LED Build 3x3


Well-Known Member
so I’ve decided to build my own LED light by sourcing parts from digikey.

I need this to power a 3by3 tent for flower.


Heat Sink - $42.59
Ats s8001-c1-ro

Samsung 3000k light strips - $10.62
180 lm/w

driver - $70.21
HLG - 100H-24
96 watts
93% efficiency.

My heat sink is 305mm by 45 mm.

With the current strips I can run two on that heat sink. It is a thermal heat sink so I assume paste not required? I’m still going to use it to secure strips to heat sink.

The lights are 5.4wattand 22.5v.

How many strips should I run? Am I fine with two? Will this driver work?

I assume I will have to drill holes in my heat sink to hang and need to drill holes for the driver to mount to the heat sink?

What type of wire is needed to hook the strips together and to the driver? And all I need is a plug for the other end of the driver to plug into a wall correct?
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so I’ve decided to build my own LED light by sourcing parts from digikey.

I need this to power a 3by3 tent for flower.


Heat Sink - $42.59
Ats s8001-c1-ro

Samsung 3000k light strips - $10.62
180 lm/w

driver - $70.21
HLG - 100H-24
96 watts
93% efficiency.

My heat sink is 305mm by 45 mm.

With the current strips I can run two on that heat sink. It is a thermal heat sink so I assume paste not required? I’m still going to use it to secure strips to heat sink.

The lights are 5.4wattand 22.5v.

How many strips should I run? Am I fine with two? Will this driver work?

I assume I will have to drill holes in my heat sink to hang and need to drill holes for the driver to mount to the heat sink?

What type of wire is needed to hook the strips together and to the driver? And all I need is a plug for the other end of the driver to plug into a wall correct?
Do you have any of those parts or is this a completely new build?
Brand new build. Sourcing parts at digikey right now.
Okay so the minimum length of the strips is 1 foot. You can get em in 1,2 or 4 ft lengths. Or in a real but strips is the better option. That sink is just 4 inches long so it won't do. I would just use aluminum channel to cool and drive em softly. LED gardener has a nice tutorial on for frames.

For a 3x3, I would build off an HLG 240 driver (250 watts). I would use the 240 1050 and get 12 Bridgelux eb2 strips. Wire them in series and you are good to go. Their may be better options for the money not sure. This is just off the top of my head.
Okay so the minimum length of the strips is 1 foot. You can get em in 1,2 or 4 ft lengths. Or in a real but strips is the better option. That sink is just 4 inches long so it won't do. I would just use aluminum channel to cool and drive em softly. LED gardener has a nice tutorial on for frames.

For a 3x3, I would build off an HLG 240 driver (250 watts). I would use the 240 1050 and get 12 Bridgelux eb2 strips. Wire them in series and you are good to go. Their may be better options for the money not sure. This is just off the top of my head.

I assume 3500k would be fine to flower since they don’t sell single strips of the 3000k.

Digikey doesn’t seem to sell a 240

Why would the heat sink not work? It’s 305mm long and 45mm in width. The bridgelux strips are 280mm by 24mm. I would be able to fit 1 on that heat sink. But if I used the Samsung strips I would be able to fit two on a single heat sink. Having two strips on a single heat sink not enough for a 3by 3 tent?
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I assume 3500k would be fine to flower since they don’t sell single strips of the 3000k.

Digikey doesn’t seem to sell a 240

Why would the heat sink not work? It’s 305mm long and 45mm in width. The bridgelux strips are 280mm by 24mm. I would be able to fit 1 on that heat sink. But if I used the Samsung strips I would be able to fit two on a single heat sink. Having two strips on a single heat sink not enough for a 3by 3 tent?
Swear I saw 4 inch but I could be wrong. Either way, at 50 bucks a pop, it's not worth it. And no, i would do more than 2 strips. Not sure they can handle that much power and you'd be spending a ton on heatsinks and active cooling.


Driver is a bit pricey on digikey but here it is.

3500k is fine.

This is just something I put together quickly. I can probably figure something better when I get home
I appreciate it man. I’m totally new to this. Any help is much appreciated. I do wanna go the build my own route. I guess using aluminium I can buy at Home Depot and just screw it together I guesss.

I think I want to do 5 strips at 2 feet each.

I’m assuming 22 gauge wire with red and black with 300v max would be enough to wire the boards and wire to the driver?

