I just don't understand how
anyone could vote for McCain, especially not a stoner! He's creepy, old, sick, trigger happy, and way too close to death. Don't even get me started on HER either.. she's a dangerous wildcard who can't even stay loyal to him who polished her up and tossed her like chum in front of the media spotlight to do all his dirty work and say all the things it wouldn't be prudent for him to say. Fire up all the redneck, toofless, white sheet wearing cletus's into a hate fill frenzy, giving McSame plausible deniability when his staffers call her a rogue.
I may not like either of the candidates but I'd take an unflappable constitutional lawyer who thinks before he speaks ANY DAY.
Honestly, they ALL SUCK. You just can't get far in this fucked up political system and still keep your goodness. It's just not built that way. The inherent flaw in the system is that PEOPLE run it.
Hal9000 would do a better job