Biden is screwed

As a non American having read up to page 4 of this thread i have some comments...

Democrats consider Republicans to be the worst kind of scum, and not really deserving of equal political rights if they are incapable of recognizing the obviously superior party.

Republicans consider Democrats to be the worst kind of scum, and not really deserving of equal political rights if they are incapable of recognizing the obviously superior party.

It seems that beating the other team is considered far more important than providing the best possible leadership.

As America becomes a political see-saw with large groups at the extreme left and extreme right who mutually utterly loathe each other, and who feel that "first world" levels of freedom should perhaps not apply so much to those who persist on supporting the "wrong" party, the breakdown of society becomes a real worry.

/randomturn - When the Bible talks about end times bad stuff, i get the message that "the person who you put in charge thinking they will finally rescue you from the fucktards will turn out to be the surprise super fucktard". I have a suspicion that the next Democrat to replace Trump will be that assumed savior. I predict that Trump will win the election, then resign for medical reasons. This salves his ego while allowing him to escape a job that he hates and his dementia makes impossible.
IMO just like the last election, Trump will win due to a combination of factors...

1. War President (Covid) U dont change leaders part way through a war.
2. For better or worse, middle America being scared and angry = votes for Trump. Life is hardly getting less scary or angry.
3. How can a policitian of any party who is not a celebrity possibly compete with someone who has been on TV for years? Be reasonable - Winfrey/Kanye might have a decent chance against Trump.

A word of reprimand :) - im getting a vibe where American Democrats are pleased at the thought of Covid killing Republicans, and vice versa. Its a really sorry comment on how the moral quality of life (everywhere) has devolved...
IMO just like the last election, Trump will win due to a combination of factors...

1. War President (Covid) U dont change leaders part way through a war.
2. For better or worse, middle America being scared and angry = votes for Trump. Life is hardly getting less scary or angry.
3. How can a policitian of any party who is not a celebrity possibly compete with someone who has been on TV for years? Be reasonable - Winfrey/Kanye might have a decent chance against Trump.

A word of reprimand :) - im getting a vibe where American Democrats are pleased at the thought of Covid killing Republicans, and vice versa. Its a really sorry comment on how the moral quality of life (everywhere) has devolved...

When there is no leadership then you get this shit. Pretty simple.
I'm taking it for granted that the nitwit sitting in the WH right now is finished politically & will lose his re-election bid come November, because I know the American people can't actually be that fucking stupid to fuck themselves twice in a row, right?

But they elected GW Bush twice, so who really knows.

So, this is my point.

It took Obama 8 years, fighting tooth & nail all the way against Republican opposition to clean up the mess left behind by the previous Republican administration which was a total fucking disaster & now, again, a Democrat will have another fucking disaster to clean up left by another Republican administration , one that is historic in it's magnitude.

This is just May 18, with 90, 000 dead already & 14.7% un-employed in this country as of today, the worst numbers in the entire fucking World.

Can you just imagine what the numbers will be on January 3, 2021 when Biden is sworn in?

Holy fuck, I really, really pity Joe because he's totally fucked. one way or the other.

He was always simply a placeholder. Look to whomever the DS chooses as his VP as the P shortly after, assuming they can force mail in voting
Is that because your kind are ashamed to defend Trump or because your kind have shrunk in numbers to the point where you are just isolated cranks?

you need to watch what is actually being done and going [press conferences] instead of the fake news which is not news..just slanted lefty opinion

but you prefer your food chewed up, predigested and spit in your mouth instead

you cannot know what is being done and actually said if you are not there..and msm is not gonna tell you..they would be fired if they did
As a non American having read up to page 4 of this thread i have some comments...

Democrats consider Republicans to be the worst kind of scum, and not really deserving of equal political rights if they are incapable of recognizing the obviously superior party.

Republicans consider Democrats to be the worst kind of scum, and not really deserving of equal political rights if they are incapable of recognizing the obviously superior party.

It seems that beating the other team is considered far more important than providing the best possible leadership.

As America becomes a political see-saw with large groups at the extreme left and extreme right who mutually utterly loathe each other, and who feel that "first world" levels of freedom should perhaps not apply so much to those who persist on supporting the "wrong" party, the breakdown of society becomes a real worry.

/randomturn - When the Bible talks about end times bad stuff, i get the message that "the person who you put in charge thinking they will finally rescue you from the fucktards will turn out to be the surprise super fucktard". I have a suspicion that the next Democrat to replace Trump will be that assumed savior. I predict that Trump will win the election, then resign for medical reasons. This salves his ego while allowing him to escape a job that he hates and his dementia makes impossible.
What do you mean by 'equal political rights'?

Actually all of this post is pretty much just saying that all you hear is the extremities of the political world, which makes me guess you are getting the same spam propaganda campaign that almost everyone else has and the Russian/Saudi/Right Wing/Evangelical/Trump trolling AI have not put you in a box (yet, if you are a real person and not just another paid troll attacking this forum). Usually that is when it turns to trying to get you to not vote by just pummeling people with 'everyone sucks' propaganda.

