The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Well, God damn her.

"It is sad for me to admit that, as an institution, the Congress has failed. "

That feckless bitch.

As an institution, the Congress has not failed. The Republican Party's leadership and Republican Party Senators failed. Democratic Party leadership and Democratic Party Senators did not.
vote her out....send money to her challenger. Vote all republicans out


Well-Known Member
To bad Democrats are the party of the KKK and Republicans party of Lincoln. See how they keep the blacks in poverty and promise them the moon. KKK Democrats they are just more deceptive now then before.
David Duke, the leader of the KKK endorsed Trump.

I totally understand why you and your kkkind cite events from more than a hundred years ago and avoid recent ones.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
A new bombshell, Bolton is working over Mitch.
Kasie Hunt: New Bolton Claims Are 'Bombshell That Mitch McConnell Has Been Afraid Of' | MSNBC

Per new New York Times reporting, John Bolton alleges in his new book that President Trump pressured him to call Ukraine President Zelenskiy to begin the Ukraine pressure campaign early last May, months earlier than previously known. Aired on 01/31/20.
Same tactics used against his supreme court pick, how did that go?

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
David Duke, the leader of the KKK endorsed Trump.

I totally understand why you and your kkkind cite events from more than a hundred years ago and avoid recent ones.
Lol wow trump is very popular alot of people endorse him... since when does someone control who endorses them?


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone's pay increasing? Why is unemployment so low? That doesnt help the wealthy it hurts them.
1) Because the Democrats fought and fought for minimum wage increases while the vast majority of Republicans whined and wailed about it (and still are regarding the increase to $15).

2) More people working in minimum wage jobs at less than 40 hours per week isn't anything impressive.

3) Ok


Well-Known Member
Enough evidence already exists to remove and indict this asshole. Right wing self-righteous Repugs said “fuck you murica!” and totally violated their oath to the Constitution and to impartiality in these proceedings. Only oath they ever cared about was to Grover Nordquist to never vote to raise taxes. Disgusting bunch( of weak assholes.
vote republicans out.......every last one


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone's pay increasing? Why is unemployment so low? That doesnt help the wealthy it hurts them.
Inflation pretty much erased every working person's increases if they got one. Good question about unemployment, though. What is it now? 3.5%? Does it really mean that 96.5% are fully employed? If so, why are wages so low? Why aren't they going up faster than inflation? Why are all the new jobs in the service sector and not in better paying sectors? Have you been lied to? Say it aint so.

Whatever happened to those good paying manufacturing jobs Trump vowed to bring back to murrica?

Trump pledged to revive the manufacturing sector. But it just fell deeper into a recession.

You claim to know it all, so teach, sifu.
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Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
1) Because the Democrats fought and fought for minimum wage increases while the vast majority of Republicans whined and wailed about it (and still are regarding the increase to $15).

2) More people working in minimum wage jobs at less than 40 hours per week isn't anything impressive.

3) Ok
What part of the country are you from that actually pays minimum wage? In west texas even walmart pays 18 minimum to start off. Not because of a law. It is because there are to many jobs and not enough people that want to work. If someone does not want to pay you what you are looking for move on down the road. So try again.


Well-Known Member
Lol wow trump is very popular alot of people endorse him... since when does someone control who endorses them?

Hi, it's been a while since we talked. I know you are busy and probably forgot. I mean, it was just a few minutes ago and all. I totally get that your memory isn't as good as it used to be. So, I'll just remind you I was responding to this:
To bad Democrats are the party of the KKK and Republicans party of Lincoln. See how they keep the blacks in poverty and promise them the moon. KKK Democrats they are just more deceptive now then before.
I am pointing out that I totally understand why your kind want to avoid the recent past and so, your kind go back a hundred years to cite old history rather than confront the truth that David Duke, the leader of the kkk endorsed Donald Trump.

Go ahead and say you are proud that a highly placed leader in the white supremacist movement endorsed your guy, Donald Trump. It actually won't make you seem any worse than you already do.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Inflation pretty much erased every working person's increases if they got one. Good question about unemployment, though. What is it now? 3.5%? Does it really mean that 96.5% are fully employed? If so, why are wages so low? Why aren't they going up faster than inflation? Why are all the new jobs in the service sector and not in better paying sectors? Have you been lied to? Say it aint so.

Whatever happened to those good paying manufacturing jobs Trump vowed to bring back to murrica?

Trump pledged to revive the manufacturing sector. But it just fell deeper into a recession.

You clain to know it all, so teach, sifu.
I never "clained" to know it all . But like the typical liberal tell me what I said.


Well-Known Member
Im just here to listen to you guys jump down each others throats hoping and praying you change somebodies mind and the way they think and hope they start thinking like you. lol.
Honestly, can anyone here say that they have made an argument and actually changed someones mind and party affiliation on this web site or any online chat platform?
I would suspect that answer to be a resounding no! you guys are wasting your breath trying to change grown adults mind on how they think. All you guys are doing is bickering at each other for no reason. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and no dumb online comment is going to change that.


Well-Known Member
I never "clained" to know it all . But like the typical liberal tell me what I said.
LOL, yes I made a typo and fixed it. Good for you that your spelling checker found it.

So, explain, please rather than deflect. If unemployment is actually 3.5% why are wages barely keeping up with inflation? What happened to manufacturing, which is currently in recession in the US? Didn't Trump promise to bring those jobs back?


Well-Known Member
Im just here to listen to you guys jump down each others throats hoping and praying you change somebodies mind and the way they think and hope they start thinking like you. lol.
Honestly, can anyone here say that they have made an argument and actually changed someones mind and party affiliation on this web site or any online chat platform?
I would suspect that answer to be a resounding no! you guys are wasting your breath trying to change grown adults mind on how they think. All you guys are doing is bickering at each other for no reason. You believe what you believe and I believe what I believe and no dumb online comment is going to change that.
Thank you for your service.


Well-Known Member
I guess Kelly figures the doing of Donald is incomplete, perhaps he would like to help. John Kelly thinks Trump is a piece of shit.

Trump’s former chief of staff says Senate impeachment trial without witnesses is ‘a job only half done’

WASHINGTON — A Senate vote to end President Donald Trump’s impeachment proceedings without calling witnesses should be considered “half a trial,” the president’s former chief of staff John Kelly said Friday.

“In my view, they kind of leave themselves open to a lot of criticism,” Kelly said in an interview with NJ Advance Media in advance of his Feb. 12 appearance at Drew University’s Drew Forum speaker series at the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown.

“It seems it was half a trial,” Kelly said.

Kelly said he believed former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s assertion that Trump withheld congressionally approved aid to Ukraine to pressure that government into investigating former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

Bolton, who made the claims in an unpublished book reported by the New York Times, was “a copious note taker” and was “an honest guy and an honorable guy,” Kelly said.