What has Trump done to this country?

Are you crying?

If I was crying, I would be in a Pro trump thread crying about biden, with all my fellow Trumper's crying alongside me and supporting me whenever an anti trump poster showed up. That's kind of for the weak though...so that's why I'm here and not there.

Just for the record I'm not a massive pro trump kind of guy....It's entertaining to see how people can be so retarded to hate Trump so much than vote for a guy like Biden. I was honestly considering Tulsi Gabbard until she dropped out than backed Biden...Kind of broke my heart.
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Who buses the tables then?

Ps you’re still running away from my straightforward questions about the trash humans jordan peterson goes on speaking tours with


I am not a Jordan peterson guru...I posted one youtube video regarding white privilege. Time to move on....
If I was crying, I would be in a Pro trump thread crying about biden, with all my fellow Trumper's crying alongside me and supporting me whenever an anti trump poster showed up. That's kind of for the weak though...so that's why I'm here and not there.

Just for the record I'm not a massive pro trump kind of guy....It's entertaining to see how people can be so retarded to hate Trump so much than vote for a guy like Biden. I was honestly considering Tulsi Gabbard until she dropped out than backed Biden...Kind of broke my heart.
Are there even any pro trump threads?
Devin Nunes can’t sue Twitter over parody cow account .......
Too Moo Bad. :bigjoint:


Twitter’s legal battle with Rep. Devin Nunes over a parody cowaccount is over. The social media company is “immune” from the California Congressman's claims of defamation, the judge in the case wrote in a ruling reported by The Fresno Bee.

Nunes sued the company last year over statements made by two parody Twitter accounts, @DevinCow and @DevinNunesMom. He also sued the account-holders (though Twitter has declined to identify them), along with political strategist Liz Mair. As The Fresno Bee notes, the judge’s ruling only applies to the claims against Twitter, and does not affect Nunes’ case against Mair or the individual Twitter accounts.

In the ruling, the judge said Twitter is protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which says tech platforms can’t be held liable for what their users say.


Nearly 20 Swing State Polls Were Released Today–Biden Leads In All Of Them

A total of 19 polls of voters in swing states from four different pollsters were released Thursday, with former Vice President Joe Biden leading President Trump in every single one, including in historically Republican states like Arizona, Georgia and Texas.

Biden leads by as much as 18 points in Michigan in a poll from Republican firm Hodas & Associates, which also put him up 16 points in Wisconsin and 12 points in Pennsylvania.
Polls released by the New York Times and Siena College put Biden up by double digits in those states, with 11-point leads in Michigan and Wisconsin and a 10-point lead in Pennsylvania, as well as a 9-point lead in North Carolina, an 8-point lead in Florida and a 7-point lead in Arizona, all states that voted for Trump in 2016.
Redfield & Wilton polls showed almost identical results, with Biden leading by 11 points in Michigan, 10 points in Pennsylvania, 9 points in Wisconsin, 6 points in North Carolina and 4 points in Arizona and Wisconsin, with third-party candidates Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins never polling above the margin of error.
But polls of typically Republican-leaning swing states from Fox News yielded the most shocking results, with Biden ahead by 9 points in Florida, 2 points in North Carolina and Georgia and 1 point in Texas, which voted for Trump by 8 points in 2016.

Overall, Trump trails Biden by 10 points nationally in the RealClearPolitics polling average, with the New York Times/Siena poll putting him down 14 points.

Trump has struggled to respond to several major crises that have hit the U.S. in recent months. While he initially received a bump during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic in April and May, that quickly evaporated by June as protests swept the nation in response to the death of George Floyd. Trump’s approval rating in the RealClearPolitics average is underwater by 13 points, his lowest margin since the beginning of the Ukraine scandal, which led to his eventual impeachment.

37%. Just 37% of Americans approve of how Trump has handled the coronavirus pandemic compared to 58% who disapprove, according to a new Reuters poll.

