Police Interactions.

Then you have these psychos running around in fake cop cars armed with guns and knives. If this guy hasn't already killed or raped someone I would be surprised.

Then you have these psychos running around in fake cop cars armed with guns and knives. If this guy hasn't already killed or raped someone I would be surprised.

No joke, there is no way that guy is just out larping.

I also can't believe I didn't hear about this, had to look up why the name was familiar, the cop ran for governor in Michigan.
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I just saw this story and it really made me feel good to know that people that make up the police are all humans, some might be dicks, but mostly they are trying to protect their communities.

We need to see more of this.
I just saw this story and it really made me feel good to know that people that make up the police are all humans, some might be dicks, but mostly they are trying to protect their communities.

We need to see more of this.
I'd feel differently if they -- each and every cop -- would take action when a crime is being committed. Instead they choose to look the other way when its a cop. I'd feel differently if the other three cops had stopped Floyd's murder. I'd feel differently if the 55 odd riot police had not quit their jobs in support of the Buffalo riot police who knocked down a 75 year old peace activist.

They aren't like you and me until they act like it.

Fuck fascists and their cops.
I'd feel differently if they -- each and every cop -- would take action when a crime is being committed. Instead they choose to look the other way when its a cop. I'd feel differently if the other three cops had stopped Floyd's murder. I'd feel differently if the 55 odd riot police had not quit their jobs in support of the Buffalo riot police who knocked down a 75 year old peace activist.

They aren't like you and me until they act like it.
This is why we need automated policing, cameras everywhere. Then, whoever speeds, litters, etc, it can be detected by AI and their taxes can be increased by the given fine. Just like now if you don't pay your taxes then you can't drive, vote, or travel. The world will be a much better place.

To go further we should have automated turrets mounted on police officers shoulders that determine automatically if someone is brandishing a weapon and automatically shoots the threat. This will clear up any confusion about racism (there is no evidence that the cop that sparked the riots tried to kill that career criminal [not murder] and there is no evidence he did it because of his skin colour [not racism], weird how it is all portrayed given that a white person is more likely to be shot than a black person all other things being equal)

AI and endless surveillance cameras will be the great leveller that means the same standards are applied to everyone.
This is why we need automated policing, cameras everywhere. Then, whoever speeds, litters, etc, it can be detected by AI and their taxes can be increased by the given fine. Just like now if you don't pay your taxes then you can't drive, vote, or travel. The world will be a much better place.

To go further we should have automated turrets mounted on police officers shoulders that determine automatically if someone is brandishing a weapon and automatically shoots the threat. This will clear up any confusion about racism (there is no evidence that the cop that sparked the riots tried to kill that career criminal [not murder] and there is no evidence he did it because of his skin colour [not racism], weird how it is all portrayed given that a white person is more likely to be shot than a black person all other things being equal)

AI and endless surveillance cameras will be the great leveller that means the same standards are applied to everyone.
Okay whitey
This is why we need automated policing, cameras everywhere. Then, whoever speeds, litters, etc, it can be detected by AI and their taxes can be increased by the given fine. Just like now if you don't pay your taxes then you can't drive, vote, or travel. The world will be a much better place.

To go further we should have automated turrets mounted on police officers shoulders that determine automatically if someone is brandishing a weapon and automatically shoots the threat. This will clear up any confusion about racism (there is no evidence that the cop that sparked the riots tried to kill that career criminal [not murder] and there is no evidence he did it because of his skin colour [not racism], weird how it is all portrayed given that a white person is more likely to be shot than a black person all other things being equal)

AI and endless surveillance cameras will be the great leveller that means the same standards are applied to everyone.

Well that's why you don't look at these as individual cases, you look at them as a whole and the racist policies and their results are pretty obvious. Even if the cop isn't racist he works within a racist system so his actions are racists.
This is why we need automated policing, cameras everywhere. Then, whoever speeds, litters, etc, it can be detected by AI and their taxes can be increased by the given fine. Just like now if you don't pay your taxes then you can't drive, vote, or travel. The world will be a much better place.

To go further we should have automated turrets mounted on police officers shoulders that determine automatically if someone is brandishing a weapon and automatically shoots the threat. This will clear up any confusion about racism (there is no evidence that the cop that sparked the riots tried to kill that career criminal [not murder] and there is no evidence he did it because of his skin colour [not racism], weird how it is all portrayed given that a white person is more likely to be shot than a black person all other things being equal)

AI and endless surveillance cameras will be the great leveller that means the same standards are applied to everyone.
I am pretty sure that was the whole idea of 'god'.

