Knf with bio bizz


Active Member
Have been using bio bizz nutrients with great ease and have been enjoying using them , i was wandering if anyone had any experiemce with adding fpj and if i could add it to my bio bizz nutrient mix , on a side note ive also been interested in guanokalong and have a bottle of moonshine nutrient enhancer leftover from my last grow which says it is soil freindly also , just looking for thoughts or oppinions on any of the products mentioned , cheers.


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that you don't need any of those products. In fact all you need is a good environment and good fertilizing practices with any decent base nutrient. I'm sure many will disagree with me but most of that stuff is unnecessary and a ripoff. I've found that most people that have issues with their plants are typically dumping a dozen bottles of stuff and the kitchen sink on their plants.

For what they charge for the nutrients you're using you shouldn't need to add anything.

You asked for opinions. That's mine.


Active Member
My opinion is that you don't need any of those products. In fact all you need is a good environment and good fertilizing practices with any decent base nutrient. I'm sure many will disagree with me but most of that stuff is unnecessary and a ripoff. I've found that most people that have issues with their plants are typically dumping a dozen bottles of stuff and the kitchen sink on their plants.

For what they charge for the nutrients you're using you shouldn't need to add anything.

You asked for opinions. That's mine.
Your another one of them no offense , a tight arse , i appreciate your happy with your smoke and its better than everyone elses because you use free stuff but i would like to explore the possibilities of improving my grow with manufactured products , i know its beyond you that an exchange of currency could lead to results with the correct application but capatilism has been successful on occassion , ive ammended soil for quite sometime and this time i wanna use money that thing sitting in your wallet to buy nutrients and additives thanks for the concern but if biobizz was any cheaper it would be practically free.

Its hard to pull the feathers out of a steel bird.


Well-Known Member
Your another one of them no offense , a tight arse , i appreciate your happy with your smoke and its better than everyone elses because you use free stuff but i would like to explore the possibilities of improving my grow with manufactured products , i know its beyond you that an exchange of currency could lead to results with the correct application but capatilism has been successful on occassion , ive ammended soil for quite sometime and this time i wanna use money that thing sitting in your wallet to buy nutrients and additives thanks for the concern but if biobizz was any cheaper it would be practically free.

Its hard to pull the feathers out of a steel bird.

What are you talking about? I don't use free stuff. I just don't pay through the nose for overpriced products targeted to cannabis growers. The same things used to grow other plants work just as well for cannabis. The cannabis nutrient industry is a joke. If people want to spend their money that's fine. I don't and won't because it's not necessary. I'm not going to part with my money because of some slick marketing.