This ovule (not seed) thing needs explained by an experienced grower please

and then there’s the outdoors last year that had large ovules as well so I can say temps for all of my large ovule plants have been in the 70s. Let’s hear your theory or are you just here to run your man pleaser? High temps caused it and now mid 70s causes it is what I’m getting from your last comment..or is it just that I’m sucking on the glass dick? Show us your age.
As I've said before I think your a tweaker who's got a obsession akin to bugs right under the skin
Thanks princess. The insight and knowledge is priceless
My original advice to you months ago was to invest in better genetics and stop fucking with the plants but you didnt like that eaither so I guess all that's left is imma keep telling you to lay off the meth.
My original advice to you months ago was to invest in better genetics and stop fucking with the plants but you didnt like that eaither so I guess all that's left is imma keep telling you to lay off the meth.
ANd you prove that you still don’t listen. I remember you telling me to stop using “frankenfem’ seeds. Used regular seeds and a highly recommended breeder. Appears that YOU are the one drugged out of their mind. You never comprehend anything
My original advice to you months ago was to invest in better genetics and stop fucking with the plants but you didnt like that eaither so I guess all that's left is imma keep telling you to lay off the meth.
Opening a bracht or two does nothing to harm a plant butnI didn’t look in any brachts this past two grows until harvest. Youre full of shit and assumptions. The fact that you entertained the idea that opening a bracht to see an ovule inside is somehow miraculously the reason for the ovule being there in the first place is comedy gold. IS the plant psychic and stressed itself to create oversized ovules in anticipation of a single Bracht being opened? You don’t think much do you? All mouth. Let’s see your grow..or does your mom now allow it? There should be a rule that members should be able to grow facial hair if they identify as being male so we can weed out the kiddies like u
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Opening a bracht or two does nothing to harm a plant. The fact that you entertained the idea that opening a bracht to see an ovule inside somehow caused the ovule to be there in the first place is comedy gold. IS the plant psychic and stressed itself to create oversized ovules in anticipation of a single Bracht being opened? You don’t think much do you? All mouth. Let’s see you’re grow..or does your mom now allow it? There should be a rule that members should be able to grow facial hair if they identify as being male so we can weed out the kiddies like u
Nah I bet you are constantly doing stupid shit to them. Problem is you dont even realize your the one fucking them up. Cuz your tweakin
Nah I bet you are constantly doing stupid shit to them. Problem is you dont even realize your the one fucking them up. Cuz your tweakin
More assumptions. More kiddie shit. More projection. All I see is a miserable clown without a grow who doesn’t comprehend much and has zero advice. You’re here to be a child. Congratulations
More assumptions. More kiddie shit. More projection. All I see is a miserable clown without a grow who doesn’t comprehend much and has zero advice. You’re here to be a child. Congratulations
Shit ya got me right in my weak spot, how'd ya know I dont grow an never been seen a plant except on here?!?!? Argggh well secrets out now
Shit ya got me right in my weak spot, how'd ya know I dont grow an never been seen a plant except on here?!?!? Argggh well secrets out now
Maybe you have a grow, maybe not but one thing for sure is that you’re miserable and are here solely to use me as a prop for your weak ego. Pretty transparent shit. Your intentions are bad which is a signal to me that you’re broken in one way or another. My ovule issue pales in comparison to the issues you have to sort out...or should be atleast wanting to sort out.
Maybe you have a grow, maybe not but one thing for sure is that you’re miserable and are here solely to use me as a prop for your weak ego. Pretty transparent shit. Your intentions are bad which is a signal to me that you’re broken in one way or another. My ovule issue pales in comparison to the issues you have to sort out...or should be atleast wanting to sort out.
I'm basically mr meeseeks over here trying to get you to relax an leave em alone (stop tweakin around the plants ffs)

Existence is pain...

Honestly tho
step one, get better genetics
Step two leave em alone
If that fails you again..
Fix your fucked up grow environment since that the only factor left

In 10 years growing dozens of strains between 100-200 cycles this has never been a issue for me or anyone I've known

This is a rare issue so you HAVE TO LOOK AT YOURSELF
I'm basically mr meeseeks over here trying to get you to relax an leave em alone (stop tweakin around the plants ffs)

Existence is pain...

Honestly tho
step one, get better genetics
Step two leave em alone
If that fails you again..
Fix your fucked up grow environment since that the only factor left

In 10 years growing dozens of strains between 100-200 cycles this has never been a issue for me or anyone I've known

This is a rare issue so you HAVE TO LOOK AT YOURSELF
Many others are reporting the same issue. A few more guys talking about it right before I came back to the forum and posted again. I haven’t opened a bracht from a live plant in more than two grows. I don’t do much leaf picking. You see the plants. They’re perfectly healthy. Temps and humidity are good. I’ve been going through and checking off possible causes and now I’m looking at nitrogen. Who knows. People love my smoke and don’t notice the random crackle every now and then. I hear crackles on a lot of weed so I quit tripping about it. I’m still gonna report on it. The only other thing I can think is maybe it was a meth house, lol, and left over toxins are causing this..I’m willing to entertain lots of ideas because it makes no sense.
Many others are reporting the same issue. A few more guys talking about it right before I came back to the forum and posted again. I haven’t opened a bracht from a live plant in more than two grows. I don’t do much leaf picking. You see the plants. They’re perfectly healthy. Temps and humidity are good. I’ve been going through and checking off possible causes and now I’m looking at nitrogen. Who knows. People love my smoke and don’t notice the random crackle every now and then. I hear crackles on a lot of weed so I quit tripping about it. I’m still gonna report on it. The only other thing I can think is maybe it was a meth house, lol, and left over toxins are causing this..I’m willing to entertain lots of ideas because it makes no sense.
I fully plastic every room I set up.

