Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

Turns out the Bowling Green massacre was a prediction from Nostradumbass and not yet a event. Well it came true Saturday when a tRUmp supporter shot himself in the groin with his pistol at Lowes.
Maybe I'll start listening to Republicans, not only can they see the future but they are also very smart. Turns out I was wrong about sea level rise and stupidly thought it was from glacier melt. But Alabama congressman Mo Brooks has straightened me out and it turns out it is rocks falling in the oceans,how stupid of me.
Turns out the Bowling Green massacre was a prediction from Nostradumbass and not yet a event. Well it came true Saturday when a tRUmp supporter shot himself in the groin with his pistol at Lowes.
you'll be hearing about a few more similar incidents around here because any gun owning moron(which happens to be the majority of residents) can now carry/conceal without a permit.
that little beauty was the brainchild of gov.(trump Jr.) bevin.

Bevin signed the NRA-backed measure, Senate Bill 150, into law Monday. It allows anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun, and is at least 21-years-old, to carry a concealed weapon without a permit in the state of Kentucky.Mar 14, 2019
you'll be hearing about a few more similar incidents around here because any gun owning moron(which happens to be the majority of residents) can now carry/conceal without a permit.
that little beauty was the brainchild of gov.(trump Jr.) bevin.

Bevin signed the NRA-backed measure, Senate Bill 150, into law Monday. It allows anyone who is legally allowed to own a gun, and is at least 21-years-old, to carry a concealed weapon without a permit in the state of Kentucky.Mar 14, 2019

If it weren't for guns how would liberals get people to pay for all of their ideas ? Liberals love to threaten the use of guns.
If it weren't for guns how would liberals get people to pay for all of their ideas ?
repeal the current permanent tax gift from the 1% and make them pay 75%...or they'll have to contend with a french revolution style uprising...how about musical history lesson for your edification?
repeal the current permanent tax gift from the 1% and make them pay 75%...or they'll have to contend with a french revolution style uprising...how about musical history lesson for your edification?

When you say "make them pay", you're really admitting your love for guns.
Any person from any party can be a racist. Doesn't matter their color, party, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender identity, etc.

Hillary Clinton is a racist.

Anybody that supports Hillary Clinton is supporting a racist.

That makes Hillary supporters racists.

Hillary supporters have unusually thick ankles too. Coincidence ?