice buzz.

No headache and I actually enjoyed the taste. But I'm weird so who knows on that one.
One question is she worth sharing your precious stem stash with?
@iamnobody, do you have a special subsidiary sweetie stash of particularly succulent lumber, y'know, "good enough to impress a girl who knows from marijuana"? Or perhaps the resin of romance or the bongwater of passion?

I also do not recall if you shared your Goodson's CHC* with the board. This is vital diagnostic info and will help steer our answers to be of more effective service in your effort to propagate your genotype.

*Goodson's Cock Holster Coefficient, a measure of how many dix you can fit in there at once
She better be! If not why ask us where to take her? Just fuck her in the butt behind a dumpster or something.

Wow this went south real quick. Either way, a dumpster fuck is still a memory. Right?!

Gary’s all about creating memories these days.
I dunno, it may just be me, but it's pretty clear most things involving dumpsters are memorable: fucks, explosions, fires
She better be! If not why ask us where to take her? Just fuck her in the butt behind a dumpster or something.

Wow this went south real quick. Either way, a dumpster fuck is still a memory. Right?!

Gary’s all about creating memories these days.
LOL there's always the @chewberto method, bypass the fuck, save your $20.00 and toss her right in the dumpster :lol:

Good to see you this morning Gare Bear :hug:
smoke hash instead...best thing for us in the UK as it doesn't stink like bud does...makes it a bit sneakier!