The White privilege to terrorize

Sorry Bob but I’m done answering your ridiculous questions. As I suggested before, move to a deserted island and crate your own utopian society.
Lol. Nice try.

Don’t worry Bob we’re paying attention and because of that we can all see you’re full of shit

I can see you STILL haven't answered how you could delegate a right you do not possess.

No, I'm full of "win". You are full of runaway from a scary question.
I can see you STILL haven't answered how you could delegate a right you do not possess.

No, I'm full of "win". You are full of runaway from a scary question.

So funny.

Just because you say you win doesn’t mean it’s the case. This is why you lack the ability to engage in effective discourse, it’s not a contest Bob. Maybe, if you actually gave some thought to a viewpoint different than your own you might actually learn something.

and I already told you, I’m not answering your ridiculous question
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So funny.

Just because you say you win doesn’t mean it’s the case. This is why you lack the ability to engage in effective discourse, it’s not a contest Bob. Maybe, if you actually gave some thought to a viewpoint different than your own you might actually learn something.

and I already told you, I’m not answering your ridiculous question

Yes, I know you're not answering my question(s). To do so, would expose the fragility of your lame argument.

You're correct that because a person says they're winning, it doesn't confer winning. I'm winning because your premise is naked and you won't buy it any clothes, while ignoring the dazzle of my fine suit.

I have given some thought to view points which differ from mine and I've consistently pointed out the contradictions. Viewpoints which rely on holding two opposing views at once are easy to dissasemble.

So, how would you delegate a right that you don't possess ? Enlighten me.
Yeah because 2020 white middle aged white men have totally the same oppression that black people had in the 60s.

Totally the same.
Not the same, but similar, only our oppressors are the white women we've had in out beds.
Don't believe me, ask Harvey
If outfitted with an ankle monitor I would figuratively remove it and insert it into the chest cavity of the person who "ordered" me to wear it, while simultaneously removing that person's heart in a Ninja like lightening fast legal surgical precision move.

It would be a morally permissible use of defensive force if the ankle monitor were installed as a result of a "victimless crime".

That means I would use legal Ju Jitsu to amaze and confound my opponents, then runaway as fast as I could, which isn't very fast these days, seeing that I'm almost as much of an old fart as you are, but clearly better looking, which is nice.
Don’t they install those ankle monitors on pederasts, and not perpetrators of victimless crimes?
$17,000 still beats $0, which is what you’ll get since you’re a lazy unemployable welfare and food stamp sponge

Raise my own food, you corn fed subsidized sheep.

I am going to buy some chicks now, imprison them without their consent and force them to lay eggs for me.

Pederasty is not a victimless crime and you don’t grow e years supply worth of food that you have no ability to freeze or refrigerate since you have no electricity to your dilapidated hovel also unapproved structure
Yes, I know you're not answering my question(s). To do so, would expose the fragility of your lame argument.

You're correct that because a person says they're winning, it doesn't confer winning. I'm winning because your premise is naked and you won't buy it any clothes, while ignoring the dazzle of my fine suit.

I have given some thought to view points which differ from mine and I've consistently pointed out the contradictions. Viewpoints which rely on holding two opposing views at once are easy to dissasemble.

So, how would you delegate a right that you don't possess ? Enlighten me.

Yeah, right. I particularly enjoyed watching you “in the dazzle of your fine suit” back track when you got caught in your hypocrisy trying to make it look like you were testing us. LOL

I know you think you’re smart but you’re really not.
You should move to a deserted island where no one can conceivably mess with these rights you’re so concerned about losing.

It’s a clear win-win. You will have the right to do whatever you want and we’ll get a break from your nonsense.

i've already suggested off the grid but apparently he likes services.
Raise my own food, you corn fed subsidized sheep.

I am going to buy some chicks now, imprison them without their consent and force them to lay eggs for me.


i'd love to have some chickens..i would love them and hug them and kiss them and never let them go..fluffy chick:hug:
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