“This is the worst 24 hours of polling in Trump's entire political career,” tweeted CNN Politics reporter Chris Cillizza.

Biden’s wide lead in critical battleground states, and the competitiveness of historically Republican states, forces Trump to change up his strategy, which once included going after Democratic-leaning states like Minnesota and New Mexico. His campaign has spent significant time in Arizona, with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both making recent visits. While Arizona has long been safely in Republican hands, it voted for Trump by just 4 points in 2016 and elected Democrat Kirsten Sinema to the U.S. Senate in 2018.
America's single worse day yesterday of confirmed cases obliterated Assholes fantasyland dream of a post-Covid America, even as he sowed new diversions in an effort to hide the reality of his leadership void in a deepening national crisis.
More than 37,000 new cases of Covid-19 were reported on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins University data. The numbers superseded the previous darkest day of the pandemic, on April 24. The new data suggests that the sacrifices made by tens of millions of Americans who stayed at home, that cost many of them their jobs, might have been in vain. It also suggest that the aggressive state re-openings championed by Trump, who wants a quick economic reboot to boost his reelection hopes, exacerbated a situation that now seems close to tipping out of control across a swathe of southern Red states. (Boo fucking Hoo)
A total of 30 states, all Republican controlled except for California, are now reporting a rise in new daily cases of the novel coronavirus while others keep setting new records in each 24-hour period. And while the President lives in a bubble of his own obsessive political feuds and the embrace of conservative media that rarely dwells on the virus, the reality of a pandemic that may still be in its early changes is beginning to squeeze in on his world.
On Thursday alone, Texas, the poster child for Trump's reopening strategy, paused its transition to restoring normal life, alarmed by rising hospital admissions and a surge in new infections. Apple closed stores across Texas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina to protect customers and workers from virus spikes. Dozens of Secret Service agents are now self-isolating after several of their colleagues were found to have the virus after traveling to the President's rally in Oklahoma over the weekend. Multiple Trump staff members have taken the same step, after eight of their co-workers tested positive in the latest sign that Trump's plans for a full resumption of campaign rallies are not only reckless but may prove logistically impossible.
What the fuck can one say about the ineptitude of this Administration?
I knew that Trump sucked & I stated that he would kill us all, but I never really imagined I would be so fucking right.
He's still out to take away health care insurance during a pandemic. He wants to take away funding for testing. Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
Still waiting for that ONE grow post to show you don't take the cowards way out and use 2 handles here.....
It is fun to watch you hang on one accusation that is both untrue an pointless even if it was.

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It's like watching somebody play five card stud with five people still in and raising with a ten-high hand. You're a special kind of stupid.
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Another thing Trump has done to America, unintentionally moved the political map a decade ahead in time...

BTW: Corna is just getting started in Texas and other red states.
Biden Leads Or Is Statistically Tied With Trump In Key Battleground States | Morning Joe | MSNBC

New polling shows that Joe Biden is leading or is statistically tied with the president in the four key battleground states of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. Aired on 6/26/2020.
Here is where Donald's greatest concern is now, Bill Barr will need to be cut off at the knees over this, he's under a microscope now. If Donald can't get off on this he will go nuts, he knows he is gonna lose the election and if he loses, he will destroy the DOJ and probably blanket pardon every criminal in America, emptying the federal prisons. Donald MUST deal with this issue, it will put him in jail almost immediately, look for a shit storm over it, Donald will go all out.
Barr Interfered In SDNY Cases Tied To Trump Interests: NYT | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at a new report from the New York Times that Bill Barr exerted influence on federal prosecutors in cases tied to Donald Trump from the beginning of his time as attorney general, including the Stormy Daniels hush money case. Aired on 6/25/2020.
James Carville: There Is No Chance Trump Will Be Re-Elected | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville says he believes it's more likely that Trump decides to drop out of the 2020 race than Trump wins re-election. Aired on 06/25/2020.