Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Sanders has accomplished a lot as a congressman, in the past few years alone he's pressured Amazon, Disney, and the entire fast food industry to raise their wages to at least $15/hour

That talking point doesn't hold weight because it's not backed up by evidence. It's a lie opponents voice hoping nobody looks into it, and as the gullible lemming you are, you voiced it too
You keep mentioning his moonlighting as an if that's what he was elected to do. Real Senators affect millions of lives and the course of history with their legislation. Bernie "helped" workers at Amazon, Disney and McD buy better toilet paper.

Not that better toilet paper is something to scoff at but he would done some real good if he had spent the same amount of time and effort writing a better healthcare bill.


Well-Known Member
You keep mentioning his moonlighting as an if that's what he was elected to do. Real Senators affect millions of lives and the course of history with their legislation. Bernie "helped" workers at Amazon, Disney and McD buy better toilet paper.

Not that better toilet paper is something to scoff at but he would done some real good if he had spent the same amount of time and effort writing a better healthcare bill.
A healthcare bill that no other bought and paid for congressmen would have supported? He did, and you still fault him for that, not the Democrats who didn't sign onto the bill though. Those guys are needed to win in red states apparently. "It was all the bills fault. Republican talking point. Don't know how to pay for it. More republican talking points. 30 mill.. 60.., 80?.. 120 million Americans would lose their insurance! "

@ 2:55 - McConnell - "It's interesting to take a look at the Democrats, they're walking away from Obamacare and saying "well, that wasn't enough.. " Now they want to do Medicare for All.. You know, which would eliminate 180 million American's private health insurance that they like.. "

Mitch says 180, fogdog, step up those talking points!

You fault Sanders' record in congress not for the things he believes in or has sponsored himself, but for his colleagues lack of approval who choose not to vote for them knowing they're the right things to do because they're paid by big interests not to. Sanders proposes plenty, his proposals don't get passed because the corporate Democrats you support who control the party say we need oppose them, because the special interests said proposals fight against pay their salaries. You support corrupt corporate Democrats. I support one of the only legitimate sitting Senators.

Sanders was elected 8 times by Vermont voters, nobody has ever come close to challenging him. Maybe you should take your own advice about electing politicians
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Well-Known Member
That's sad

"Sanders hasn't accomplished anything"

is an admission that his party is so bad, nothing he's proposed has been passed..

He's proposed plenty. It's not his fault the majority of his colleagues in the congress are bought off


Well-Known Member
That's sad

"Sanders hasn't accomplished anything"

is an admission that his party is so bad, nothing he's proposed has been passed..

He's proposed plenty. It's not his fault the majority of his colleagues in the congress are bought off
It's much easier to shoot the messenger.


Well-Known Member
Sanders has accomplished a lot as a congressman, in the past few years alone he's pressured Amazon, Disney, and the entire fast food industry to raise their wages to at least $15/hour
You are giving Bernard credit for that but he didn't even pay his campaign staffers $15 per hour. Despite the so called "Stop Bezos Act" gaining laughable support in the House of Reps, Amazon went ahead and raised the wages well above what the law requires for all of its employees anyway stating:

“We strongly believe that this will benefit our business as we invest in our employees. But that is not what drove the decision,” Bezos noted. “We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead – to offer wages that went beyond competitive. We did it because it seemed like the right thing to do.”

If only Bernard would follow in Jeff Bezos' lead.


Well-Known Member
A healthcare bill that no other bought and paid for congressmen would have supported? He did, and you still fault him for that, not the Democrats who didn't sign onto the bill though. Those guys are needed to win in red states apparently. "It was all the bills fault. Republican talking point. Don't know how to pay for it. More republican talking points. 30 mill.. 60.., 80?.. 120 million Americans would lose their insurance! "

@ 2:55 - McConnell - "It's interesting to take a look at the Democrats, they're walking away from Obamacare and saying "well, that wasn't enough.. " Now they want to do Medicare for All.. You know, which would eliminate 180 million American's private health insurance that they like.. "

Mitch says 180, fogdog, step up those talking points!

You fault Sanders' record in congress not for the things he believes in or has sponsored himself, but for his colleagues lack of approval who choose not to vote for them knowing they're the right things to do because they're paid by big interests not to. Sanders proposes plenty, his proposals don't get passed because the corporate Democrats you support who control the party say we need oppose them, because the special interests said proposals fight against pay their salaries. You support corrupt corporate Democrats. I support one of the only legitimate sitting Senators.

Sanders was elected 8 times by Vermont voters, nobody has ever come close to challenging him. Maybe you should take your own advice about electing politicians
Sanders hasn't done shit and so he has to moonlight doing minor things compared to what he could be doing. How about if he worked harder on that health bill. He might even have figured out how to pay for it. But that's OK he's not going to win because he's basically running the same losing campaign and making the same tone deaf statements that he did in 2016. He lost by a whopping large margin and we can expect the same results or worse for him in 2020.