Too much nutrients falls into the catagory of tweakin over the plants
So does flushing them
So does all other "excessive care"

Just make sure the room is fine, plenty of air movement in and out and rotation wall fans

I feel like I already said all this to you a few months back but I'm happy to repeat it if your in a receptive mood
I fully plastic every room I set up.

Too much nutrients falls into the catagory of tweakin over the plants
So does flushing them
So does all other "excessive care"

Just make sure the room is fine, plenty of air movement in and out and rotation wall fans

I feel like I already said all this to you a few months back but I'm happy to repeat it if your in a receptive mood
..air feels good and plenty of air flow. If it’s nutrients than it’s nitrogen I’d guess. Before flower, I up pot and add dry fertilizer to the mix. The nitrogen from that lasts most of flower. Perhaps I’m loaded up too heavy but don’t see leaf curl or toxicity symptoms. I’ve saw
Theres abnormal about ovules, if they're crackling and popping they're not dry.
Hmmm..maybe. I do tend to keep my bud a bit more moist than some but not always. Moisture inside the ovules bursting. The bud will still crackle a touch even when dry. The same type of crackle. Moisture somehow really locked inside the ovule?
..air feels good and plenty of air flow. If it’s nutrients than it’s nitrogen I’d guess. Before flower, I up pot and add dry fertilizer to the mix. The nitrogen from that lasts most of flower. Perhaps I’m loaded up too heavy but don’t see leaf curl or toxicity symptoms. I’ve saw

Hmmm..maybe. I do tend to keep my bud a bit more moist than some but not always. Moisture inside the ovules bursting. The bud will still crackle a touch even when dry. The same type of crackle. Moisture somehow really locked inside the ovule?
I'd say it's best to do what most of us do, a light fluffy soil and add nutrients as follows.

Water water feed water water feed etc.

Depending on the nutrient you use, you may need to use much less than they say on the bottle.

You should really try to join the mainstream if what your doing is causing issues dont take it personal or be sentimental about being "better" or "smarter" just do exactly what the majority of successful growers are doing. Ignore the nitch growers. Ignore the voodoo.
Just copy what is proven to be working flawlessly for millions of people
I've seen the ovules in my buds when I had herms and was checking to see if got pollinated. I think it's your dry ferts, too much N. I've never had it happen myself but I've heard of people buds crackling and tasting off because of too much ferts, and thought I remembered it being N. Your suppose to be tapering nitrogen way down during flower and you can't do that because of your dry fertilizer. Also yes dry your buds better, ever thrown green wood or leaves on a fire all.kimda of crackling from the water inside.
More assumptions. More kiddie shit. More projection. All I see is a miserable clown without a grow who doesn’t comprehend much and has zero advice. You’re here to be a child. Congratulations
This guy should be named growingadickinmyass. Your the reason forums suck.Contribute or stfu.Clearly not really concerned with the issue at hand and wasting everyone's time.

Now back to the topic. I run temps at 82 max no till bed for 6 years no bottle nuts just some minor top dressing. This is not a grow issue, It's clearly genetics. The questing is how long back can we trace this and can we find the culprit genetics. Anyways they are mapping the genome as we speak hopefully they can find something. This is a topic that needs more attention as many growers have probably tossed many of good crops because of this and I've done it myself.
I've seen the ovules in my buds when I had herms and was checking to see if got pollinated. I think it's your dry ferts, too much N. I've never had it happen myself but I've heard of people buds crackling and tasting off because of too much ferts, and thought I remembered it being N. Your suppose to be tapering nitrogen way down during flower and you can't do that because of your dry fertilizer. Also yes dry your buds better, ever thrown green wood or leaves on a fire all.kimda of crackling from the water inside.

That crackling we are talking about is ovule related only.I can see someone(Noobie) being confused about that but thats not the case here.
I know this is a old post but does anybody have any further findings ive been do critical orange punch for 2 years never had these. Now im doing the same strain plus some wedding flower and lemon skunk and all strains have what i think are ovules. Worried as my last grow ( holy punch and pineapple chunk) hermied and gave me shit loads of seeds i mean loads.
So, My recent harvest has a lot of these all over. These are ovules? they're just air inside, but I wasn't sure if these were seeds or not. My plant was an AF that got heat stressed roughly 3 weeks from harvest20200524_112845.jpg
These are not seeds. No hermies. They are ovules. Possibly stress can cause abnormal ovule growth. Not so sure. Maybe. You’ve had them in all of your weed just usually too small too notice. Want to see some more ovules of your own? Pluck off a calyx and carefully open it. Inside you will see either a small green ball or brown ball. Go ahead and try it. I just pulled one off a plant that is still in veg but preflowering. There is a little green ball inside

What do you think of this. Can some1 give me some insight. 4th week of flowerIMG_20211122_042015~2.jpg
