Marianne Williamson 2020


Well-Known Member
i'm perfectly and 100% serious

i have been for tammy duckworth since the start. but she did not run.

i was also for julian castro since the start. he did run. people think he did well. he will hopefully rise in he polls.

but now i have seen and checked out marianne williamson. you can underestimate her at your own peril.

i will be voting for her in the primary barring something disqualifying, such as 23 separate rape allegations or a video of her describing how she rapes women. or her calling neo-nazis very fine people. or if she says windmills cause cancer. or if she advocates for raking of the forest. or if she says you need an ID to buy cereal.

if she does any of that i will vote for someone else. but otherwise i am immovable from Marianne WIlliamson.


Well-Known Member
i'm perfectly and 100% serious

i have been for tammy duckworth since the start. but she did not run.

i was also for julian castro since the start. he did run. people think he did well. he will hopefully rise in he polls.

but now i have seen and checked out marianne williamson. you can underestimate her at your own peril.

i will be voting for her in the primary barring something disqualifying, such as 23 separate rape allegations or a video of her describing how she rapes women. or her calling neo-nazis very fine people. or if she says windmills cause cancer. or if she advocates for raking of the forest. or if she says you need an ID to buy cereal.

if she does any of that i will vote for someone else. but otherwise i am immovable from Marianne WIlliamson.
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Well-Known Member
They said the same about racist McRapey
For the record I spent most of that campaign trying to wake Democrats the fuck up. I was in Texas and New Mexico until April 16 and what I was hearing from actual people didn’t jibe with the supposed poll results. So much so that I was sent multiple memes from the Hillary crew. The last one assured me “Don’t worry. We’ll take it from here. We’ve got this”.


Well-Known Member
She's like the team mascot, like the Pirate Parrot.
View attachment 4357537

Everybody likes the Pirate Parrot.

Dave Parker loved him, he used to sell Dave coke on the side in the early '80's.
Mascot blow is the best.

When we used to go up to Milwaukee to see the Cubs, Bernie Brewer would collect your money and then head up to the top of the slide where he kept his stash and drop it down to you. Dynamite shit.



Well-Known Member
For the record I spent most of that campaign trying to wake Democrats the fuck up. I was in Texas and New Mexico until April 16 and what I was hearing from actual people didn’t jibe with the supposed poll results. So much so that I was sent multiple memes from the Hillary crew. The last one assured me “Don’t worry. We’ll take it from here. We’ve got this”.
Kudos for proper use of jibe. So rare.

I do not doubt what you say about her campaign - patronizing know it alls. Her Presidency would have probably resulted in 20 years or more of Republican rule. Maybe, just maybe, it will all work out for the best - or it could go terribly wrong and Trump might get re-elected after many people realize that they like dictators. A lot of Germans did well under Hitler until the end when the Russians raped their wives, mothers and children.

I have never volunteered for somebody so lame as Hillary and people could tell my lack of enthusiasm for her when I knocked on their doors. It was impossible to warn them about what to expect from Trump though.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I love Marianne. She Has positive vibes and talks about love and being creative and innovative. What’s wrong with love? She is confident and brilliant and can walk into a room and own it. She is like a breath of pure fresh air that the country needs after breathing the stale rotten negative hateful air of the Trump era and this could be here theme song...


Well-Known Member
I love Marianne. She Has positive vibes and talks about love and being creative and innovative. What’s wrong with love? She is confident and brilliant and can walk into a room and own it. She is like a breath of pure fresh air that the country needs after breathing the stale rotten negative hateful air of the Trump era and this could be here theme song...
her intensity is gripping too.