MassMedia BULLSHIT they needed a reset

Yes please explain how the rich get richer when people aren't working, stocks are collapsing and nobody is buying goods and services except for hand sanitizer?

The number of people dying from opiates and the flu is constant, the number of people dying and contracting Covid-19 the virus is potentially exponential.

Pretty basic and straightforward. Stop spreading extremly stupid and dangerous fake news.
Saudi's take a short position, then crash the oil market. China crashes the real estate market and buys in at a discount. Buy stocks at a discount, even if you take a loss in your original position, you buy hard on the dip. Buy barrels of oil on the commodity market @ $20, because you know the oil price war hurts the Russians and the Saudis at x price point.
Buy a company that is struggling at a huge discount, they call it vulture capitalism. Buy a reinsurance company. Buy an airline.
Saudi's take a short position, then crash the oil market. China crashes the real estate market and buys in at a discount. Buy stocks at a discount, even if you take a loss in your original position, you buy hard on the dip. Buy barrels of oil on the commodity market @ $20, because you know the oil price war hurts the Russians and the Saudis at x price point.
Buy a company that is struggling at a huge discount, they call it vulture capitalism. Buy a reinsurance company. Buy an airline.

Notice how they like to offer LOANS?


The rich get richer. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Saudi's take a short position, then crash the oil market. China crashes the real estate market and buys in at a discount. Buy stocks at a discount, even if you take a loss in your original position, you buy hard on the dip. Buy barrels of oil on the commodity market @ $20, because you know the oil price war hurts the Russians and the Saudis at x price point.
Buy a company that is struggling at a huge discount, they call it vulture capitalism. Buy a reinsurance company. Buy an airline.

So China engineered the Corona virus to cause a real estate crisis but at the same time collapse their economy, be unable to produce for months and have nobody to sell to?

What exactly are you saying? That some people will make money during a downturn? No shit sherlock, but many more LOSE.

How people hedge during recession is neither here nor their. If you're such a know it all but cant make money off your theories well that says a lot about you and the paranoid android crew....
China is a do understand naming a disease after its place of origin.
Fairly common for racists to see racism in is one big mirror for the self deluded.
Why you choose to be the embodiment of all you project is...........the interesting question.

How does the the geographic location help you understand the "origin" of the disease. You just showed us how ignorant you and your kind are. Enlighten us all how "Chinese Virus" vs "Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus" tells us more about the cross species origin and biology behind the disease? To a moron sure it tells them that the disease geographically originated somewhere within one of the largest countries on earth; while someone with half a brain quickly realizes that means extremely little and from a scientific perspective it's absolutely meaningless.
How does the the geographic location help you understand the "origin" of the disease. You just showed us how ignorant you and your kind are. Enlighten us all how "Chinese Virus" vs "Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus" tells us more about the cross species origin and biology behind the disease? To a moron sure it tells them that the disease geographically originated somewhere within one of the largest countries on earth; while someone with half a brain quickly realizes that means extremely little and from a scientific perspective it's absolutely meaningless.

While morons like you argue the semantics of the Chinese Virus, and keep pushing the failure called open borders, we’ve moved onto reality.

CCP shill?

Yes you lost face. China lost it to the whole world with their coverup and allowing it to spread worldwide.

Own the name now shill, and say hi to Xi for us sock puppet.

Edit: A reminder the Chinese troll army is out in full force. They’ve lost face badly. They want to regain some control of the narrative.
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What exactly are you saying? That some people will make money during a downturn? No shit sherlock, but many more LOSE.

The winners give fuck all about the losers.

As long as the 1% take their profit they give fuck all about the 99%.

You do realize that there are trillionaires in this world. They don’t make Forbes or Fortune 500.

They want to remain anonymous.

