Dogs... breed of choice??

When I was 6 my dad got us a Timberwolf x Husky x German Shepherd. Some guy was breeding them in the Santa Cruz Mountains. He looked like a black wolf good old Lobo (wolf in native Indian)
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Right on.

Before I moved over the hill to Almaden, i lived up in Ben Lomand. My mom picked up a german Shepard/Husky mix from there. The dog was the same age as me. She passed away when I was 15 :-(

She was such a good girl as most dogs are. Here she is. I’m the little shithead on the right.
I'm against breeding dogs and cats on purpose these days... It is also fucking expensive..
I am for rescuing animals in need of homes, especially old and wonky ones.
Its a shame people have taken to it the way they did and ruined it for the professional breeders. Too many backyard breeders. People who think they know what they are doing but aren’t. People who are cheap and use the animal to make money off it. Used to work full time for a rescue. All my dogs except 1 are rescues. I paid for 1 who is my service animal.
I had a Border Collie when I was young, smartest dog I ever had. We had an English Pointer for 16 years, she was really good at protecting the house and everyone in the family besides field work. Had our Pit Bull for 14 years until this Jan. She was great with the kids and grand-kid's. I miss how she used to talk to us and greet us when we came home.
I’m right here on Coleman in between Almaden and meridian lol Almaden Pride!! I graduated from Leland and went to pioneer for a year.
Right on.

Before I moved over the hill to Almaden, i lived up in Ben Lomand. My mom picked up a german Shepard/Husky mix from there. The dog was the same age as me. She passed away when I was 15 :-(

She was such a good girl as most dogs are. Here she is. I’m the little shithead on the right.
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