The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
demonrats continue to embarrass themselves. Impeachment blew up in their faces, and deservedly so. Never seen such a propaganda onslaught by the fake news media. Appears President Trump is NOT going to be impeached by the Senate.
In America we do not persecute anybody. Like spying on a presidential candidates by a corrupt FISA court it's ILLEGAL.
Ok sock puppet, 2nd post and first in politics under this username.
New Member · 70
Joined Today at 3:42 PM


Well-Known Member
Im just here to listen to you guys jump down each others throats hoping and praying you change somebodies mind and the way they think and hope they start thinking like you. lol.
Honestly, can anyone here say that they have made an argument and actually changed someones mind and party affiliation on this web site or any online chat platform?
I would suspect that answer to be a resounding no! you guys are wasting your breath trying to change grown adults mind on how they think. All you guys are doing is bickering at each other for no reason. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and no dumb online comment is going to change that.
I am not trying to change anybody's mind at all. I'm a Canadian citizen, and my wife is as well (after immigrating here from the US).

I'm just stating my perspective as an outside party so that others who have an open mind can get a glimpse of a perspective that hasn't been poisoned by being inside the cesspool.


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to change anybody's mind at all. I'm a Canadian citizen, and my wife is as well (after immigrating here from the US).

I'm just stating my perspective as an outside party so that others who have an open mind can get a glimpse of a perspective that hasn't been poisoned by being inside the cesspool.
Maybe I jumped to a conclusion but i thought his post was along the same vein as "thill yer prethidint" kind of logic. So he comes along to a politics section and is disgusted about people talking about politics?

Still though, I thank him for his service.


Well-Known Member
Im just here to listen to you guys jump down each others throats hoping and praying you change somebodies mind and the way they think and hope they start thinking like you. lol.
Honestly, can anyone here say that they have made an argument and actually changed someones mind and party affiliation on this web site or any online chat platform?
I would suspect that answer to be a resounding no! you guys are wasting your breath trying to change grown adults mind on how they think. All you guys are doing is bickering at each other for no reason. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and no dumb online comment is going to change that.
It's an adult discussion about politics and current events, it's what people do here, the adults anyway. So does the media and the talking heads on TV, some people's minds are being changed, look at the changing polls, 75% of Americans now want witnesses and the GOP is up against that.


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to change anybody's mind at all. I'm a Canadian citizen, and my wife is as well (after immigrating here from the US).

I'm just stating my perspective as an outside party so that others who have an open mind can get a glimpse of a perspective that hasn't been poisoned by being inside the cesspool.
to be honest, I read NOBODIES messages in this thread, I just know the nonsense that goes on in these types of threads. so my message wasn't direct to you at all.....well maybe it was if you intended to change the way an adult thinks. Nobody reads a message from a nobody (and i am one of those nobodies) online and changes the way they think or feel...No one


Well-Known Member
to be honest, I read NOBODIES messages in this thread, I just know the nonsense that goes on in these types of threads. so my message wasn't direct to you at all.....well maybe it was if you intended to change the way an adult thinks. Nobody reads a message from a nobody (and i am one of those nobodies) online and changes the way they think or feel...No one
People have more motives for being here than persuasion, if a president commits treason folks are gonna talk!


Well-Known Member
Wow there are politics here? Whats all this whining about? You all hate your country? I was lucky enough to live in Europe and South America for a few years and am now settled in NJ. We are so lucky to live in the US. I'm in my mid 30's btw...

Anyways, its amazing all of these blackmailed sellouts we call politicians have continued to operate for so long. Get ready for new masters. Trump, for better or for worse, is cleaning house and you are all watching a long ago orchestrated show. Everyone involved is in on this fake sham. When it blows open, lets hope we can all begin to improve and get better leadership without completely widespread corruption like it has been. The question is who is Trump working for? Its not Russia, the Sauds, China or Israel...Enjoy the show
Welcome "new" member.
Trump supporters are low info voters (2).jpg
russian money 1.jpg

And what a show its been its been, indeed.


Well-Known Member
not calling out stupid is the same as verifying it
It depends on the circumstances, if your enemy is digging his own grave, get out of his way! A piece of timeless wisdom... Those whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad, is another and the GOP has gone fucking nuts.


Well-Known Member
To bad Democrats are the party of the KKK and Republicans party of Lincoln. See how they keep the blacks in poverty and promise them the moon. KKK Democrats they are just more deceptive now then before.
Oh horsehit. The Republicans stonewall or dog walk every single bill intended to better the lives of ALL Americans in order better themselves. Dont be so naive. Voting records are public FFS
Mitch Hypocrisy 2010 (2).jpg

And theres hundreds more that have passed the House sitting on MoscowMitchs desk right now.


New Member
Ok sock puppet, 2nd post and first in politics under this username.
New Member · 70
Joined Today at 3:42 PM
Part of my patriotic support for our President Trump rests on the fact there are morons such as yourself believing their fake news is truth.
Compare his rallies drawing tens of thousands who stand in freezing weather for hours for a chance to get in to sleepy to all the other demonrat candidates who can't pack a flatbed truck. Trump don't need glasses he's got 2020.


Well-Known Member
Part of my patriotic support for our President Trump rests on the fact there are morons such as yourself believing their fake news is truth.
Compare his rallies drawing tens of thousands who stand in freezing weather for hours for a chance to get in to sleepy to all the other demonrat candidates who can't pack a flatbed truck. Trump don't need glasses he's got 2020.
It's against the TOS to have more than one account, not enough guts to post under your regular account or have the admins run ya off before? Hey @potroast seen this guy before? All you Trumpers have no honor or honesty.


Well-Known Member
What part of the country are you from that actually pays minimum wage? In west texas even walmart pays 18 minimum to start off. Not because of a law. It is because there are to many jobs and not enough people that want to work. If someone does not want to pay you what you are looking for move on down the road. So try again.
You're so full of shit. Walmart literally includes applications for TANF with their orientation because they do not pay a living wage.
And those greedy fucks profit from those subsidies.


Well-Known Member
Trump has banned his book for "national security" and Bolton knows how to fight dirty, both he and Lev are tag teaming Donald now, but Bolton is the heavy hitter. I'll bet shit is gonna break all day as the senate vote approaches.
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