Everlight 62's ... Anyone have any info?

Yeah, that's foul cuz nobody even checked with me. I mean don't get me wrong, i appreciate the mods trying to keep it clean but also dont agree with censoring his comments or kicking him off my thread w/o asking me. That there used to go up my ass sideways when GG would have my comments deleted. They were generally good info posts related to my personal experience.
Also guys, there's 2 sides to every story. The way Teknik would be so obvious that he was trolling & hating is prob what got him. He would keep repeating the same BS after i clearly answered his questions. Almost like he didnt read my responses but i know he did. Yes its annoying but any Light Fixture that's the current "Whale" & at the very top of the food chain (or will be) is subject to scrutiny by the parasitic plankton.
As you can see from Mr.Deceiptful there who selected chosen posts to make his point stronger, just like he always has. Hes talking about untrustworthiness pertaining to Amare. Lol! Thats Actually Hilarious seeing how they have an untarnished track record & have never falsified info. EVER!!!!
That guys something else.
I have answers to manyof Tekniks questions. Just wasn't feeding the troll to much of the good food. Guys who act like that can earn their scraps by reading normal "Growers" posts.
You all are welcome to ask me whatever on my thread. Dont be an asshole & the mods wont fxck with u is all i can say.
Basically dont act like GG & youll be awight it appears seeing how hes the poster boy for Ignoramuses.
Screenshot_20190320-094619_Samsung Internet.jpg
You are right. The 2.7 umol/j fixture is the Solar-Spec spectrum which is not 95 cri.
I have been confused over the spectrum options & thought SolarSpec was similar to Equetorial spec (thought it was the difference between the mono Solar-Spec line & the Solar-Eclipse, cob line) when it is actually a new spectrum used to achieve maximum electrical efficiency.
I apologize for combatting you on that & was me ignorance to the facts. Doing my best here but sometimes lines get crossed.
The Canna-Spec (what im using) & Equatorial (95 cri , original) are similar.
The Canna-Spec is Projected at 2.4.
Awaiting official sphere reports.
I shared the only shpere data i had on the proto's. Could have posted better examples but just threw anything up as i wasnt putting time into irrelevant info doc. Causes confusion.
Anyways, my bad.
Last edited:
You are right. The 2.7 umol/j fixture is the Solar-Spec spectrum which is not 95 cri.
I have been confused over the spectrum options & thought SolarSpec was similar to Equetorial spec (thought it was the difference between the mono Solar-Spec line & the Solar-Eclipse, cob line) when it is actually a new spectrum used to achieve maximum electrical efficiency.
I apologize for combatting you on that & was me ignorance to the facts. Doing my best here but sometimes lines get crossed.
The Canna-Spec (what im using) & Equatorial (95 cri , original) are similar.
The Canna-Spec is Projected at 2.4.
Awaiting official sphere reports.
I shared the only shpere data i had on the proto's. Could have posted better examples but just threw anything up as i wasnt putting time into irrelevant info doc. Causes confusion.
Anyways, my bad.
Do not make excuses for a company selling products with fraudulent information. You knew exactly what I was talking about you now know the information this company provided you and everyone else is lies. I am furious about what has happened here. For simply stating true facts I have been called a Liar and a troll. I just stated the facts that the information provided was false because I know exactly what I am talking about when I comes to LED lighting. I stand by what I say and that is noone should be purchasing the Amare bar8 without an official Lab test. Maybe you should post on the forums that you were calling me a Liar on that I was in fact 100% correct in my statements and I was not trolling in anyway. No company should be intentionally misleading it's customers into purchasing their products. It's on the net still not just here. Now that Hybridway2 has admitted that they are lying about the specs take a look at the lies on the net regarding this. I don't lie and I hate being called a Liar, fix your mistake Hybridway2 and make sure that people know I was not trolling nor lying. Screenshot_20190320-160442_Samsung Internet.jpg
he's baaaack..

dude you should be a more forgiving benevolent Victor [pardon the pun..]

ps..we like hybrid2 ..we like to read threads by people who actually have their own threads and


we don't care so much about how you hate to be called a liar..

give us the info..not the ego.. bro

anyway ..welcome back from your vacation from the lyin pitfalls of led land specs
and while i still have two coffees in my system..
you have been going to shows everywhere..
have cool gone- ee -yo -metres to measure stuff

must have built something

ain't it about time you reveal your LED RIG to us..?

though i sense sunplix cmh will be pasting his "led wounder" chart here very soon
Clean up facts in aisle 4, embarrasing.......I guess you can peddle whatever to the masses as long as you pay to play in here? The usual 420mag/grasscity/icmag show


We need a dedicated led subforum moderator, preferably one that knows his/her shit....no offense but the current ones don't know a diode from a dildo

he's baaaack..

dude you should be a more forgiving benevolent Victor [pardon the pun..]