I'm fine with Vermont electing Bernie if that's who they like. You don't get it. I wouldn't vote for Bernie but I'm not living in Vermont. All those old white people like him. Not exactly rocket science.


Well-Known Member
That's sad

"Sanders hasn't accomplished anything"

is an admission that his party is so bad, nothing he's proposed has been passed..

He's proposed plenty. It's not his fault the majority of his colleagues in the congress are bought off
He's an independent.

He fails because he doesn't work well with others. Other so-called Justice Democrats are doing much better than Bernie. He's simply not capable.

Try again idiot.


Well-Known Member
You are giving Bernard credit for that but he didn't even pay his campaign staffers $15 per hour. Despite the so called "Stop Bezos Act" gaining laughable support in the House of Reps, Amazon went ahead and raised the wages well above what the law requires for all of its employees anyway stating:

“We strongly believe that this will benefit our business as we invest in our employees. But that is not what drove the decision,” Bezos noted. “We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead – to offer wages that went beyond competitive. We did it because it seemed like the right thing to do.”

If only Bernard would follow in Jeff Bezos' lead.
Because of Sanders, Bezos folded. Without him, nobody would care about Amazon employees having to piss in bottles to make quotas or other 3rd world working conditions lowly minimum wage American workers face under the richest man in the world


Well-Known Member
Because of Sanders, Bezos folded.

You are giving Bernard credit for that but he didn't even pay his campaign staffers $15 per hour. Despite the so called "Stop Bezos Act" gaining laughable support in the House of Reps, Amazon went ahead and raised the wages well above what the law requires for all of its employees anyway stating:

“We strongly believe that this will benefit our business as we invest in our employees. But that is not what drove the decision,” Bezos noted. “We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead – to offer wages that went beyond competitive. We did it because it seemed like the right thing to do.”

If only Bernard would follow in Jeff Bezos' lead.


Well-Known Member

You are giving Bernard credit for that but he didn't even pay his campaign staffers $15 per hour. Despite the so called "Stop Bezos Act" gaining laughable support in the House of Reps, Amazon went ahead and raised the wages well above what the law requires for all of its employees anyway stating:

“We strongly believe that this will benefit our business as we invest in our employees. But that is not what drove the decision,” Bezos noted. “We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead – to offer wages that went beyond competitive. We did it because it seemed like the right thing to do.”

If only Bernard would follow in Jeff Bezos' lead.
Sanders introduces the "Stop BEZOS Act" in Sept. 2018

Jeff Bezos announces a $15 minimum wage increase in Oct. 2018


Well-Known Member
Is earning Amazon and Disney workers $15/hour "shit"?
Compared to what a Senator is capable of, yes. If he were my Senator, I'd be pissed at him for ignoring the work he was elected to do in favor of moonlighting as a political activist. He's pulling down a salary that is about 4 times what a political activist working in his capacity does.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's the propaganda you keep trying to push, even though all the evidence is against you
AOC has gotten more done in a few months than Bernie did in more than a decade.

Jeff Merkely, the junior Senator from my state has gotten more done in ten years than Bernie has managed in 16.

Since when are plain irrefutable facts about job performance "propaganda"? Everything I said is recorded in the Congressional record. Have you started calling the Congressional Record -- propaganda?


Well-Known Member
Correlation is not causation.

Also, you keep replying to my argument without actually responding to it so here it is again Curtis, I'll even make it green to help you out.

You are giving Bernard credit for that but he didn't even pay his campaign staffers $15 per hour. Despite the so called "Stop Bezos Act" gaining laughable support in the House of Reps, Amazon went ahead and raised the wages well above what the law requires for all of its employees anyway stating:

“We strongly believe that this will benefit our business as we invest in our employees. But that is not what drove the decision,” Bezos noted. “We had always offered competitive wages. But we decided it was time to lead – to offer wages that went beyond competitive. We did it because it seemed like the right thing to do.”

If only Bernard would follow in Jeff Bezos' lead.


Well-Known Member
OK, you said you had your eye on Harris. She's a Senator alongside Sanders, what has she shown to be capable of that's caught your eye in the past few years?
You mean in the three years during which Democrats are the minority in the Senate and Trump is prez?

Don't make me laugh (too late)

Like it or not, she has a strong record of leadership as an AG in California. When I've listened to her talk about current issues, she has been very forthright and clear. Her statements don't shy from difficult issues. What got my attention was her forthright and logical statements during the reparations debate when she said one major area to address, possibly with funding, is trauma from all the years of abuse of black men, women and children at the hands of white society. It's not much but she said it better than others.

I'm waiting to see her on stage next to other candidates before I make up my mind. She has some really offensive baggage to overcome from her AG days too, so I'm not as comfortable with her as I am Warren.