Alright so it looks like the green is coming back, and the curling is starting to slow down, however I did t water it last night with the Tea, my moisture meter read that it was still really moist, however the humidity when down. I now realize it was because of the plant needing water. So I fed her this morning from the tea. I know it’s really looked down upon after 48hr. Even if there are dead microbes, there is still a hell of a lot of nutrients. I also did turn up the brightness all the way to achieve high leaf temperature. I believe this was a mistake. While the cabinet did get hotter. It looks like the curling increased. Also I have been reading elsewhere that the brightness shouldn’t be so high with vegging plants?
Here are my ideas: change the lights on time to be when it’s sunny outside. I can leave the AC off or at a higher temperature to keep the cabinet temperature up. Also I have put in a humidifier to up the RH. VPD (Vapor Pressure Depression) states with Temps at 82 Humidity should be at 70, which isn’t feasible. I can maybe get it up to 65, right now it’s at 55. Which brings me to my next point, I will be giving them a smaller amount of water. I read that they done need as much water as plants grown under HID. So instead of 1/2gal she got 1/4gal. I will be buying a lux Meter to see where it’s at so I can get a better idea. Also I need to email the company and see what they say. I bought these directly from HLG, so they aren’t knock offs. lastly I might trim down to where the screen is at. The stems holding the top are so thin and weak. It honestly breaks my heart. I don’t understand How the plant can get taller without strengthening its stems. I have read it’s a calcium problem. Maybe I should use cal-mag each time I water.
Or maybe I should start over with what I know and make a soil mix that is evenly balanced (I don’t like following rules and always think I know better). Lots is important lessons here. Btw this photo is from yesterday.