They don’t give a shit about the 99%!
How does the the geographic location help you understand the "origin" of the disease. You just showed us how ignorant you and your kind are. Enlighten us all how "Chinese Virus" vs "Covid 19 or Novel Corona Virus" tells us more about the cross species origin and biology behind the disease? To a moron sure it tells them that the disease geographically originated somewhere within one of the largest countries on earth; while someone with half a brain quickly realizes that means extremely little and from a scientific perspective it's absolutely meaningless.
Dude you are thick..and a moron......of course the origin of these things is ultimately important...and the origin of this and the reason behind it
are also avoidable in a non third world country...which China obviously is not....for all the strides the Chinese people may have the last 10 to 20 years.....bringing millions out of poverty...that's impressive...
Still the cost is one that the whole world is bearing....not just China... thanks for that
The winners give fuck all about the losers.

As long as the 1% take their profit they give fuck all about the 99%.

You do realize that there are trillionaires in this world. They don’t make Forbes or Fortune 500.

They want to remain anonymous.

They don’t give a shit about the 99%!
While morons like you argue the semantics of the Chinese Virus, and keep pushing the failure called open borders, we’ve moved onto reality.

CCP shill?

Yes you lost face. China lost it to the whole world with their coverup and allowing it to spread worldwide.

Own the name now shill, and say hi to Xi for us sock puppet.

Edit: A reminder the Chinese troll army is out in full force. They’ve lost face badly. They want to regain some control of the narrative.

Done sucking Trumps dick yet? What failure of open borders? We have had global pandemics throughout human history you dumb cunt.
Dude you are thick..and a moron......of course the origin of these things is ultimately important...and the origin of this and the reason behind it
are also avoidable in a non third world country...which China obviously is not....for all the strides the Chinese people may have the last 10 to 20 years.....bringing millions out of poverty...that's impressive...
Still the cost is one that the whole world is bearing....not just China... thanks for that

Explain how it's important instead of just saying "it's important." Classic. Nobody engineered the virus you dumb twat, just like no body engineered bubonic plague, small pox, spanish flu, polio, Ebola aids etc.
Done sucking Trumps dick yet? What failure of open borders? We have had global pandemics throughout human history you dumb cunt.

I’m Canadian, not even smart enough to see that eh you classless simp? You’re deranged and blocked.

They let the children out of class and I guess here you are.

Go away, can’t you see nobody likes you nor agrees with your drivel.
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Yeah it's a hoax right? Only 1000's of people dying a day, hospitals packed and the global economy in recession.

How exactly are the rich getting richer with GDP underperforming by 30 to 50%. Cut back on the THC and load up on CBD, it will help with the conspiracy theories.
Rich are getting richer by the stock price dropping and then using their wealth to buy it back knowing later that things will get better and they can sell it for profit. It helps that they can afford it. That’s why it’s not worked out yet.

Buybacks happened during the bank bailout. They’re a pretty major sticking point right now.
The opioid crisis doesn't impact 99% of the population and never will. Covid 19 has a far greater i

The opioid epidemic isnt infectious and doesnt impact 99% of the population. So yes I will be dismissive when people confuse completely unrelated matters and create dumb strawman arguments. Here is a simple picture as it relates to Northern imagine the same stats spread globally.

View attachment 4509219
Good try fake news. It has less than 1% death rate
Not that I agree with what the other guy said/dgaf about that, but I beg to differ on both these points. Opioid epidemic affects a lot of people.

Yeah you are right, the opiod crisis is real and important to society as well, so is homelessness and hunger. No argument from me there. I should have said that covid 19 has the potential to impact more of the population than the opiod crisis if we let it. On the other hand if we just laid low for 3 or 4 weeks and kept 6ish ft apart it would die out like polio and other diseases.
Not that I agree with what the other guy said/dgaf about that, but I beg to differ on both these points. Opioid epidemic affects a lot of people.

A “positive” about the virus is that since the majority of illicit fentanyl comes from China, hopefully this will effect the production and importation of Chinese fentanyl.
A “positive” about the virus is that since the majority of illicit fentanyl comes from China, hopefully this will effect the production and importation of Chinese fentanyl.
Don’t worry big pharma here will pick up the slack with the new bailout money they will now receive

When there is demand someone will always find a way to supply.