In reality it is not the case, the Democratic party has been getting trolled by the Republicans as being 'extremist' ever since they painted them hippies back in the 60's. In the 70's they started their Southern Strategy. In the 80's Reagan and the Republicans pushed through the ability for Fox News and Hate Radio to lie to the American people in order to trick them and the long con game of the trolling Democrats began.

Sept 11, 2001, the 24 hour news cycle of 'if it bleeds it leads' dawns.

The internet changed everything, by 2006 conspiracy theories, religious, and racists where locking in their 'bases' and radicalizing American politics.

2010 the mega-wealthy sponsored 'organic' "Tea Party" co-opted these online groups into the Republicans party.

This made me mad, I hated the stupidity that was being spread, but I had figured that is America, people are allowed to be racist xenophobes who hate women and 'insert them here'. But in 2014 it is shown that the Russian military began attacking our country. And we have been getting more and more amped up as a society by whatever it is that affects people the most.

This needs to be stopped, and Trump and the Republicans have proven he is actively helping propagate the Russian attack on our country. And at the end of the day, you can examine Biden's 50-ish year political career and one thing he was not is a dirty politician as you have seen his tax returns for years and was extremely vetted for what 30 years of running for President and being VP, and more importantly, he is not a Russian puppet.

The Democrats need 60+ seats in the Senate, the House, and the Presidency to get any of their agenda done, that has only been about 6 years in the last 50 years. And each Democratic President had to deal with a recession and only had power to do anything in the first 2 before Republicans gained the ability to stop all legislation.

And every time the Republicans gain this kind power, they have regrettably been very smart and have done things like time it so they can gerrymander the congressional districts in and have a much better chance at winning the House and state seats, and stuff the courts with activist judges now so they can get away with it for the next 30 or so years.
you need to watch what is actually being done and going [press conferences] instead of the fake news which is not news..just slanted lefty opinion

but you prefer your food chewed up, predigested and spit in your mouth instead

you cannot know what is being done and actually said if you are not there..and msm is not gonna tell you..they would be fired if they did
Ok, so show us some of these things you see that you think we should be proud of with Trump.
the Gaslighting on those forum is first I thought I entered the Twilight zone... the leftism of the moderators here is off the charts..the fuckers can barely grow weed but they sure on top of their lefty politics...
You do get that our country is under attack right?

From the bi-Partisan Senate Report on the Russian attack on our democracy:
Screen Shot 2020-05-24 at 8.00.43 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-05-24 at 8.00.55 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-05-24 at 8.01.26 AM.png

Everything online is being attacked this way.

The Russian military was even targeting video games like Pokemon ffs.
What do you mean by 'equal political rights'?

I mean the mindset of "because i disagree with your politics you should have less rights than me". - the cry of facists everywhere.

As opposed to "while i find your opinions repulsive, i accept your right to have an opinion different to mine. Your vote should count for just as much as mine, even tho you are a moron and probably evil - as i know that you consider me just as stupid and evil for my views."
I mean the mindset of "because i disagree with your politics you should have less rights than me". - the cry of facists everywhere.

As opposed to "while i find your opinions repulsive, i accept your right to have an opinion different to mine. Your vote should count for just as much as mine, even tho you are a moron and probably evil - as i know that you consider me just as stupid and evil for my views."
Yeah then I have to strongly disagree that the Democrats are trying to make anyones votes not count or make it harder for them to vote. Or any other right/law.
As you get old you will see this same cycle over and over..the same politcal institutions that have run our countries for decades doing the same shit they did 50 years ago... same cycle every election... only difference is the internet has given them a far more powerful tool then they ever had before.
The Russian's LOL ! hey the 1950's called they want their Boogeyman back !!!!
You really don't have a clue, and are a Russian useful idiot, or are just another paid troll would be my guess.

As you get old you will see this same cycle over and over..the same politcal institutions that have run our countries for decades doing the same shit they did 50 years ago... same cycle every election... only difference is the internet has given them a far more powerful tool then they ever had before.
Did they have AI and data linking to every American using social media using the internet 50 years ago?

No you should not be so convinced you are not being conned.
But on the real, Biden's only shot is to get someone like Michelle Obama as his VP. He's screwed; like the thread says.
Polls say different and Donald is heading down, just wait for the slaughter in the south and oversight, maybe even impeachment too. Make them good ole boys carry Donald's water over this shit while the folks back home are dying. Nancy wants the senate too and Mitch will give it to her, laying it on the line for the great leader.
You really don't have a clue, and are a Russian useful idiot, or are just another paid troll would be my guess.

Did they have AI and data linking to every American using social media using the internet?

the tools of control that they have now are what we should be scared of... not the Russian's LOL
Polls say different and Donald is heading down, just wait for the slaughter in the south and oversight, maybe even impeachment too. Make them good ole boys carry Donald's water over this shit while the folks back home are dying. Nancy wants the senate too and Mitch will give it to her, laying it on the line for the great leader.

how good have the polls been so far ? they aren't so stop even looking
the tools of control that they have now are what we should be scared of... not the Russian's LOL

But at the moment people are being snowballed on a epic level in our country by Dear Leader's re-eelection campaign which depends on the Russians continuing their attack on our country and the result is that the citizens of our country are unable to communicate effectively, because nobody can gain any traction with facts before trolling intensifies and people start fighting when they discuss how to work to fix things.