A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

Awesome. I had George Soros on my Batshit crazy things people say on the internet Bingo card. I just need fake moon landing and sandy hook never happened for the win.
Yeah well his name has plenty of people talking about him, he deviced a plan to destroy America and even has issued payments to these actors to incite violence and crime, it's a fact now's the time to accept you've been lied to.

Oh and DIY and UncleBuck don't know their mouth from their asshole, I've already proven them wrong many a times, and they hate me for it apparently, stupid bottom feeders.
He has mental health issues and disordered thinking, read his posts carefully, look up negative schizophrenia symptoms, depending on his age he could also be and older manic depressive. I haven't looked too carefully myself, not trying to candle his head, but his posts are not something a well person would write, disordered thinking comes to mind.
Stop repeating what you don't know for a fact, this isn't the fake covid virus Mr I'm right about everything, hoax swallower.
Yeah well his name has plenty of people talking about him, he deviced a plan to destroy America and even has issued payments to these actors to incite violence and crime, it's a fact now's the time to accept you've been lied to.

Oh and DIY and UncleBuck don't know their mouth from their asshole, I've already proven them wrong many a times, and they hate me for it apparently, stupid bottom feeders.
Yeah, I got my Soros check this week, but I haven't done any of the things I'm supposed to do in service of the DS (that's what we on the inside call the Deep State).
Yeah well his name has plenty of people talking about him, he deviced a plan to destroy America and even has issued payments to these actors to incite violence and crime, it's a fact now's the time to accept you've been lied to.

Oh and DIY and UncleBuck don't know their mouth from their asshole, I've already proven them wrong many a times, and they hate me for it apparently, stupid bottom feeders.
Proof, an Alex Jones video is not it. You have no evidence at all and made it up yourself, you are what is called a fabulist, its a symptom of something else perhaps? Your narrative has to be credible and believable by reasonable people and you must provide good evidence. You are also bearing false witness against Mr. Soros and I want a JOB! :D Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, only hostile aliens from another world could pull this off! Jesus help us, Trump is an alien, I have proof!
Wait, what do you mean "fake COVID virus"? Is it a hoax?
Yes, didn't you notice all the protests, the people have spoken nobody believes the virus is what we've been told anymore, nobody cares as in more than 60% of Americans are now suspicious of the covid virus, and CNN even got attacked for their (Floyd) false narrative black news reporter getting arrested by 2 white military police, people got angry because they realised they were being lied to about the news they were told was Real, when in fact people were suspicious about the media and their lies already, CNN shot themselves and the rest of the news outlets in the foot, more and more people are turning off the news a seeking out their own information to find the truth, we are all tired of being lied to.
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His navel must think it can read minds.
Please, for your own sake fogdog don't try and discredit me any further, you've been told civil war was coming, what does it looks like is happening?

You've been pressing forth the shadow government covid hoax narrative for months now, do you not realize you're preaching for the same false narrative agenda that the Illuminati hoped you would get deceived by and then repeat, and then defend however your able with fake news stories from Media, China? The same fake agenda that is destroying America but yet you egotistically defend your brainwashed (feeble minded) CNN/Reuters/RT/Fox News reports for dear life, and discredit any outside opinions or thoughts that go against your own MK ULTRA mindless mantra you've willfully absorbed your whole boomer life as if it really matters what you say, look around online bitchute, YT, Zerohedge several other forums I visit, all saying the opposite of what's being said here, everyone else's is wrong though right fogdog, millions of people realising something's up, but oh what let's hear what Mr head in the sand fogdog thinks is really going on, yeah that would be smart wouldn't it........ :spew::clap:
Yeah well his name has plenty of people talking about him, he deviced a plan to destroy America and even has issued payments to these actors to incite violence and crime, it's a fact now's the time to accept you've been lied to.
Stop repeating what you don't know for a fact, this isn't the fake covid virus Mr I'm right about everything, hoax swallower.
Oh, the irony of the ignorant flows deep. Too deep for the ignorant to see themselves.:wall:
It's like going to WalMart shoppers for advice on fashion, home decor, and foreign trade when you dimwits spout forth the wisdom.
Self contradiction and flawed logic suppositions is your fodder, and you belly up to the trough for seconds.

Some of them actually think they are sovereigns, so the 7/11 is a separate country when they are standing in it....and the illuminati are real but corona virus is not..
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Videos of the arrest recorded by bystanders and security cameras

Initial viral video
Part of the arrest was recorded by a bystander and streamed to Facebook Live, which quickly went viral. Chauvin is seen on video applying pressure with his knee to Floyd's neck while his hand is in his pocket. Former police officers were critical of Chauvin's left hand appearing to be in his pocket, as if he was striking a casual pose or relaxing as Floyd warned police about his struggle to breathe.

