Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

She does have a bit of a Godmother look to her in that pic. Fuck with the Clintons and you'll be missed. They are working on replacing the Kennedys as American royalty. We'll meet congresswoman Chelsea by 2020.

Politics have made the Clinton's much richer than Mitt Romney...

Hell, last year Bill Clinton raked in 75 million dollars in speaking fees.
For 100 years, the Republicans fought for the freedom and equality of blacks. Lincoln was a Republican, and he won the freedom from slavery for blacks. After the Civil War, Republicans enacted the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the rights of freed slaves. In 1957, Eisenhower sent the U.S. Army to Little Rock to force Democrat Governor Orval Fabus to desegregate the schools.

All of the racist bigots became Democrats after the Civil War because Lincoln was a Republican. For 100 years, Democrats were the ones who lynched blacks and made laws against blacks. Democrats formed the KKK and established segregation. Democrats fillibustered and defeated Republican anti-lynching bills in 1922 and 1938.

That's why most blacks were Republicans until the Democrats bought their votes with welfare in 1964.

But even though the blacks switched parties in 1964, most racist bigots did not.

How many pre-1964 southern racist Democrat bigots did NOT join the Republican party after 1964?

Orval Fabus
Benjamin Travis Laney
John Stennis
James Eastland
Allen Ellender
Russell Long
John Sparkman
John McClellan
Richard Russell
Herman Talmadge
George Wallace
Lester Maddox
John Rarick
Robert Byrd
Al Gore, Sr.
Bull Connor

In fact, it seems that MOST of the Dixiecrats did NOT join the Republican party, even though many of them lived long past 1964.

Only a very FEW of them switched to the GOP, such as Strom Thurmond and Mills Godwin.

And as we all know by now, the LAST admitted former KKK member in Congress was DemoKKKrat Robert Byrd, a former KKK Kleagle, a recruiter who persuaded people to join the KKK. He fillibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

So where do we get this myth that "most" of the southern racist Democrats switched to the Republican party after 1964?

Is it a myth?

Or just another Democrat LIE

You might want to ask this question to the current KKK instead of dead Dixiecrats. They'll help you understand why White Nationalists and the KKK endorse the Republican party. The Grand Wizard David Duke might be able to shed some light on this topic for you.

Maybe look into Dylan Roof who wants to "Make America Hate Again" and killed 9 black people in a church.

You can join Stormfront and ask why they're all such PC liberal Democrats?
The concept that any one race or ethnic group is superior to all others is absolutely ridiculous. Promoted by people whose own family trees rarely branch. If they ever do.
A Catholic, an Atheist, a Jew, a Frenchman and an American all walk into a coffee shop. They all sit down together, enjoy their coffee, laughing and talking with each other. Then they all get up and leave. That's what happens when none of them are assholes.
Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

perfect example of a bad faith question. republicans know they're racists. it's basically the whole point of being republican now.

yet these people who know damn well they're racist expect you to believe that they're perplexed when their willingly racist views are called out as racist.

you'd have to be shit stupid to think that these racist republicans are sincere in anything other than their desire to be cruel and racist.
Why do liberals accuse Republicans of being racists?

perfect example of a bad faith question. republicans know they're racists. it's basically the whole point of being republican now.

yet these people who know damn well they're racist expect you to believe that they're perplexed when their willingly racist views are called out as racist.

you'd have to be shit stupid to think that these racist republicans are sincere in anything other than their desire to be cruel and racist.
You mean like high school students that wear MAGA t shirts?
perfect example of a bad faith question.
the right always exposes their baked in insecurities when they amplify & reflect in that manner.
then they try to pass off jim crow dixiecrats from 70 years ago as though they are the mainstream torch bearers of the democratic party knowing full well they'd be solid hard right republicans if they were still around.
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Whatever you're trying to prove, you are not doing it well. The change in the entire voting pattern of the southern states is a matter of record.

The "Solid South" (look up the term) abandoned its historic, long-term support for the Democratic Party and now votes for Republicans at the national level.

The Republican Southern Strategy was a major element in that transition. Republicans took advantage of the hostile reaction to the civil rights legislation to recruit the disaffected Dixiecrats to the Republican Party
Yep. The good ole Southern Strategy. Nixon, and Goldwater did good job of appealing to that deep seated Southern cultural conditioning. Donald Trump employed a hybrid version of it, stead of focusing on integration and busing, like the southern strategy of late 60s and early 70s, he changed it to Islamophobia and Xenophobia and brought them fuckers out the woodworks. Both versions preyed on ignorance and fear.

History always repeats it’s self because we learn from history that we don’t learn from history.
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Seems like most rupublicans are racist to me
You have to ask it in a different way, why do practically all people of color, not trust the Republican Party and think they are racist? Republicans always use that, Democrats were party of the KKK, of slave owners, the Black code, Jim Crow etc... The Republican Party of Lincoln and the Reconstruction area is as dead and gone as dinosaurs and the dodo bird.
A Catholic, an Atheist, a Jew, a Frenchman and an American all walk into a coffee shop. They all sit down together, enjoy their coffee, laughing and talking with each other. Then they all get up and leave. That's what happens when none of them are assholes.
People ask things like: there's black conservatives. are they racist too?

Yep, they're part of this white supremacy capitalist pig system!

Let's smash fascism in 2020! <3
Be ready for a fight young lady. There a few people here that are gonna jump all over your post
People ask things like: there's black conservatives. are they racist too?

Yep, they're part of this white supremacy capitalist pig system!

Let's smash fascism in 2020! <3
These black conservatives, are they Democrats? There are conservative Democrats. It's funny because so called conservative Republicans spend money like there's an endless supply, but they like to spend it on people who are already rich. The poor have little to no representation. All the black people I know vote Democrat. Why, because they're black, not stupid.
These black conservatives, are they Democrats? There are conservative Democrats. It's funny because so called conservative Republicans spend money like there's an endless supply, but they like to spend it on people who are already rich. The poor have little to no representation. All the black people I know vote Democrat. Why, because they're black, not stupid.
I've heard Republicans say black people are Democrats because they want free shit. Not true. Transition from Republican to Democrats happened for very specific reasons, at a critical time in our history. It was a series of historic changes under Democratic presidents starting with the Executive order 9981, desegregating the military in 1948 under Truman. Integration of schools in 1954, Brown vs Board of Education, under President Eisenhower and 1964 Voting Rights Act, that was proposed by Kennedy but signed into effect by LBJ.

So it had been like 40 years since the Republican Party did anything meaningful for black people, at the time of the voting rights act. At that tumultuous time in history, black people decided, over about a 16-20 year period, to switch parties.