Lets talk mutants

I make factual statements and back them up - when your ready to discuss we will be here. New growers dont need to know anything as i give them the full rundown and dont sell them the idea they are going to create a new mutant strain and that what they are experiencing is fairly common and has been covered a zillion times before here on Rollitup.

This gives them all they need to look into it futher and see what the outcome is themselves. I root for new mutant strain but so far zilcho on all these types of threads - still growing the same old mj as always.

Sorry if pointing out simple facts is screwing up yours and the industries vice like death grip you think you have on this plant... :-)

Lmao dude you're funny, no you don't state facts and back them up. You state ideas and opinions and treat them as facts. I've watched you do it over and over. You've been called out about bad info over and over. To me it's frustrating because not everything you say is wrong and that makes it even harder for new growers to discern the facts from the opinions.

I have no ideas that you have screwed up, or any sort of death grip on this plant. I've never told a new grower they were going to create a mutant plant.

New growers need to learn about plant growth through thorough research not listening to one person(with zero grow history) telling them he is the only one that is right. I would never say "new growers don't need to know anything" like you just did. This whole site is about helping new growers develop a better understanding of these plants and how they grow.

I have 10 years of journaled growing on this site so people can see what I've done. I've still never seen you post your garden or any plants you have grown. So don't bother getting mad at me for telling someone to do reasearch because you don't know everything. Prove you can grow and that anything you say has value.
Have a seedling with 3 cotyledon, 4 leaves in the first set, followed by a 3 leaf set and another 3 leaf coming in 3rd set
watch out for more stuff coming from this one, had something similar initially but then additional problems kept mounting... :/

on this strain 'Misty Kush' [NIRVANA]:

that side-branch you see to the right grew very strong because it wre 2 sidebranches grown together as you can see here a month later:
that pic is showing the beginning of it:

middle shot, the end is towards the left:

at the end the two branches did entangle at some time (stayed together about 1 month in veg)
as you can see this sidebranch did only get fanleaves out, no other sidebranches until it did entangle itself (but then I put it in flower)

I'm not saying this is mutated/genetically or because of "stress", but sometimes things are multifactorial and a weak genetic could make a plant cringe at stresses which a strong genetic could tolerate easily. So it may be both...

Actually it did hermie in flower then so this was a onetime experiment to see if I could get some good smoke of some weak genetic... well, I can smoke it... it's very light and has a shitty earthy smell7taste... but it doesn't make you sleepy much at all (quite the opposite the rush is super uplifting - which is paradoxical considering it's a KUSH and it also grew very much indica-alike....)

well, next time I see something fancy, I won't bother anymore...
Your plants show a lot of stress - this is the culprit.

A while back i grew a 1000 seedlings in a year and observed a higher rate of tri leafed seedlings from seeds formed when under stress. A bit of research finds this as a mitosis meosis error and not a genetic mutation.

Your plants show a lot of stress - this is the culprit.

A while back i grew a 1000 seedlings in a year and observed a higher rate of tri leafed seedlings from seeds formed when under stress. A bit of research finds this as a mitosis meosis error and not a genetic mutation.


Pic or.... you just dreamed about it..... as usual :roll:
So do you reckon when a seedling self tops itself its due to stress and errors in its genetic code due to the stress its suffered or is this one more complicated ive only seen a plant do this a few times myself personally ?
Yes thats pretty much it - no one has produced any breedable traits in 50 years thus so far.

Consider that stresses will cause hormonal imbalance and that a hormone can cause a plant to loose its apical dominance and stop growing upwards - one simple case study is the willow tree which is found mainly on watetlogged soils by rivers and streams. It has very little apical dominance due to one particular hormone and this hormone is see ln in all higher plants.


So do you reckon when a seedling self tops itself its due to stress and errors in its genetic code due to the stress its suffered or is this one more complicated ive only seen a plant do this a few times myself personally ?
I wish it were that easy to breed mutations and tri leafed strains but so far it just hasnt happened :-)

What about the old super sativa club creeper phenotype /hybrid strains they have became available again recently is that not a mutation maintained within a line ?
What about the old super sativa club creeper phenotype /hybrid strains they have became available again recently is that not a mutation maintained within a line ?

As with ducksfoot - you might find it is a mutant defficient in a certain something. Still the mutation was what the plant naturally does so probably more diversity but i could say that about a lot of plants in that some are genetically tall, short, wide leafed, thin etc etc - all broad definitions of mutation due to adaptation which sees the diversity today.

But lets be clear - self topping three leafed ploidy buds and so forth, still waiting for those mutations to ever surface despite the amount that will atest to some breedable genetics.

Hopefully you see why genetics is pretty complex - :-)
Australians Bastard Cannibis (ABC) is supposed to be a strain you can breed mutations to in the f2