Why is Trump still allowed to Tweet?

Is it me or did Trump spill the beans yet again?

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He knows it is his supporters out there being professionally managed to try to damage the protesting of another murder by the police.
Notice all the masks? These people were protesting injustice, not playing games like the anti lockdown white privilege crowd, who showed no respect or consideration for others. Social distancing makes for larger apparent crowd sizes too, much more impressive and it would get even more public support. I see many were sporting mask messages like." I can't Breathe" made with a sharpie, what a great idea, if millions did that it might make an impression and even make the news. Saves folks from having to talk and even shout in public, the mask says it all.
I don't think anyone here is surprised that Trump Called out the Dogs today.

I also don't think they have any Idea how outnumbered they are.. We The People Love Our Country, Those Standing behind the Cheeto are the ones that want chaos.
Is it me or did Trump spill the beans yet again?

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He knows it is his supporters out there being professionally managed to try to damage the protesting of another murder by the police.

well, what strikes me is he's called out his warriors..this is going to be to the bitter end, men.

what worries me is we still have lotsa days until november 3, how can he keep up this pace?

oh i know! collateral damage! accidents happen all the time..look at dick cheney..:wink:
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There seems to be little concern that these riots and peaceful protests could cause a spike in Covid cases.

Just putting that out there.
I have heard a lot of people mention it here and there, but it just gets drowned out by the monumental moment we are in.

Im really now wondering when the SCOTUS is going to talk about Trump's ability to get away with everything while he is in office.
He will be in his golf course. Nothing is going to affect him until he is no longer president.
He seems to respond to fear and terror though and the thought of losing the election is terrorizing him now. We all catastrophize in our minds and imagine the worse outcome, Donald is no different in this regard, even though he pretends to himself he would just resume his old life. Donald knows what Donald did however and it will play on one level or another of his shattered deteriorating mind. When it gets in his face post election, if he loses, the reality will be truly driven home, Donald is obsessed with TV and it will be full of speculation on his legal fate. Better hope nobody will take his orders then, lame duck Donald will be dead duck Donald.
There seems to be little concern that these riots and peaceful protests could cause a spike in Covid cases.

Just putting that out there.
There will be consequences and I expect things will cool off after a bit, provided the provocations do not continue. If you wear masks, maintain social distancing and have good organisation, you can use the empty streets to your advantage on bright sunny days, when it is most safe to do so. They need not go silent but protest in a manner that gets them 70% public support or at least understanding. I can't breathe, mask messages made with sharpies get a lot of white folks thinking too, they should mass produce them.
He seems to respond to fear and terror though and the thought of losing the election is terrorizing him now. We all catastrophize in our minds and imagine the worse outcome, Donald is no different in this regard, even though he pretends to himself he would just resume his old life. Donald knows what Donald did however and it will play on one level or another of his shattered deteriorating mind. When it gets in his face post election, if he loses, the reality will be truly driven home, Donald is obsessed with TV and it will be full of speculation on his legal fate. Better hope nobody will take his orders then, lame duck Donald will be dead duck Donald.

He knows that the Feds have the goods on him.

And he knows he is sunk and only getting re-elected, or programming so many people that by the time he is put in front of a jury he can sway at least one of them to find him not guilty. He is currently having his sleepy lawyer Barr digging up every tiny detail of dirt he can use to try to 'win' while he has power.

The election is very important to him, but not to actually win, but to plant the seed of him being 'not guilty'.
He knows that the Feds have the goods on him.

And he knows he is sunk and only getting re-elected, or programming so many people that by the time he is put in front of a jury he can sway at least one of them to find him not guilty. He is currently having his sleepy lawyer Barr digging up every tiny detail of dirt he can use to try to 'win' while he has power.

The election is very important to him, but not to actually win, but to plant the seed of him being 'not guilty'.
With the evidence against Trump (documents and witnesses) in the Stormy Daniels case alone, his own daughter Tiffany fresh out of law school could put him away for a decade, and she knows it too. A juror would have to be fanatical indeed to resist the evidence, logic and social pressure of the other jurors. They had better be able to mount a logical argument for acquittal, such miscreants are usually weeded out in the selection process. That is most developed case against Trump and the one he is most likely to be charged with first, it could almost be instantly brought, all the homework has been done and Cohen just got out of prison for it and is under house arrest, watching TV at home like everybody else, so is Donald's bean counter who they also have by the balls.
With the evidence against Trump (documents and witnesses) in the Stormy Daniels case alone, his own daughter Tiffany fresh out of law school could put him away for a decade, and she knows it too. A juror would have to be fanatical indeed to resist the evidence, logic and social pressure of the other jurors. They had better be able to mount a logical argument for acquittal, such miscreants are usually weeded out in the selection process. That is most developed case against Trump and the one he is most likely to be charged with first, it could almost be instantly brought, all the homework has been done and Cohen just got out of prison for it and is under house arrest, watching TV at home like everybody else, so is Donald's bean counter who they also have by the balls.
Except this is America, and he only needs one person sitting in the jury box to buy into his cult logic to get off.
What do ya think if all those people that are storming the Capitol in Lansing, Were all Black People, believe we would see Gun Laws Change so fast our heads would spin, Ya see Trump Supporters that's just one issue with the Right wingers that think they own all of us and can do what ever the fuck they want to. So I say Get a few Hundred People of Color and get them some AR-15 s and see what the Cops do then, I would bet that those people would be singled out and fucked with. Can anyone imagine if that were a Black man Screaming in a Cops face ?(with a gun in his hands) That man would be arrested and Chucked in Jail.

MHO I Really don't even have to wonder what would happen because I am sure we all, Well at least most of us here knows what would happen to them, Jailed, Beaten, harassed, or worse Killed. This all boils down to the Incompetence of this Clown we have running our Country into a very Deep Ditch. Where are we all Created Equal ? It's a Joke. If the Clown would have Responded at half the Speed he did with Tweeter as with the Corona Virus I would bet that more than 3/4s of those who died would not have.

This is who we have leading us into a Polluted, Divided , Racist, Bigoted, hatred, of anyone who don't look or think like them...

Q : What more do we need to see from him ?

I've had plenty of Friends that voted for him, those same people have said they can't stand him anymore, that gives me hope that more former Trump supporters are Waking up to see what he really is.
gee what do you know black people with guns bad, White people with guns good.

What a tool !!