Are you saying that white people are more likely to get shot, or get shot by the police? I would like to see your numbers on that.

And, Ironman tech is not real.
This is why we need automated policing, cameras everywhere. Then, whoever speeds, litters, etc, it can be detected by AI and their taxes can be increased by the given fine. Just like now if you don't pay your taxes then you can't drive, vote, or travel. The world will be a much better place.

To go further we should have automated turrets mounted on police officers shoulders that determine automatically if someone is brandishing a weapon and automatically shoots the threat. This will clear up any confusion about racism (there is no evidence that the cop that sparked the riots tried to kill that career criminal [not murder] and there is no evidence he did it because of his skin colour [not racism], weird how it is all portrayed given that a white person is more likely to be shot than a black person all other things being equal)

AI and endless surveillance cameras will be the great leveller that means the same standards are applied to everyone.
Triple dipshit
Okay whitey
Do you take the blm position that not having body cameras is proof of racism until they got the body cameras? now blm protests against the same thing they were protesting for ten years ago because now having body cameras is racist.

Well that's why you don't look at these as individual cases
Exactly, and the big picture is that black youth cause the bulk of the violent crime yet get killed by cops at half the rates of whites (it's like 80 per year for 40000000 arrests, which imo is pretty damn good for the cops especially given that about 40% of those killed are brandishing weapons and 30% are pointing it at someone).

Yes more white people are killed by cops in America than black people. But that's a stupid point since there are a lot more white people. Only idiots bring that up.
Per capita! Look it up, pretty sure I posted the Harvard study before but I will when I get home.
Are you saying that white people are more likely to get shot, or get shot by the police? I would like to see your numbers on that.
Yes, see above. I will concede that per capita black people are more likely to be handcuffed and verbally abused, but when it comes to shooting - nobody wants to kill someone else.

Triple dipshit
I missed you unk! I liked tripple nipple better, was going to put it in my sig.
Do you take the blm position that not having body cameras is proof of racism until they got the body cameras? now blm protests against the same thing they were protesting for ten years ago because now having body cameras is racist.

Exactly, and the big picture is that black youth cause the bulk of the violent crime yet get killed by cops at half the rates of whites (it's like 80 per year for 40000000 arrests, which imo is pretty damn good for the cops especially given that about 40% of those killed are brandishing weapons and 30% are pointing it at someone).

Per capita! Look it up, pretty sure I posted the Harvard study before but I will when I get home.

Yes, see above. I will concede that per capita black people are more likely to be handcuffed and verbally abused, but when it comes to shooting - nobody wants to kill someone else.

I missed you unk! I liked tripple nipple better, was going to put it in my sig.
I meant, first treating people different is racism, then treating them the same is racism. I figured you said "ok yt" because you think that treating everyone the same will somehow help white people. I guess you don't want equity but to put poc above white people.

Reminds me of blm "body cams are racist"/"not having body cams is also racist", the intersectionalist "accommodating different abilities is racist"/"colourblindness is racist too", and the leftist position "gentrification is racist"/"white flight is racist too". Edit: and some people wonder why words have no meaning anymore.

You have a solution? I gave you mine, democratically chosen laws enforced equally and to the letter for everyone by way of AI.
Do you take the blm position that not having body cameras is proof of racism until they got the body cameras? now blm protests against the same thing they were protesting for ten years ago because now having body cameras is racist.

Exactly, and the big picture is that black youth cause the bulk of the violent crime yet get killed by cops at half the rates of whites (it's like 80 per year for 40000000 arrests, which imo is pretty damn good for the cops especially given that about 40% of those killed are brandishing weapons and 30% are pointing it at someone).

Per capita! Look it up, pretty sure I posted the Harvard study before but I will when I get home.

Yes, see above. I will concede that per capita black people are more likely to be handcuffed and verbally abused, but when it comes to shooting - nobody wants to kill someone else.

I missed you unk! I liked tripple nipple better, was going to put it in my sig.
You must really want to believe that somehow the BLM movement is a bad thing to try to pretend what you said makes any sense at all.

You can give bullshit statistic after bullshit statistic that have been cherry picked by racist propagandists to make it look like somehow the black communities are not being over-policed and under represented in our legal systems.