Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Honestly I have no clue other than the quotes of the actual pilots that have flown it. But, I highly doubt the most advanced aircraft available in the world is a piece of shit lol. Tty has contacts (deep state) that keep him up to date on all of the shenanigans. Uncle Greg who works in janitorial at the pentigon I’m guessing, as his info is always spot on lol.
Well golly you got the inside scoop then, huh? No one can tell you anything- which is the problem.


Well-Known Member
"Many people watching at home have health insurance coverage through their employer, who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government run plan?"

Sure is amazing how many people hate Bernie Sanders- but shamelessly steal every one of his policy ideas as soon as he shows how popular they are!


Well-Known Member
You mean to advance the notion that building war machines is the best way you can think of to create jobs?

How despicable. How morally degenerate. You're advocating for an economy based on murder and then you have the temerity to judge the ethics of others. How sickening.
A pimp is calling me morally degenerate because I don't want to see millions of unemployed breadwinners in the US.

I'm advocating nothing of the sort. By all means, cut the military budget, I have been saying that for years. But instead of turning around and making education worthless, jobs have to be created.


Well-Known Member
Trump is a criminal. Treat him like one or be tarred by the same brush. Pelosi is a coward and shill, made rich by her venality.
You're the one who said Trump getting elected president was the best thing that ever happened for the left in your lifetime. You're also the same kind of criminal as he is.


Well-Known Member
You're the one who said Trump getting elected president was the best thing that ever happened for the left in your lifetime. You're also the same kind of criminal as he is.
And look- the Left finally woke up! It was either Trump or nuclear war.

Oh wait- I'll bet you're gonna say that's good for the economy too.


Well-Known Member
You mean to advance the notion that building war machines is the best way you can think of to create jobs?

How despicable. How morally degenerate. You're advocating for an economy based on murder and then you have the temerity to judge the ethics of others. How sickening.
I'm sorry, did you just call somebody despicable and morally degenerate? That's a laugh.

You have never been in any position of responsibility to anybody but those around you. And how did you handle it? You made your girlfriend engage in hazardous and unpleasant sex work and took most of her money for your crack habit. In doing so you ensured that you could not be trusted to raise your own daughter forcing your family to move them out of your care.

So before you get up on your high horse when somebody shows concern about having the country militarily prepared and start to throw rocks about their morals, consider your own lack of morals.

And just for the record, the result of your ridiculous and hypocritical moral posturing are exactly what Putin would like - as usual.


Well-Known Member
Sure is amazing how many people hate Bernie Sanders- but shamelessly steal every one of his policy ideas as soon as he shows how popular they are!
Sanders progressive policy dictated that entire debate

Warren said "I'm with Bernie" when it comes to healthcare. Anyone who tried to argue from the center, like John Delaney, lost big time. We're going to see a lot of that tomorrow between Sanders and Biden. Biden is dead in the water, he's going to be one of the most centrist candidates in a tide of progressive ideals. I predict we're going to see centrist polls decline in the coming weeks after this first debate. I expect Warren and Sanders to surge in the polls.


Well-Known Member
And look- the Left finally woke up! It was either Trump or nuclear war.

Oh wait- I'll bet you're gonna say that's good for the economy too.
Why do you abuse women and neglect your child. Did you read the writings of Bernie and his rape fantasies that turned you against women ?


Well-Known Member
Sanders progressive policy dictated that entire debate

Warren said "I'm with Bernie" when it comes to healthcare. Anyone who tried to argue from the center, like John Delaney, lost big time. We're going to see a lot of that tomorrow between Sanders and Biden. Biden is dead in the water, he's going to be one of the most centrist candidates in a tide of progressive ideals. I predict we're going to see centrist polls decline in the coming weeks after this first debate. I expect Warren and Sanders to surge in the polls.
Warren is so securing my vote right now.


Well-Known Member
I'd say she won last nights debate because she was the most progressive candidate on stage

Her problem moving forward is going to be that she's not the most progressive candidate in the race
she is a fire cracker ready to go. Me thinks you need to open your closed mind and realize people are seeing Bernie is all fucking talk. Bernie has named two post offices as his claim to fame of accomplishments :shock: Warren created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while still a professor at Harvard. :hug: Facts

Warren has plans that actually show how shit gets paid and how they will work. Bernie talks about a plan but...
Bernie talks in broad strokes. Warren sets out details.


Well-Known Member
she is a fire cracker ready to go. Me thinks you need to open your closed mind and realize people are seeing Bernie is all fucking talk. Bernie has named two post offices as his claim to fame of accomplishments :shock: Warren created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while still a professor at Harvard. :hug: Facts

Warren has plans that actually show how shit gets paid and how they will work. Bernie talks about a plan but...
Bernie talks in broad strokes. Warren sets out details.
I think most of you guys are biased against Sanders because you invest so much time/energy/emotion into this forum, the people you dislike the most vocally support Sanders. It's not Sanders or his policies you oppose, it's the people that support him. Sanders and Warren's policies are very similar, Sanders is much better when it comes to healthcare and foreign policy, I'd say Warren is probably a little bit better when it comes to energy and climate change. She built the CFPB, you're right, that's a huge accomplishment. She's been the biggest bulldog in the Senate when it comes to financial regulation, she deserves all the praise she gets for that.

Sanders history in congress and as mayor of Burlington VT speaks for itself. You and other critics try to minimize his accomplishments, and oversimplify them to the things he was able to accomplish legislatively in a hostile congress. It would be like minimizing Obama's administration because Mitch McConnell obstructed it at every turn.