When the video starts, Floyd is already pinned chest down to the ground, and Officer Chauvin is kneeling on his neck. Floyd repeatedly tells Chauvin "Please" and "I can't breathe", while also moaning, groaning, and sobbing. A bystander tells police, "You got him down. Let him breathe."

After Floyd says "I'm about to die", Chauvin tells Floyd to relax. The police ask Floyd, "What do you want?" Floyd answers, "I can't breathe." Floyd states: "Please, the knee in my neck, I can't breathe." Someone tells Floyd to "get up and get in the car" (which Agence France Presse, CBS News and WVLT-TV identify as one of the officers, while Buzzfeed News says it is "unclear" whether it was an officer speaking), to which Floyd replies, "I will ... I can't move." Chauvin would continue to kneel on Floyd's neck as he struggled. Floyd cries out, "Mama!" Floyd says, "My stomach hurts, my neck hurts, everything hurts", and requests water. The police do not audibly respond to Floyd. Floyd begs, "Don't kill me."

Chauvin was described as putting his full body weight onto Floyd's neck. One bystander points out that Floyd is bleeding from the nose. Another tells the police that Floyd is "not even resisting arrest right now". The police tell the bystanders that Floyd was "talking, he's fine"; a bystander replies that Floyd "ain't fine". The bystander protests that the police were preventing Floyd from breathing, urging them, "Get him off the ground ... You could have put him in the car by now. He's not resisting arrest or nothing. You're enjoying it. Look at you. Your body language."

Floyd goes silent and motionless, but Chauvin does not lift his knee from Floyd's neck. The bystanders protest that Floyd is "not responsive", and repeatedly ask the police to check Floyd's pulse. A bystander questions, "Did they fucking kill him?"

An ambulance eventually arrives, and Chauvin does not remove his knee until emergency medical services put Floyd's unresponsive body on a stretcher. The body is loaded into the ambulance, and taken away. A male bystander says that the police "just really killed" Floyd. This video showed that Chauvin had knelt on Floyd's neck for at least seven minutes.

Other videos
A second bystander video, taken from inside a vehicle, shows Floyd being removed from his vehicle. Vice describes that Floyd "doesn't appear to be resisting – just standing next to his car". The Independent wrote, "The video shows two policemen pulling Mr. Floyd from his car without any apparent resistance."

A six-minute video from a security camera of a nearby restaurant was provided to the news media. It shows two officers removing a man from a vehicle. The man is handcuffed and brought to a sidewalk, where he sits down. A third officer arrives. Later, an officer helps the man stand up again, and two officers bring the man to a police vehicle, where the man falls onto the ground. While police initially claimed that Floyd had resisted arrest, this surveillance video "shows officers calmly detaining him", according to CBS News. The surveillance video "does not support police claims that George Floyd resisted arrest", wrote CNN.

A video of the incident from a different angle showed "three officers have Floyd pinned on the ground, while another stands over him", reported CBS Evening News. The Wall Street Journal described it as "three officers are seen sitting on" Floyd.

^^^ if thats not first degree murder then what is murder anyway? its even aggravated because of the sadistic torture plus all the violation of police & civil laws etc ^^^

source: Wikipedia
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Oh, the irony of the ignorant flows deep. Too deep for the ignorant to see themselves.:wall:
What's your objective? Everyone's bored out of their minds over the fake covid bullshit, it's not worth discussing any further it's over nothing happened to anyone, nobody noticed a change anywhere, no hospitals built in one week anywhere else, just decepticon China, no body falling over dead anywhere, literally nothing happening to one race more than another either, they said Asians where dying In the thousands but yet African Americans are the number one race it effects, where is the emergency hospital's necessary for Africans being built then? They aren't building one because the entire covid hoax was horseshit lies from the very beginning, it's all done to cause America to collapse and become a 3rd world power so that the UN can take over World governments and create a dystopian communist rule in America, to discipline our unruly free country Homeland and peoples of our rights as Human beings.

Oh and btw : Covid Hoax Failure

Nobody wants to listen to a bunch of child sacrificing demon worshipping drug addict pedophiles who drink adrenochrome to stay young and vibrant while turning their backs on humanity and God's commandments while torturing and ruining thousand and millions of innocent lives, nobody trusts them anymore, not the news, not the president, not Fauci, Not WHO, Not Oprah or any of those adrenochrome drinking celebrities who were all friends with Epstein, Gates and Trump the ring leaders to Child crimes beyond imagination and crimes against humanity, and cruel abuse of children worldwide.

But yeah I'm the one who should be told I'm silly for not being gullible enough to listen to a bunch of anti Human criminals of mass design, well good luck trying to get people to believe you because people aren't listening to that same old story anymore.o_O