Can i 12/12?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hate a little rant yesterday, sorry everyone else! Got to feel me though. You spend all you time and love on growing your plants, and share information with him only to have dude call me a lying thief? Not to mention basically acting like no one but him knows anything. Ranting again, sorry. But yeah, I'll leave this thred alone. It's not going anywhere productive anyways. I suggest if your here to learn and help and socialize peacefully than you do the same.



New Member
cheers.anyway i am stuck as to what is happening to my plants.where i seen preflowers they are still growing and look like two tiny leaves 4mm long(ovary shaped).i cant see a catlyx but this could be due to both my magnifying glasses being to weak.i am thinking of going 12/12 from today and see what happens.what do you think?????.(they only have 4-5 nodes will it grow more in 12/12 mode??.


Well-Known Member
cheers.anyway i am stuck as to what is happening to my plants.where i seen preflowers they are still growing and look like two tiny leaves 4mm long(ovary shaped).i cant see a catlyx but this could be due to both my magnifying glasses being to weak.i am thinking of going 12/12 from today and see what happens.what do you think?????.(they only have 4-5 nodes will it grow more in 12/12 mode??.
You definately sure the pre flowers in question arent stipules?

They could be early female pre flowers that havnt pushed any pistils out yet, or on the other hand they could be male pre flowers starting to develop, either one though i still think is highly unlikely on your plants at there current state in life, my plants are always alot taller with many more nodes(8-10ish) before i start seeing the first tiny pre flowers with pistils in veg.

Theres no way that a plant with only 4-5 nodes is sexually mature, and they only start pre-flower when they are sexually mature.

Alternate phyllotaxy shortly follows pre flowering as another sign of maturity.

One of my nl5 haze mist future mothers has just started pre flowering at nearly a foot tall, il try and get a pic up of it a bit later so you can compare it to your suspected preflowers since we have no pics of yours to tell for sure.

Theres nothing happening to your plants mate theyre fine, theyre just a bit behind because you left the light up high for too long instead of bringing it down gradually day by day as i first advised you a couple of weeks ago. ;-)


New Member
100% not stipules and i thought they matured at around 4-6 weeks??.
i am going to fuck with the camera.:-?


Well-Known Member
Yea they do typically reach sexual maturity at 4-6wks old, but thats provided that there has been sufficient growth in that 4-6wks, in your case there hasnt been, most likely because the lights been too far away for too long.

The distance youve kept your lights at is good for starting plants off, or if your going from low output flouro tubes to a 400w hps as you did, but it should have been dropped by an inch or two per day as the plants grow and can take the more intense light, dropped to the point where you find your happy medium between light intensity/distance and temperature at plant level, then this "happy" distance should be maintained throughout the grow.


New Member
the lamp is down to 18" from the canopy since yesterday they seem fine.its just my inexperience with using lamp heights that seems to be the problem i think.
what do you see here???.(dont know if the pics will work).



New Member
thank fuck for works

and they will be 5 weeks old on tuesday for sure i checked back.


Well-Known Member
lol mate, right what you have growing from the nodes there is new side branches, drop the light down some and in a week or so they will be an inch or two long.

Right this is my future nl5 haze mother thats just started showing female preflowers on an 18/6 light regimine.

As you can see its 14" tall and this is around the average height/age that most of my fems preflower.

You see the side branching growing from the nodes, thats what yours will look like, yours are under developed due to lack of light to the area theyre growing in.



Well-Known Member
Just for you luda i fucked around with my camera and took some pics of the tiny female pre-flowers, it was a nightmare getting a clear pic, what i had to do was use a magnifying glass and take the pic through the magnifying glass to get a good enough shot to see it.

You see the tiny calyx (ovary) and the two white pistils (hairs) growing between the petiole (leaf stem) and the new branch growth?

Thats a female pre flower mate.

