The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
I must say you guys sure are hopeful. To bad you all live in fantasy land. You have been predicting his impeachment since the first day in office and you are no closer now then you were then, perhaps even further now. No one has found any evidence that trump has done anything impeachable, but keep it up very entertaining... and his approval numbers all the way around minorities and all just keep going up.

Please continue to keep crying wolf it just makes his job of getting reelected easier.
He was impeached. This is a matter of record. Assuming you can read, google "impeached US presidents" and read all about it.

Acquittal was always the most likely event. Because as we all know, Republicans don't care about rule of law, corruption or our Democratic Republic.


New Member
Wow there are politics here? Whats all this whining about? You all hate your country? I was lucky enough to live in Europe and South America for a few years and am now settled in NJ. We are so lucky to live in the US. I'm in my mid 30's btw...

Anyways, its amazing all of these blackmailed sellouts we call politicians have continued to operate for so long. Get ready for new masters. Trump, for better or for worse, is cleaning house and you are all watching a long ago orchestrated show. Everyone involved is in on this fake sham. When it blows open, lets hope we can all begin to improve and get better leadership without completely widespread corruption like it has been. The question is who is Trump working for? Its not Russia, the Sauds, China or Israel...Enjoy the show

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
So why wouldn't the Republicans allow any evidence or witnesses? Hard to review the incredible amount evidence when it's not allowed. Kangaroo court.
Why didnt they pull them when the ball was in their court dumb dumb?? Why do they try and make senate do their job?? Can not say they were rushed now after polsi sat on the bill for so long.


Well-Known Member
It will just make him more remarkable of a president impeached but still kicking ass yeah baby!
LOL. Have you received your tax rebate cheque from Mexico for that wall that has been blowing over, can easily be cut through with hand tools and that requires large storm flood doors to remain opened for long periods of time?

What about all of the fine work he's done for education and health care? I hope you don't care much about social security either.

Trump will be remembered as "isn't he one of the Impeached presidents?".

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Democrats keep losing trump keeps rising and I cant wait to laugh
LOL. Have you received your tax rebate cheque from Mexico for that wall that has been blowing over, can easily be cut through with hand tools and that requires large storm flood doors to remain opened for long periods of time?

What about all of the fine work he's done for education and health care? I hope you don't care much about social security either.

Trump will be remembered as "isn't he one of the Impeached presidents?".
The winners write the history books and we all know Democrats keep losing.


Well-Known Member
John Bolton Is Committed To Getting His Story Out, Even If It Takes Down President Trump

The man at the center of the impeachment drama, Amb. John Bolton (Dana Carvey), appears via satellite to tell Stephen Colbert what he might say if called to testify in Trump's impeachment trial.


Well-Known Member
Enough evidence already exists to remove and indict this asshole. Right wing self-righteous Repugs said “fuck you murica!” and totally violated their oath to the Constitution and to impartiality in these proceedings. Only oath they ever cared about was to Grover Nordquist to never vote to raise taxes. Disgusting bunch( of weak assholes.


Well-Known Member
Democrats keep losing trump keeps rising and I cant wait to laugh

The winners write the history books and we all know Democrats keep losing.
Nothing has changed. The House remains in control of Democrats. Their power to investigate and impeach 3 remain. Court proceedings regarding Trump's illegal use of executive privilege are in progress. This will all be corrected in due time. Nothing Trump has done using executive decree will remain once a Democratic President is in office. The die has been cast and all that remains is to stall legislative actions by Republikkkans until the general elections are done.

I'll still be here if GOP trounces Democrats as I'm sure you think will happen. You can gloat over the victory by fascists if they do because that's your right.

I'm certain that if Trump is trounced in the fall, you'll skulk about without posting here -- as you did earlier this week when it seemed likely witnesses would be called.


Well-Known Member

The Q & A portion of the impeachment trial wraps up, the Republicans argue that everything is hearsay, Jimmy sweetens the pot for Mitt Romney to #MittOrGetOffThePot, and former National Security Advisor John Bolton releases his children's book 'Bushy Bolton's Bombshell.'


Well-Known Member
LOL. Have you received your tax rebate cheque from Mexico for that wall that has been blowing over, can easily be cut through with hand tools and that requires large storm flood doors to remain opened for long periods of time?

What about all of the fine work he's done for education and health care? I hope you don't care much about social security either.

Trump will be remembered as "isn't he one of the Impeached presidents?".
True, that.

The wall that cost millions per mile getting blown over is a great metaphor for Trump's days as prez.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed. The House remains in control of Democrats. Their power to investigate and impeach 3 remain. Court proceedings regarding Trump's illegal use of executive privilege are in progress. This will all be corrected in due time. Nothing Trump has done using executive decree will remain once a Democratic President is in office. The die has been cast and all that remains is to stall legislative actions by Republikkkans until the general elections are done.

I'll still be here if GOP trounces Democrats as I'm sure you think will happen. You can gloat over the victory by fascists if they do because that's your right.

I'm certain that if Trump is trounced in the fall, you'll skulk about without posting here -- as you did earlier this week when it seemed likely witnesses would be called.
To bad Democrats are the party of the KKK and Republicans party of Lincoln. See how they keep the blacks in poverty and promise them the moon. KKK Democrats they are just more deceptive now then before.


Well-Known Member
A new bombshell, Bolton is working over Mitch.
Kasie Hunt: New Bolton Claims Are 'Bombshell That Mitch McConnell Has Been Afraid Of' | MSNBC

Per new New York Times reporting, John Bolton alleges in his new book that President Trump pressured him to call Ukraine President Zelenskiy to begin the Ukraine pressure campaign early last May, months earlier than previously known. Aired on 01/31/20.