A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

you think the guy who hung around with jeffrey epstein and bragged about creeping inon unsuspecting, naked, underage children is secretly breaking up a sex ring in the basement of a basementless pizza parlor?

go check yourself into the mental institution with the rest of your family
Are you serious? Trump is an adrenochrome addict himself, he's abused minors sexually before, and has probably even murdered children himself, I doubt he's the first one to go around pointing fingers at who his close accomplices are as a dead give away to his own criminal activity, don't you?
What's retarded is that the first set of words you wrote are actually truthful, yet your too preposterous into the macabre of your own MK Ultra cognitive dissonance issues tied to the virus hoax, and your own disordered thoughts that you think I'm somehow representing violence, you're way off point if you think this has any accuracy as to what any of what my messages represent or who I am and my behavior as an individual..... but yeah failed covid hoax is what I've been hearing otherwise.
As I said, your posts would be funny if your kind weren't so fucking violent. That's what zealots do, though.
So tell us oh enlightened one, how did the covid hoax fail?
Maybe you should ask the Illuminati to explain it further, their the one's who issued the statement saying that more extreme measures are now being planned for America since the majority of us were to smart to fall in line to their propaganda War out of China, and that basically they have new plans in the works to get Americans to comply, which means that we are at War in more ways then 1 at this moment.

But yeah it's fun to discredit each other all day and point out who the 'apparent' bad guys are on the forum without concern, while the bigger picture is that a bloody war is coming, it's not time to get caught up in arbitrary mindlessness, shots are about to be fired, food shortages are going to be used as a weapon, but a new tactic is going to be applied soon, and the worst is yet to come, this has been foretold/threatened to us. Anyone near or within the boundaries of the northern hemisphere of the America's should be concerned.
Here is a perspective worth looking at, cops are your servants and if they don't call you sir and show respect... Perhaps simple fear driven cowardice is the cause for many a police murder. Being a roofer or pizza delivery driver is more dangerous than being a cop, according to the stats.
Let's talk about a missing takeaway about news interactions this week....
What's retarded is that the first set of words you wrote are actually truthful, yet your too preposterous into the macabre of your own MK Ultra cognitive dissonance issues tied to the virus hoax, and your own disordered thoughts that you think I'm somehow representing violence, you're way off point if you think this has any accuracy as to what any of what my messages represent or who I am and my behavior as an individual..... but yeah failed covid hoax is what I've been hearing otherwise.
You believe proven Russian propaganda. There is also a great part of this report that goes into how they were pushing violence and anti-government sentiment in the black community too. If you are an American and not cat fishing us, this should piss you off what the Russians are doing. But unfortunately if you are a Trump cult brainwashed American, it will be tough to come to to grips with Dear Leader lying to you, but don't feel bad he has been lying to us all.

Screen Shot 2020-06-01 at 4.56.42 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-06-01 at 5.00.21 PM.png
Maybe you should ask the Illuminati to explain it further, their the one's who issued the statement saying that more extreme measures are now being planned for America since the majority of us were to smart to fall in line to their propaganda War out of China, and that basically they have new plans in the works to get Americans to comply, which means that we are at War in more ways then 1 at this moment.

But yeah it's fun to discredit each other all day and point out who the 'apparent' bad guys are on the forum without concern, while the bigger picture is that a bloody war is coming, it's not time to get caught up in arbitrary mindlessness, shots are about to be fired, food shortages are going to be used as a weapon, but a new tactic is going to be applied soon, and the worst is yet to come, this has been foretold/threatened to us. Anyone near or within the boundaries of the northern hemisphere of the America's should be concerned.
Can't understand your posts,
Until you can explain better.
Nothing makes sense.
Total nonsense.
You believe proven Russian propaganda. There is also a great part of this report that goes into how they were pushing violence and anti-government sentiment in the black community too. If you are an American and not cat fishing us, this should piss you off what the Russians are doing. But unfortunately if you are a Trump cult brainwashed American, it will be tough to come to to grips with Dear Leader lying to you, but don't feel bad he has been lying to us all.

View attachment 4582777View attachment 4582778
One of the reasons I generally dislike memes, too easily fucked with and too simple and appealing a message with deceptive graphics that set a feeling tone. Meme's are effective propaganda tools and sources of disinformation, platforms should collect databases of them and ban or put a popup over them like Trump tweets. Maybe next year they will be required to.
Maybe you should ask the Illuminati to explain it further, their the one's who issued the statement saying that more extreme measures are now being planned for America since the majority of us were to smart to fall in line to their propaganda War out of China, and that basically they have new plans in the works to get Americans to comply, which means that we are at War in more ways then 1 at this moment.

But yeah it's fun to discredit each other all day and point out who the 'apparent' bad guys are on the forum without concern, while the bigger picture is that a bloody war is coming, it's not time to get caught up in arbitrary mindlessness, shots are about to be fired, food shortages are going to be used as a weapon, but a new tactic is going to be applied soon, and the worst is yet to come, this has been foretold/threatened to us. Anyone near or within the boundaries of the northern hemisphere of the America's should be concerned.
I've been asking for an explanation of your sources. So, without argument and because I asked, I'll just say, thanks for being candid.

What happened over the weekend were protests over yet another cop who killed a black man. You'll be as disappointed by your "war" as Dylan Roof was. The sites you visit promote civil war. We aren't.
One of the reasons I generally dislike memes, too easily fucked with and too simple and appealing a message with deceptive graphics that set a feeling tone. Meme's are effective propaganda tools and sources of disinformation, platforms should collect databases of them and ban or put a popup over them like Trump tweets. Maybe next year they will be required to.
No different at the end of the day as the videos and even posts that the Trump/foreign trolls are pushing.
Yes. Yes I am. Coroner report states cause of death was not asphyxiation or strangulation.