I dont get why people do all this taking clones and flowering the clones, or putting the whole plant into 12/12 till it starts flowering then they put it back into veg, stressing the fuck out of the plant to find out sex, when all you need to do is veg for long enough and the sex will show by itself.

Thats what made me LMAO when that guy said you cant tell until you introduce a flowering light schedule, then claims to be a professional grower ROFLMFAO!!



New Member
Just for you luda i fucked around with my camera and took some pics of the tiny female pre-flowers, it was a nightmare getting a clear pic, what i had to do was use a magnifying glass and take the pic through the magnifying glass to get a good enough shot to see it.

You see the tiny calyx (ovary) and the two white pistils (hairs) growing between the petiole (leaf stem) and the new branch growth?

Thats a female pre flower mate.

I dont get why people do all this taking clones and flowering the clones, or putting the whole plant into 12/12 till it starts flowering then they put it back into veg, stressing the fuck out of the plant to find out sex, when all you need to do is veg for long enough and the sex will show by itself.

Thats what made me LMAO when that guy said you cant tell until you introduce a flowering light schedule, then claims to be a professional grower ROFLMFAO!!
thanks very much londoner for taking the time to help again now i fully understand what you mean and can see by the i guess the canopy is blocking the light to the lower nodes.a problem i cant fix(FUCK).so i should be vegging untill you think another 2-3-4-5-6 weeks or are these retards for the bin and just a waste of time.
answer appreciated.


Well-Known Member
thanks very much londoner for taking the time to help again now i fully understand what you mean and can see by the i guess the canopy is blocking the light to the lower nodes.a problem i cant fix(FUCK).so i should be vegging untill you think another 2-3-4-5-6 weeks or are these retards for the bin and just a waste of time.
answer appreciated.
No problem mate ;-)

No no, by no means, your plants arent destined for the bin mate :lol:

What you need to do is drop the light down so they in the "sweet spot" of the light, where its intense enough for rapid growth, but not too close to burn or cause any heat stress.

By far the easiest way to do this is to place your hand just above the plants canopy, no more than an inch above the plant, then drop the light down till you can just start to feel the warmth on the back of your hand, then maintain this distance between plant tops and bottom of the light as the plants grow, how ever much they grow per day, this is how much you raise the light per day, and you cant go wrong.

The plants dont really have any canopy so to speak yet, so thats not blocking the light, a 400w hps will penetrate into the canopy of 2-3 foot SOG style plants with ease, its just that its been too far away for too long.

When you get more experience you can experiment and tweak your growroom design into ways of getting the light closer without causing stress or burning.

What id do is drop the light, and flower now, you have 10 dont you? Expect to lose half to males, so 5 fems maybe an Oz each if your lucky, 5 Oz, not bad first harvest.

Then start again, doing things a bit different.

What extractor did you end up getting mate?


New Member
i have taken your advice.there is no point fucking around with this grow anymore or wasting more time.i am going 12/12 now and i guess its just another one of my fuck up' least this time i will learn more as i go.i at least know alot more about using the lamp now and i have it in the "sweet spot".i also fixed my own extraction the light unit was the main problem as it was for outdoor use totally enclosed in a metal and glass cover.i stripped it so it looks like the cheap shitty lamps you get from growell with a straight forward bulb and reflector.i bought a 6" fan and pointed it straight at the lamp so it runs real cool and there is a constant flow of fresh air entering and exiting the room through my door and window the wind blows straight through immediately.i vent manually so to speak.but once i get some return i am going to totally revamp the whole area and my methods.
right now i feel like a real fucking dickhead who knows fuck all so if i go 12/12 now there is nothing else i can lose.
i've lost it all already.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, but you really need that extractor asap mate.

Bear in mind how cold its getting where you are now and the cold frosty air from outside can be harmfull, too cold a rootzone temp will lockout nutrients with ease, N mainly.


New Member
do i just need some kind of extraction system that contantly removes the room air??.
so the door and window can be kept shut.
like the roof extractors you find in office buildings.
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