Instead of using aluminium tubing like ledgardener uses. Could i not just use a 24 by 8 26ga galvanized steel sheet? that are square and put all my strips together on that to resemble a board? Be able to drill 4 small holes in the corners for the hanging clips. This would allow for each strip to be under each other and make the need for less wires to hook them together. And then galvanized steel would work as a heat sink no? These sheets are like $17 at Home Depot and be super easy to hang.

If going 5 strips of the bridgelux 3500k could get away with a slightly cheaper driver at about 200watts instead of the 250 recommended? I just know the 2 foot strips are not in stock at the moment sadly.
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I appreciate it man. I’m totally new to this. Any help is much appreciated. I do wanna go the build my own route. I guess using aluminium I can buy at Home Depot and just screw it together I guesss.

I think I want to do 5 strips at 2 feet each.

I’m assuming 22 gauge wire with red and black with 300v max would be enough to wire the boards and wire to the driver?

Instead of using aluminium tubing like ledgardener uses. Could i not just use a 24 by 8 26ga galvanized steel sheet? that are square and put all my strips together on that to resemble a board? Be able to drill 4 small holes in the corners for the hanging clips. This would allow for each strip to be under each other and make the need for less wires to hook them together. And then galvanized steel would work as a heat sink no? These sheets are like $17 at Home Depot and be super easy to hang.

If going 5 strips of the bridgelux 3500k could get away with a slightly cheaper driver at about 200watts instead of the 250 recommended? I just know the 2 foot strips are not in stock at the moment sadly.
Can't drive these past 1400 ma so you'll need more than 5 strips. You could get an HLG 185 1050 and drive 9 strips. It'll just require aluminum channel to cool. Driving the strips at 700 ma wouldn't and that driver could handle 14 strips. I wouldn't do less than that for a 3x3
Okay. So maybe I just bite the bullet and run the HLG 240 as recommended and run the bridgelux strips at 1 foot each for a total of 12. That would still fit on my 24 by 8 galvanized steel plate as the heat sink and not require cooling?

Then all I really need is to figure out what type of power cord I can connect to the driver and then I’m basically finished. Wire the strips in a series. Or am I talking crazy now.

Run 12 of these: https://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/bridgelux/BXEB-L0280Z-35E1000-C-B3/976-1736-ND/7907665

Put them on :


Two strips across and 6 down. Since no the strips are once inch wide should fit with 2 inches to spare. Allow me to drill holes in the corner for hanging.

The wires I’m going to use for the strips and to driver:


Power cord: is 18G good for the driver to wall?


And then the HLG 240 driver.

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Okay. So maybe I just bite the bullet and run the HLG 240 as recommended and run the bridgelux strips at 1 foot each for a total of 12. That would still fit on my 24 by 8 galvanized steel plate as the heat sink and not require cooling?

Then all I really need is to figure out what type of power cord I can connect to the driver and then I’m basically finished. Wire the strips in a series. Or am I talking crazy now.
Are you thinking of running 2 or 1 foot strips cause that changes things quite a bit.
Are you thinking of running 2 or 1 foot strips cause that changes things quite a bit.

Probably going to run 1 foot strips in a series I guess. May be easier since the bridgelux 2 foot strips cannot be sourced at the moment.

I edited the post above with a parts list.

Personally I wanna use the 185 1050 to save some money on the driver though.
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Okay so you are saying run 12 two footers on a 185 driver or I could run 12 one footers on a 240 driver and link them in a series? But the two footers have to be parallel
Those linked are 2 feet.
Aluminum sheet like flatstock? What thickness

I think it’s about .25 inches thick.

Trying to keep the build under $200 from start to finish. Grabbing twelve two footers would put me over $200 with that and the driver basically.
It all depends on what type of driver you use. Going the 12 footer route which is what I would go for, you can opt to get a constant current ( series wiring) or constant voltage (parralel wiring.)

The 185 series of drivers can do 200 watts which is the minimum I would recommend in a 3 x 3.

Now the 185 1050 drives 9 strips with minimal heat sinking required.


12 strips with the 185 24a. This needs no heat sinking if I'm not mistaken.
I think it’s about .25 inches thick.

Trying to keep the build under $200 from start to finish. Grabbing twelve two footers would put me over $200 with that and the driver basically.
Ok then go for the series example I listed above. Should put you just under 200