We do not have all the facts.
The facts are being gathered and, yes, we didn't have an independent autopsy report when you wrote your idiotic post. The fact is, Floyd s tortured and murdered due to that cop's knee to his neck. You are good at propaganda, I'll credit you with that. So, here are the facts to refute your little bit of dishonesty.

Independent autopsy finds George Floyd's death a homicide due to 'asphyxiation from sustained pressure'

(CNN)An independent autopsy called George Floyd's death a homicide and determined he died of "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" -- a finding that is at odds with the medical examiner.

The autopsy commissioned by Floyd's family says compression to the neck and back, caused by officers kneeling on him, led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Dr. Michael Baden, one of the independent medical examiners, said "there is no other health issue that could cause or contribute to the death."
"Police have this false impression that if you can talk, you can breathe. That's not true," Baden said.

Floyd's cause and manner of death remain pending and is being investigated by local, state and federal law enforcement, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office said in a statement.
Im just floored. Trump started pushing the crowd back prior to the curfew being broken too and just had the military push those people back like it was nothing.

Putin must be very proud. This is all manufactured for Trump to troll our country for a photo-op.
I'm sorry everyone, how dare I try and defend our consciousness of a coming War that will destroy us from within, how dare anyone make a stand against blatant lies from cyber Nazi's and the worldwide media that are making attempts to sweep America's feet out from under us, and cause chaos from within before we are attacked by China and Russia, how dare anyone be so selfish to try and warn others of a coming humanitarian crisis here in America, shame shame shame.

I Got some nasty low life type of replies hour over the two hours or so, you won't be responded to if you take this childish route, I won't place any importance on anything you have to say for yourself after you've ousted yourself as a conspirator of negativity and discontention. Thx
I'm sorry everyone, how dare I try and defend our consciousness of a coming War that will destroy us from within, how dare anyone make a stand against blatant lies from cyber Nazi's and the worldwide media that are making attempts to sweep America's feet out from under us, and cause chaos from within before we are attacked by China and Russia, how dare anyone be so selfish to try and warn others of a coming humanitarian crisis here in America, shame shame shame.

I Got some nasty low life type of replies hour over the two hours or so, you won't be responded to if you take this childish route, I won't place any importance on anything you have to say for yourself after you've ousted yourself as a conspirator of negativity and discontention. Thx
Thanks Noatradumbass
I'm sorry everyone, how dare I try and defend our consciousness of a coming War that will destroy us from within, how dare anyone make a stand against blatant lies from cyber Nazi's and the worldwide media that are making attempts to sweep America's feet out from under us, and cause chaos from within before we are attacked by China and Russia, how dare anyone be so selfish to try and warn others of a coming humanitarian crisis here in America, shame shame shame.

I Got some nasty low life type of replies hour over the two hours or so, you won't be responded to if you take this childish route, I won't place any importance on anything you have to say for yourself after you've ousted yourself as a conspirator of negativity and discontention. Thx
When the big wind blows the leaves rustle, the branches bend and the nuts fall out of the tree when ripe. How's things on the ground? ;)

If you have issues, you should not smoking regular pot, switch to high CBD and low THC, you might feel better and more relaxed. See a doctor and get some meds to help clear things up, you probably don't need enough to put down a horse, something regular and mild can help a lot.
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The facts are being gathered and, yes, we didn't have an independent autopsy report when you wrote your idiotic post. The fact is, Floyd s tortured and murdered due to that cop's knee to his neck. You are good at propaganda, I'll credit you with that. So, here are the facts to refute your little bit of dishonesty.

Independent autopsy finds George Floyd's death a homicide due to 'asphyxiation from sustained pressure'

(CNN)An independent autopsy called George Floyd's death a homicide and determined he died of "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" -- a finding that is at odds with the medical examiner.

The autopsy commissioned by Floyd's family says compression to the neck and back, caused by officers kneeling on him, led to a lack of blood flow to the brain.

Dr. Michael Baden, one of the independent medical examiners, said "there is no other health issue that could cause or contribute to the death."
"Police have this false impression that if you can talk, you can breathe. That's not true," Baden said.

Floyd's cause and manner of death remain pending and is being investigated by local, state and federal law enforcement, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office said in a statement.
The prosecution has been taken over by the State Attorney General. Might they have another autopsy done?
Maybe you should ask the Illuminati to explain it further, their the one's who issued the statement saying that more extreme measures are now being planned for America since the majority of us were to smart to fall in line to their propaganda War out of China, and that basically they have new plans in the works to get Americans to comply, which means that we are at War in more ways then 1 at this moment.

But yeah it's fun to discredit each other all day and point out who the 'apparent' bad guys are on the forum without concern, while the bigger picture is that a bloody war is coming, it's not time to get caught up in arbitrary mindlessness, shots are about to be fired, food shortages are going to be used as a weapon, but a new tactic is going to be applied soon, and the worst is yet to come, this has been foretold/threatened to us. Anyone near or within the boundaries of the northern hemisphere of the America's should be concerned.
Clearly you know too much about our plans. I have personally called Illuminati HQ, as well as Mr. Soros and they promised me they've been watching you for some time now and this whole COVID and Floyd business is a ruse designed to set a trap for your capture. They would come right for you, but they know you're too smart to be captured that way. Keep your eyes open!
How did covid fail? Wait another month, and when nobody from the riots falls over dead from the faked covid, then you'll know why. Patience grasshopper?
As a believer is science and more specifically epidemiology, I'm setting a reminder in a month to come back here and remind you that you have a serious mental health issue of some kind and should see a medical professional.