Why is Trump still allowed to Tweet?

Yes it is :clap:

He's trying to set up a reason for his losing as he knows he is losing and will need something to blame for his losing rather than himself
He knew he was losing in 2016 too. Remember the blank looks on election night? Melania looking all pissed off?

Everyone on the Trump campaign was as surprised as the rest of us. There was no transition team in place and no acceptance speech written.

The entire campaign was nothing more than a publicity stunt to promote his brand. Now however, Trump feels he must win to keep out of jail.
It's illegal here.
It replaced moonshine in appalachia! I'm, sure there are plenty of good ole boys around looking for a few bucks!

We can grow 4 outside here and as many as practical inside, nobody checks, it ain't a crime and warrants are hard to obtain. There is also a certain reluctance, because they know the 4 plant limit would be struck down as unconstitutional, people have rights, not places.
How long before he admits he has the sugar in a lame attempt to attract voters.

Him having a very appropriate warning label on his lies by the company whose platform he is using to try to spread them to keep Americans fighting against each other in order to help his re-election chances so he can try to delay his future court hearing is not stifling his free speech.

He is the POTUS and acts like a snowflake every time anyone doesn't just roll over and show their belly. It is just sad that you feel the need to try to stand up for Dear Leader's shitty-ness.

You do know this is a cannabis forum right? Do you even grow weed, or are you just here to bitch about politics?
In the political section, people are bitching about politics, imagine that.
Twitter, Shmitter.

Ive said it before and I’ll say it again: the best way to shut that stupid fucker up is a well aimed billet. I can’t believe a country with such a long history of gun violence would spare this piece of shit.

One patriot. One bullet. Problem over.
Twitter, Shmitter.

Ive said it before and I’ll say it again: the best way to shut that stupid fucker up is a well aimed billet. I can’t believe a country with such a long history of gun violence would spare this piece of shit.

One patriot. One bullet. Problem over.
Too well protected, all the lunatics are his biggest fans, if they couldn't get Obama, they won't try with him. Those who oppose Trump are most often driven by anger, but its source is a mixed bag of social outrage, visceral fear and even compassion in some. Almost all the acts of domestic terrorism are carried out by right wing racist nut jobs who worship Trump or are so asocial as not to care. Obama got a lot more death threats than Trump has gotten, though lately as the stakes are dramatically increasing...

Assassinating the POTUS is a specific crime in the USA (aside from murder) and so is conspiring to do so, proceed with caution ... ;) Remember who you are dealing with. I confine my Trump S&M porn to legal themes and only go as far as ball gags in court... :D
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Too well protected, all the lunatics are his biggest fans, if they couldn't get Obama, they won't try with him. Those who oppose Trump are most often driven by anger, but its source is a mixed bag of social outrage, visceral fear and even compassion in some. Almost all the acts of domestic terrorism are carried out by right wing racist nut jobs who worship Trump or are so asocial as not to care. Obama got a lot more death threats than Trump has gotten, though lately as the stakes are dramatically increasing...

Assassinating the POTUS is a specific crime in the USA (aside from murder) and so is conspiring to do so. proceed with caution ... ;) Remember who you are dealing with.
3 presidents have been assassinated. One more couldn’t hurt.

No president is completely safe. If someone is willing to sacrifice their lives for the mission it can be done.

Of course it would be a lot easier if one of the joint chiefs could find the courage.
3 presidents have been assassinated. One more couldn’t hurt.

No president is completely safe. If someone is willing to sacrifice their lives for the mission it can be done.

Of course it would be a lot easier if one of the joint chiefs could find the courage.
Of course Joe could pardon him, but it would set a bad precedent! :D
3 presidents have been assassinated. One more couldn’t hurt.

No president is completely safe. If someone is willing to sacrifice their lives for the mission it can be done.

Of course it would be a lot easier if one of the joint chiefs could find the courage.
I was just thinking Donald could offer a public pardon to anybody who does Joe in, like a medieval papal bull, why not? Who would stop him? Moscow Mitch?
Twitter, Shmitter.

Ive said it before and I’ll say it again: the best way to shut that stupid fucker up is a well aimed billet. I can’t believe a country with such a long history of gun violence would spare this piece of shit.

One patriot. One bullet. Problem over.
I said too myself a long time ago that if I ever get a terminal illness, the last thing I would do in my life is kamikaze that motherfucker.
Then I would die with a big smile on my face at least :)
He knew he was losing in 2016 too. Remember the blank looks on election night? Melania looking all pissed off?

Everyone on the Trump campaign was as surprised as the rest of us. There was no transition team in place and no acceptance speech written.
The entire campaign was nothing more than a publicity stunt to promote his brand. Now however, Trump feels he must win to keep out of jail.

Unoriginal as he is, he sees China and their govt and believes he can be a better Communist.
Donald J. Trump



Republicans feel that Social Media Platforms totally silence conservatives voices. We will strongly regulate, or close them down, before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do, and failed, in 2016. We can’t let a more sophisticated version of that....

Now that's freedom!
Like I said earlier, the assassin should be celebrated like the true patriot they would be.

Full pardon and a national holiday celebrating said assassin’s birthday.
When ya look at it in it's proper context he would be one death among hundreds of thousands that he largely caused. It would not be a national tragedy if he had a cheeseburger induced stroke and croaked mid tweet, I would not shed a tear and neither would you!
Imagine now that Twitter is fact checking Trump what a challenge it must be, but perhaps not, Donald is a creature of habit and has a limited number of themes and lies and repeats often. He has told by some estimates 20,000 lies since in office and there are data bases of them that you could make a fairly simple query filter to comb instantly, a simple relational database could do the job. I figure Twitter might have something a bit more sophisticated, but using the same data sources as mentioned above, they nonetheless probably have a high level employee doing the final filtering for Donald. They get 20% of their revenue because of Donald, so they can't burn him too bad, besides, Twitter hurts him more than helps him, it is his outlet to bitch and whine while getting the attention he craves.
Are you arguing against free speech? Do you not have free speech in Canada, lol?
Not at all in this case, the stupid who follow false prophets will perish and the righteous will live, God willing, cause the Lord helps those who help themselves, or so they will say in their sermons in a few months, the experience will become a teaching story too. Those who followed orange Jesus suffered and died, don't fur get to go to church now, expect you don't go yourself, you just want to send the innocent along with the fools to the slaughter. You don't really give a fuck about anybody but yourself and would throw your own kids under the bus, you already have by supporting Trump, helped kill yer own mamma and daddy too.
Ha Ha Ha :)
Ass wipe is so pissed off at Twitter that he's threating to shut it down