Sanders has accomplished very much in his career and has detailed plans on every aspect of the policies he's proposed. Just because you don't recognize, acknowledge, or understand them doesn't mean they don't exist. One accomplishment is he's ensured universal healthcare is a requirement for future Democratic candidates to support. Biden is going to face extreme criticism when he comes out against it tonight. No serious Democratic candidate opposes it. The worst you'll hear about it is from liars like Delaney who don't do too well among their Democratic constituents in public places..

You like Warren because she's not Sanders and she's got a pretty similar progressive platform


Well-Known Member
I think most of you guys are biased against Sanders because you invest so much time/energy/emotion into this forum, the people you dislike the most vocally support Sanders. It's not Sanders or his policies you oppose, it's the people that support him. Sanders and Warren's policies are very similar, Sanders is much better when it comes to healthcare and foreign policy, I'd say Warren is probably a little bit better when it comes to energy and climate change. She built the CFPB, you're right, that's a huge accomplishment. She's been the biggest bulldog in the Senate when it comes to financial regulation, she deserves all the praise she gets for that.

Sanders history in congress and as mayor of Burlington VT speaks for itself. You and other critics try to minimize his accomplishments, and oversimplify them to the things he was able to accomplish legislatively in a hostile congress. It would be like minimizing Obama's administration because Mitch McConnell obstructed it at every turn.

Sanders has accomplished very much in his career and has detailed plans on every aspect of the policies he's proposed. Just because you don't recognize, acknowledge, or understand them doesn't mean they don't exist. One accomplishment is he's ensured universal healthcare is a requirement for future Democratic candidates to support. Biden is going to face extreme criticism when he comes out against it tonight. No serious Democratic candidate opposes it. The worst you'll hear about it is from liars like Delaney who don't do too well among their Democratic constituents in public places..

You like Warren because she's not Sanders and she's got a pretty similar progressive platform
Yep, biased against Bernie because he is an ineffective leader.


Well-Known Member
You support Sanders' policies, though, whenever they come from someone else. You're the same type of person who loves AOC but hates Sanders when they share the exact same policy positions

It's not Sanders or the policies you oppose, it's the people who support Sanders who you oppose. We like Sanders, you don't like us, so you don't like Sanders.. the children you are. Playing politics with people's actual lives. It's a game to you because you have the privilege not to have to hurt for it, like all the other people that do because they don't have the luxury of playing these sorts of childish games with their lives


Well-Known Member
You get crazier and more entertaining with every attempted smear.

You go vote for Joe and wonder why nothing changes.
uh, just look at what your maximum leader said about Warren.

Berrnie said that Elizabeth Warren is ahead in the polls because "some people want a woman to be president".. Your kind are famous for your misogyny. This is fact, You call it an attack because you are an effin narcissist who deny all true negative statements about you. It's ridiculous how you deny shit like that because its obvious to everybody else.

Just STFU, pussy face. You will seem more intelligent.


Well-Known Member
You support Sanders' policies, though, whenever they come from someone else. You're the same type of person who loves AOC but hates Sanders when they share the exact same policy positions

It's not Sanders or the policies you oppose, it's the people who support Sanders who you oppose. We like Sanders, you don't like us, so you don't like Sanders.. the children you are. Playing politics with people's actual lives. It's a game to you because you have the privilege not to have to hurt for it, like all the other people that do because they don't have the luxury of playing these sorts of childish games with their lives
Sometimes a coach can not get a team to the big game. Great ideas but ineffective to leading the team to the big dance. In comes a new coach and to the championship we go.
Lesson I learned playing sports


Well-Known Member
You support Sanders' policies, though, whenever they come from someone else. You're the same type of person who loves AOC but hates Sanders when they share the exact same policy positions

It's not Sanders or the policies you oppose, it's the people who support Sanders who you oppose. We like Sanders, you don't like us, so you don't like Sanders.. the children you are. Playing politics with people's actual lives. It's a game to you because you have the privilege not to have to hurt for it, like all the other people that do because they don't have the luxury of playing these sorts of childish games with their lives
I support what I support regardless of who claims to own them. Maybe you should check your ego. You and your pimp-friend have put words in my (and many others') mouth so many times. Sorry, save your Star Wars mind games for somebody else.

I supported Bernie last time around and this time, thankfully, we have better. I have made no secret of the fact that this is in no small part to the people who have come to surround him and carry his banner. Nobody in the POTUS position does it alone and I am hopeful that the gallimaufry of useful idiots that support him will be kept far from the levels of policy.


Well-Known Member
You support Sanders' policies, though, whenever they come from someone else. You're the same type of person who loves AOC but hates Sanders when they share the exact same policy positions

It's not Sanders or the policies you oppose, it's the people who support Sanders who you oppose. We like Sanders, you don't like us, so you don't like Sanders.. the children you are. Playing politics with people's actual lives. It's a game to you because you have the privilege not to have to hurt for it, like all the other people that do because they don't have the luxury of playing these sorts of childish games with their lives
you got some of it right. Bernie and others support long standing Democratic party values and goals. Bernie is a crappy leader. His followers are shit for brains. This is fact.

Elizabeth Warren is pretty good, though.
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Well-Known Member
you got some of it right. Bernie and others support long standing Democratic party values and goals. Bernie is a crappy leader. His followers are shit for brains. This is fact.

Elizabeth Warren id pretty good, though.
Jesus. I just got around to reading his last paragraph.

What a maroon.