ps..we like hybrid2 ..we like to read threads by people who actually have their own threads and


we don't care so much about how you hate to be called a liar..

give us the info..not the ego.. bro

anyway ..welcome back from your vacation from the lyin pitfalls of led land specs

I don't think it's the same person OMS.......
Do not make excuses for a company selling products with fraudulent information. You knew exactly what I was talking about you now know the information this company provided you and everyone else is lies. I am furious about what has happened here. For simply stating true facts I have been called a Liar and a troll. I just stated the facts that the information provided was false because I know exactly what I am talking about when I comes to LED lighting. I stand by what I say and that is noone should be purchasing the Amare bar8 without an official Lab test. Maybe you should post on the forums that you were calling me a Liar on that I was in fact 100% correct in my statements and I was not trolling in anyway. No company should be intentionally misleading it's customers into purchasing their products. It's on the net still not just here. Now that Hybridway2 has admitted that they are lying about the specs take a look at the lies on the net regarding this. I don't lie and I hate being called a Liar, fix your mistake Hybridway2 and make sure that people know I was not trolling nor lying. View attachment 4303500
My suggestion.
Buy the light, test it, post results.
It will be less than a 2% loss of roi for you give the 100K in lights you said you had stock of.
Clean up facts in aisle 4, embarrasing.......I guess you can peddle whatever to the masses as long as you pay to play in here? The usual 420mag/grasscity/icmag show


We need a dedicated led subforum moderator, preferably one that knows his/her shit....no offense but the current ones don't know a diode from a dildo

Pardon me, but I know the difference between those D-words. :lol:

So it sounds like you want a Moderator to delete misinformation. Sorry, that's not our job. That's the job of the community, and many of you do a good job doing that.

he's baaaack..

dude you should be a more forgiving benevolent Victor [pardon the pun..]

ps..we like hybrid2 ..we like to read threads by people who actually have their own threads and


we don't care so much about how you hate to be called a liar..

give us the info..not the ego.. bro

anyway ..welcome back from your vacation from the lyin pitfalls of led land specs
Thanks Man! This guy is some competitors SockPuppett i think, cuz why would he be so hell bent on attacking Amare. Its not like they're known to BS or have ever given false info. I may mess up relaying info sometimes but i Always correct my mistakes as soon as i know i made one. This dude just keeps coming like i banged his wife or something??? Hu, maybe i did...

GG's took it pretty personally & he's the Only company owner i know of that attempts to discredit Amare every chance he gets. Mmmnnnhh, Maybe., He has been known to Troll with a Sock Account.

So everyone knows, the Third party distributors have never gotten the specs right on the Amare products I've noticed.
For instance, they'll have the SE-450 down as using CXA 3070's n they haven't used them for 5 yrs now or so n that was the SE-350. They constantly have info mixed up.
This is why is say that once the new websites up people can refer to that for the facts. Although Victor did send me the specs posted above which does state 95 cri , 2.7. He immediately contacted me with Apologies for the mistake once realized, hence why I'm here trying to clear it up. Not the right thread but it seems i was a topic of discussion so ill clear it up here too.
Simple error. They are still producing a 2.7 umol/j Bar-8 (Solar-Spec Spectrum). And they are still producing a 95 cri Bar-8 which will come in closer to 2.4 umol/j. Although i am awaiting final verification that the Canna-Spec will be 95cri or just very close because it is tuned to the Medical Curve rather then the Mcree Curve like the Original Equetorial Spectrum, if you follow.
I will not have the exact answers until the sphere is repaired. Shouldn't be to long.
Thank you everyone for your patience & understanding.
@ChiefRunningPhist , sorry if this crap derailed your thread at all. Unfortunately some chumps run & hide in others threads to talk shit about me with no regards to anyone else but themselves.
Pardon me, but I know the difference between those D-words. :lol:

So it sounds like you want a Moderator to delete misinformation. Sorry, that's not our job. That's the job of the community, and many of you do a good job doing that.


Soooo lord of the flies type shit?..........that's just great! cause that turned out well.

Whatever, be that way. I can't wait for my light to come out next month, 3.3 umol/j, 99.9 cri, 420w replaces a thouie.

Yes, better than the sun with 420 fucking watts = weed lingo approved.........No questions about it though.
Thanks Man! This guy is some competitors SockPuppett i think, cuz why would he be so hell bent on attacking Amare. Its not like they're known to BS or have ever given false info. I may mess up relaying info sometimes but i Always correct my mistakes as soon as i know i made one. This dude just keeps coming like i banged his wife or something??? Hu, maybe i did...

GG's took it pretty personally & he's the Only company owner i know of that attempts to discredit Amare every chance he gets. Mmmnnnhh, Maybe., He has been known to Troll with a Sock Account.

