Can i 12/12?

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medi grower

Active Member
Hmmm... in 7 years and 3 strains I've personally grown, I've never seen pistils on a plant that young without inducing flowering. I've never seen or heard about another plant showing sex that early under 18/6 or any other vegging schedule. A plant shouldn't show without inducement until 3 months or more. Not that I don't believe you are reporting facts as you see them. Try getting out a magnifying glass to confirm that there's a calyx. If there is, you've got a very early maturing plant, there.


Well-Known Member
Your light is way too far away! At this point the light should be about 6-12" above the canopy. Start them at 12" and let them grow into the light. Keep a close eye out for heat stress and keep lights about 1" above the danger mark. I would veg for another 4-6 weeks. Keep a close eye on moisture levels, too. The light generates heat which evaporates the water faster. The plants will need to be watered more often. Remember, farming isn't instant results; don't try to flower too early. if those are from seed, they need another 6-8 weeks to mature or you run the risk of light stressing a female into a hermie and that is hard to catch...especially for a new grower. Take your time.
Good luck!

1. Canna plants typically reach sexual maturity at 4-6wks old and show sex in the form of pre-flowers, this is the average time that most home growers introduce a 12/12 light regimine, flowering before this time is known as flower forcing, this is when you run the risk of herms, nothing to do with light stressing?? Its because you are forcing flower before the plant is ready.

2. Many people do 12/12 from sprout these days without any herms or problems.

3. Another 6-8wks on top of 4wks already?? 12wks veg?? :lol: what planet are you on? :lol:

4. 12" is too close to start plants under a 400w hps, and theres no need for it to be 6" either?? you just wouldnt get the spread of light to evenly cover the whole growroom at that distance! Unless youve got some super dooper reflector? About 12-18" is more than fine for a 400 provided sufficient extraction is present and depending on the reflector should give you a nice spread of light!

Do you grow indoor plants like this with your 12wks veg?? :lol:



Well-Known Member
You could flower them now. I would personally wait for another week, but, you could do it now. They will triple in size during flowering so if you want to control their height flip them over to 12/12.

can i 12/12 these plants now they have been vegging for 6-8 weeks.they are showing preflowers now but dont have many branches and are thin at the stems but they are strong????.
any advice appreciated thanks.


New Member
thanks very much.just what i wanted to hear i am not concerned about the yeild i just want to get my first harvest done so i can go again and keep learning.


Well-Known Member
so is it time for some vegging??.
it has 8 nodes but the top ones are small(10mm).
Even on the biggest one i can see (2nd pic) i only see 4 established nodes mate, look at my pics, the plant on the right in the first pic i abit over 3wks old with 6or7 nodes, i expect to see pre's in about 2 more weeks, the second pic is the same plant from above(excuse the droop they needed watering before i took the pics)

You could flower them now. I would personally wait for another week, but, you could do it now. They will triple in size during flowering so if you want to control their height flip them over to 12/12.
Good advice.



Well-Known Member
thanks very much.just what i wanted to hear i am not concerned about the yeild i just want to get my first harvest done so i can go again and keep learning.
Thats it mate, like i say loadsa people do 12/12 from sprout or rooted clones without herms or probs, though it can happen its quite rare, the risk increases with feminised seeds which you havnt got so id say theyll be fine.

As long as you dont heat stress/burn them by putting your 400 6" from the plants :lol: FFS ;-)


New Member
1 2 and 5 are the same plant.yes i fucked up i meant 8 branches(4 nodes)
can you see preflowers??.(pic 2).
and can i wait a few days and flip 12/12??.


Well-Known Member
Yep you can do what ever you want mate, my preference if they were my plants would be to veg a little longer with the light closer (not 6" lol) for maybe another a week or two, but if you just want a harvest asap then then show them 12/12 now??

I see no pre's mate, not doubting you but i find it hard believe theyre preflowering, cant you get a close up macro shot of the preflowers in question?


New Member
i tried fucking with the camera and pc.just cant get the blown up pic shifted onto here.i will lower the light tommorow and keep watch.and i am going to fix this photo shit.

medi grower

Active Member
I looked at the pics real hard, but my eyes aren't so young anymore. You're right, Londoner, its called forcing, but I forgot the right term. My bad. As to the 12 weeks, that's 4 weeks rooting (which brings me to about how these look) followed by 8 weeks veg about 12" below a 1000 watt air cooled mh. When I was running 400s I found about 8" or so to be safe without air cooling. (My plants are a little shorter and bushier than yours, Londoner, but I'm growing a very squat strain: HP13) Ludachris, its up to you, in the end, when to flower your plants. The more veg time you give them, the more they will produce. With what it looks like you have, you should be able to pull maybe 1/4 off each plant if you flower now (more if you keep on top of your plant's needs.) I can only offer you info based on my personal experience and I hope its helpful to you. And just because I'm new to this forum doesn't make me a new grower...


Well-Known Member
I looked at the pics real hard, but my eyes aren't so young anymore. You're right, Londoner, its called forcing, but I forgot the right term. My bad. As to the 12 weeks, that's 4 weeks rooting (which brings me to about how these look) followed by 8 weeks veg about 12" below a 1000 watt air cooled mh. When I was running 400s I found about 8" or so to be safe without air cooling. (My plants are a little shorter and bushier than yours, Londoner, but I'm growing a very squat strain: HP13) Ludachris, its up to you, in the end, when to flower your plants. The more veg time you give them, the more they will produce. With what it looks like you have, you should be able to pull maybe 1/4 off each plant?????? if you flower now (more if you keep on top of your plant's needs.) I can only offer you info based on my personal experience and I hope its helpful to you. And just because I'm new to this forum doesn't make me a new grower...
Mate, i dont mean to be rude, BUT.


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