UB is a perfect example of lazy liberals. If you call someone racist, you dont even have to prove it...
You clearly see he needed someone else to come up with a bullshit example for him to use.
The way I see it there are two versions of racism, soft and hard.
Soft racism is an attitude of disdain, often subconscious against somebody of a different race. This is the kind of thing you see in many segregated neighborhoods in Chicago, just to take one example. This is fairly common amongst people of all races, and it is fairly harmless. Most people eventually come to recognize these racist thoughts and repudiate them.
Hard racism is the kind that is acted upon to actively discriminate against others, or to do physical harm to them. This is quite uncommon amongst individuals nowadays, although some groups still exist that aim to do harm to others simply for racist reasons.
Government sponsored racism is in the "hard" category, and is unsupported by the constitution. Across the board affirmative action is racist at its core. I think the era of affirmative action is about at its end, although many leftist organizations, universities for example, will fight tooth and nail to maintain it.
<edit> I don't think Republicans are racist, although some are just as some Democrats are.
you've proven time and again that you don't even know what AA is.
"I understand you're under a lot of duress, but I think the public would be better served if you didn't interrupt with ignorant bullshit" -Paul Ryan
Not all republicans are racist, but all racists are republicans.
Because liberals have a mental disorder which makes them think if you don't like me, then I must destroy you! They fear being alone that they must force others to become Borg and resistance is futile!
Why the hell are you in Stockton? The people there are filth. The only thing they got is an overpriced university, UOP. There's also this nice mansion near the Country Club circle close to the university. It's a damn nice house.
Not all of Stockton is filth. You can find the clean hoes on the north end of Wilson Way.
Its very affordable compared to other cities along the bay area commute.
I believe in America. Even the people in Stockton. Also, I'm very much into ethnic women despite the common misconception that conservatives are racist
She looks like she'd beat your skinny ass to death with your own scrotum.