
I use so much at once i don't really sweat it. It's doing it's job excellently so it must be fine the way it is. Best buds I've ever had. I can say that now. Using it a full 4 months pretty much and couldn't be happier.
@The Hippy
I was hoping you might share how you run Mega Crop products from seed to harvest.
I have the main nute and their bloom but passed on their cal-mag.

I have not tried their candy is it worth trying or does raw sugar or molasses do same thing?

I just did a run and find it makes having some sort of a fade very hard as i stopped all nutes and just water but plants stayed green .
So I picked up Remo's bloom(1-4-7) for 2nd half of flower as it is low N or all of flower not sure yet plus remo's cal- mag (3-0-0 wanted lower N but all i could find)for next run. I run LED HLG QB288 V-2 so I want to cover my bases for any possible defincines the increased demands for nutrients those lights put on plants.
I grow in soil-peat mix BTW. pro mix HP
I use tap water as the PPM are low in my tap water about 20 to 22 PPM.
Thanks for any help you can offer as you seem objective about the use of this product to its fullest which is what i hope to one day achieve.
@The Hippy
I was hoping you might share how you run Mega Crop products from seed to harvest.
I have the main nute and their bloom but passed on their cal-mag.

I have not tried their candy is it worth trying or does raw sugar or molasses do same thing?

I just did a run and find it makes having some sort of a fade very hard as i stopped all nutes and just water but plants stayed green .
So I picked up Remo's bloom(1-4-7) for 2nd half of flower as it is low N or all of flower not sure yet plus remo's cal- mag (3-0-0 wanted lower N but all i could find)for next run. I run LED HLG QB288 V-2 so I want to cover my bases for any possible defincines the increased demands for nutrients those lights put on plants.
I grow in soil-peat mix BTW. pro mix HP
I use tap water as the PPM are low in my tap water about 20 to 22 PPM.
Thanks for any help you can offer as you seem objective about the use of this product to its fullest which is what i hope to one day achieve.

Gh CaliMagic is 1-0-0
Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Nitrate, Magnesium Nitrate and Iron DTPA

GH Organics CaMG+ on the Canadian label is 0-0-0
Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate.
to those worried about clogging there lines with residue , a product called Drip Clean , by House & garden , will fix that prob , & the mixing rate is minute ,1 bottle will last a long time
to those worried about clogging there lines with residue , a product called Drip Clean , by House & garden , will fix that prob , & the mixing rate is minute ,1 bottle will last a long time

I used MaxiGrow and CannaCoco in my AutoPot and didn't see any build up after like 4 months but I was running max 600ppm in the system. Drip clean might work but since the water moves so slow you'd have to test too see how long you'd have to leave it in the rez. Probably easier to pull out the valves and clean them.

Speaking of the AutoPot valves when you install them you really have to push hard to make them snap in. If you look at them it looks like you can't but the the plastic is really tight you have to force it on.
I was looking at the 9xl. Not an easy system to source really. Also expensive as hell for what you get, since there is only one valve instead of 9.
Been trying to find a mix for the CalMG but not sure which Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Nitrate they use.

Megarop CalMag 13-0-0 11% Ca and 3.5% Mg

The stuff I can get locally is
Calcium Nitrate 15.5-0-0 /19% Ca
Magnesium Nitrate 11-0-0 /9.3% Mg

If you do a 50/50 mix you get 13.25-0-0 with 9.5% Ca and 4.5% Mg

I'm guessing lowering the Megnesium Nitrate a little would bring up the Ca% up a bit and lower the Mg

I did see a 10-0-0 Magnesium Nitrate online too which might work.

Anyone wanna try it if I mix it up :)
I believe they use a mixture of calcium nitrate and calcium sulfate and same for magnesium nitrate/sulfate but cannot be 100% sure. To supplement I use cal/nitrate in veg and cal/sulfate in flower same for Mag. You could also use calcium phosphate if you want to keep the sulfate down but i haven't found any issues with just sulfate yet.

So much cheaper to buy your own salts... I used to completely mix my own nutes but not for cannabis. So much more control not to hard to learn and after i started using a nutrient calculator it was extremely simple. Now i use mega crop and supplement if i have any issues with my acquired collection of various salts.
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How do bluemats compare to autopots? Never used them before.

I haven't sold Bluemats since 2009 lol when 24/48 hydro inspections killed the 2-6 light market here. Any house that was using more then 96KWh per day got a noet from the city for a high usage inspection. I eradicated the small grower market here.

After using them I would go with AutoPots myself. They seems to work really good at least they did on the habenneros I grew in them.
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Anyone here ever use Dense? Opinion? Good as a P boost but no K.
Anyone here ever use Dense? Opinion? Good as a P boost but no K.
I was looking into that product a while back. It's a flower hardener. Also gotta watch out because that alone can give you a massive PPM spike. You can find their explanation on youtube, but they say it can give as high as 1400ppm of straight K.
I know eh .... way to simple for you to comprehend...
follow along ok..
what PART did ya miss?
..Ill explain SLOOOWLY if it will help ;)

Business man? :roll:
@AquaTerra truth hurts eh there snake man,...
I bet your business has much to do with how you RUN IT or should i say...... Not run it.
makin sense now there wagon jumper? lol

To supplement I use cal/nitrate in veg and cal/sulfate in flower same for Mag. You could also use calcium phosphate if you want to keep the sulfate down but i haven't found any issues with just sulfate yet.

>thanks i mix my own..i need all the help i can find
If you have nothing else to add to this topic, please stay away. Write a personal message or start your own topic.

just pointing out the snake in the grass who for the last 4 years cried about how bad his business or lack of such for him.
So the guy jumps on the heals of another person selling mega Crop..
Band wagon jumper extraordinaire. lol because he saw how this thread was going and thought he profit from his lack f selling experienced lol
cheers no selling ears'I say it how I see it truth hurts eh
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But it makes no sense. You are just ruining a good topic.
I have no clue if what he did is right or wrong. Perhaps it is, perhaps not.
As a matter of fact: I don't care. But even if I did care, I would not use a interesting topic to spill my irritations.
You made your point, so be happy with that small victory.

And no need to get personal to me as well.