I go further, you think anyone cares about anyone they don't know you are wrong. Human indifference is why this kind of message of anarchism is just never going to work. The political party system didn't do this. But I do push back on Democrats being the 'elite', it is not that there are not elites in the democratic party, they are part of America, but they are not the only people in the party. It is a con sold by the Republicans to get people to not vote....which is one of the reasons I said burn it all down. We have gotten so far away from the intent and direction of the Founding Fathers that the Republic is already lost. We became an Imperialist regime a long time ago, and our citizens have increasingly become cattle serving no purpose but generating revenue to pay for wars. Party politics is nothing but a friendly contest between elitists to see which side can get the cattle moving one way or another. If you think any party cares about the people, you are sorely deluded.
No worries of me judging that here, that kind of crazy will eventually leak out if it was the case. Mostly we run ourselves in America, but that is why it is so important for us to get smarter and vote for better candidates and have a stronger understanding of what is happening in the country/world. Ever since Trump's foreign troll army has been invading every conversation on social media though it has been tough.To be clear, I'm not talking about some "deep state" Qanon bullshit. I don't mean there's a shadow government or anything. This shitshow runs on autopilot. Years of bad decisions, world policing, and reactionary politics programmed it.
Definantly, but in 2014 they started using social media and data manipulation to push propaganda to every single person on any and all social media platforms in a way that is designed to affect that person in the way the algorithm showed them to be most susceptible. Just so happens that was right after Snowden landed on Russian soil with the NSA data collection tools.Somebody said something earlier in the thread about Russian meddling "going back to 2014". Are you really that naive? The Soviets, and now former Soviets, have been engineering misinformation, destructive ideology, and cultural chaos in our society since the 60's. The advent of the internet and their ability to effectively polarize the US and then speak directly to the fears and prejudices of both sides has made the old KGB's tactic a success beyond the wildest imaginations of Kruschev or anyone who was around back then. Everyone should watch this interview from 1984. Put aside your political biases, whatever they may be, and just listen to the man in the context of the times and look at where we are now.
Definantly, but in 2014 they started using social media and data manipulation to push propaganda to every single person on any and all social media platforms in a way that is designed to affect that person in the way the algorithm showed them to be most susceptible. Just so happens that was right after Snowden landed on Russian soil with the NSA data collection tools.
lol if I believed you were not just a sock,Insert Israel in “Russian collusion.” Chabad Lubavitche oligarchs own Russia.... Felix Sater was the frontman for Chabad Lubavitche via Russia. These are the more fanatical Messianic figures who hold extreme power all over the world. Putin couldn’t shine these guys shoes.
Not sure but you seem to hate mine, Americawhat country would that be, genius?
You seem to not be very intelligent.Not sure but you seem to hate mine, America
Just old and sick of the radical right threatening our Democratic RepublicYou seem to not be very intelligent.
We haven't been a Democratic Republic in anything but name in a very long time. If you think that's due to one imaginary "side" or the other, you're part of the problem.Just old and sick of the radical right threatening our Democratic Republic
And your ilk will be the minority in our country for the visible future ...OH WELLWe haven't been a Democratic Republic in anything but name in a very long time. If you think that's due to one imaginary "side" or the other, you're part of the problem.
^Pining for the days when only white men with property could vote.We haven't been a Democratic Republic in anything but name in a very long time. If you think that's due to one imaginary "side" or the other, you're part of the problem.
And your ilk will be the minority in our country for the visible future ...OH WELL
^Pining for the days when only white men with property could vote.
Get over it Rob, Hillary is not running in 2020, yer a sucker for believing bullshit.When telling the truth about tyranny and murder and / or government spying "illegally" on people conflicts with some other law, which would you do ?
Snowden, Manning and Assange are agents of truth, peace and freedom, which is why they're exiled or in jail.
Trump is a bozo and if he's tossed out will be replaced by another bozo...or worse.
Hillary could be injected with newborn baby blood, reanimated and dragged from her crypt after Biden takes the fall for the Ukraine thing. Pocahontas will be tossed aside and Hillary will become permanent Queen. Shortly after that, the masks will come off and the Lizard people will reveal themselves. Mark my words!
You are making what appear to be reasonable arguments, but I've got a few question about motives and intentions, core issues, before we move on to policy. I need to know what is really driving your support for treason (literal, not legal) and unfit government. Both sides are not the same here, one supports treason, the destruction of law and order and the constitution, the democrats do not, neither do patriots.Somebody said something earlier in the thread about Russian meddling "going back to 2014". Are you really that naive? The Soviets, and now former Soviets, have been engineering misinformation, destructive ideology, and cultural chaos in our society since the 60's. The advent of the internet and their ability to effectively polarize the US and then speak directly to the fears and prejudices of both sides has made the old KGB's tactic a success beyond the wildest imaginations of Kruschev or anyone who was around back then. Everyone should watch this interview from 1984. Put aside your political biases, whatever they may be, and just listen to the man in the context of the times and look at where we are now.
So average RepubliCON?Nicky Haley CFR Zionist shill. Next...
The one that evolved buddy UGH UGHWhat kind of imaginary psychotic universe do you two clowns live in?