So everyone knows, the Third party distributors have never gotten the specs right on the Amare products I've noticed.
For instance, they'll have the SE-450 down as using CXA 3070's n they haven't used them for 5 yrs now or so n that was the SE-350. They constantly have info mixed up.
This is why is say that once the new websites up people can refer to that for the facts. Although Victor did send me the specs posted above which does state 95 cri , 2.7. He immediately contacted me with Apologies for the mistake once realized, hence why I'm here trying to clear it up. Not the right thread but it seems i was a topic of discussion so ill clear it up here too.
Simple error. They are still producing a 2.7 umol/j Bar-8 (Solar-Spec Spectrum). And they are still producing a 95 cri Bar-8 which will come in closer to 2.4 umol/j. Although i am awaiting final verification that the Canna-Spec will be 95cri or just very close because it is tuned to the Medical Curve rather then the Mcree Curve like the Original Equetorial Spectrum, if you follow.
I will not have the exact answers until the sphere is repaired. Shouldn't be to long.
Thank you everyone for your patience & understanding.
@ChiefRunningPhist , sorry if this crap derailed your thread at all. Unfortunately some chumps run & hide in others threads to talk shit about me with no regards to anyone else but themselves.
The reason I am going at Amare is because of the claims of CRI95@2.7 the company is making this claim on every website they sell the product on and its not true. I do not care about brands I am only interested in people receiving the right information. I also do not believe that the sphere is broken. Spheres are pretty strong and an aluminium light bar would have a very hard time to break it. Even if it is broken these things are made in China and likely in the shenzhen area, he would only need to go next door to use someone else's sphere as there are spheres everywhere in China. There is no reason at all for them not to be showing sphere results unless they have something to hide. Also they are selling lights like Prince vegeta purchased that does not have the LED's they were told they would get and you can see that in the photos he took of the light. If Amare doesn't like being called out bullshitting then they should cut out the bullshit and be honest with people. Go and have a look at online sites where this light is being sold and you will see that the information is completely misleading.
and while i still have two coffees in my system..
you have been going to shows everywhere..
have cool gone- ee -yo -metres to measure stuff

must have built something

ain't it about time you reveal your LED RIG to us..?

though i sense sunplix cmh will be pasting his "led wounder" chart here very soon
I won't be showing what I build in an open forum as I have been copied by Chinese scum companies many times before. I can't be bothered selling on here anyway as I am too busy, I do want more manufacturers to purchase proper test equipment like what I have though.
My goal for comming here is to help people out and I believe it's time that the hobby growers start using IES files.
My suggestion.
Buy the light, test it, post results.
It will be less than a 2% loss of roi for you give the 100K in lights you said you had stock of.
I am not buying a light to test, if companies want to be part of what I am doing they will send the light to me for free to do the test. Many companies will not want me to show actual results from tests as I do both a goniometer and a similar test to a sphere test in one, this leaves nothing to hide. Sphere tests are old now, there is better technology than a sphere out there to test, only 2 companies in China have the equipment I have so far after they found out that the equipment they were using was giving false readings.
I won't be showing what I build in an open forum as I have been copied by Chinese scum companies many times before. I can't be bothered selling on here anyway as I am too busy, I do want more manufacturers to purchase proper test equipment like what I have though.
My goal for comming here is to help people out and I believe it's time that the hobby growers start using IES files.
Thats quite interesting. Maybe you could contribute qnd show something the chinese copied or some thing about this measuring equipment you speak about?
I am not buying a light to test, if companies want to be part of what I am doing they will send the light to me for free to do the test. Many companies will not want me to show actual results from tests as I do both a goniometer and a similar test to a sphere test in one, this leaves nothing to hide. Sphere tests are old now, there is better technology than a sphere out there to test, only 2 companies in China have the equipment I have so far after they found out that the equipment they were using was giving false readings.
It does not seem as if you are really willing to commit anything other than another angry face then?

Consider being less abrassive, more flies with honey than vinegar. Oh, and we are probably not ready yet for your binevolent protection.
Thats quite interesting. Maybe you could contribute qnd show something the chinese copied or some thing about this measuring equipment you speak about?
Hi Rocket, I will show you some of the things that I designed that were copied in China a bit later as I am busy today.

I'm attaching a short video that has my mate Christian in it explaining how new technology works.
I do plan to make a video to simplify what I am talking about but I am not too good at making videos and I am really busy at the moment

It does not seem as if you are really willing to commit anything other than another angry face then?

Consider being less abrassive, more flies with honey than vinegar. Oh, and we are probably not ready yet for your binevolent protection.
I want to make myself clear here. I am Australian I type how I speak and I speak like an Australian. I do not sugar coat my words like you want me to do. I personally do not give a fuck about sugar coating my words like you want me to. If people do not like the way I am they can block me. I understand that you may not like how I type but I do not care if you do not like it. I am straight upfront with things so never ask me to sugar coat my words because you are sensitive to how an Australian types or speaks. I do not want to have stupid arguments on here either, if you do not like what I am saying or how I say it block me.