
Between that hot spot, Dallas fort worth county, Laredo county, del Rio county and where I am at...this crap has exploded. Local congressman Castro has requested the medical bases to be opened "now" to help, they were already on red alert. We are almost strapped for bed spaces....this shit is nutz......
Good thing these guys listened to science instead of the moron about wearing masks. Oh wait...

26 Mississippi Lawmakers Test Positive for Coronavirus in Outbreak Connected to Capitol

The leaders of both chambers, Speaker Philip Gunn and Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann, both Republicans, are among the politicians who have tested positive after legislators flouted recommendations to wear face coverings while inside the Capitol building.

These morons following a moron are catching it due to their stupidity. Oregon has 1,242,000 or 34% more people but has only 32% the amount of cases and 18% of deaths despite a significantly higher population. The reason? Oregon locked down early and didn't open up early due to pressure from the moron. Look at the states that opened early. Texas, Florida, Arizona. The common denominator that exists between those states is they all have Republican governors that take their orders from the moron.

Look at a case of 2 states. Oregon and Mississippi

Mississippi 2.976 million 34,622 cases 1215 deaths

Oregon 4.218 million 11,188 cases 230 deaths
Between that hot spot, Dallas fort worth county, Laredo county, del Rio county and where I am at...this crap has exploded. Local congressman Castro has requested the medical bases to be opened "now" to help, they were already on red alert. We are almost strapped for bed spaces....this shit is nutz......

Too bad Castro isn't your governor. You wouldn't be in the shape you're in now if he was. Abbott is a moron following a moron. I've been to Texas many times. Houston, Abilene, Dallas. I have nothing but great things to say about the people of Texas. It makes me sick to see what what these morons let happen there. These traitors are putting profits ahead of lives. And yes I'm calling them traitors because they obviously are putting the good of the country last. They call themselves patriots but they are as far from patriotic as can be. They wrap themselves in a flag while hurting the country and they thump on a bible while ignoring the sick and the poor. Church on Sunday and hate on Monday. They make me sick.
Too bad Castro isn't your governor. You wouldn't be in the shape you're in now if he was. Abbott is a moron following a moron. I've been to Texas many times. Houston, Abilene, Dallas. I have nothing but great things to say about the people of Texas. It makes me sick to see what what these morons let happen there. These traitors are putting profits ahead of lives. And yes I'm calling them traitors because they obviously are putting the good of the country last. They call themselves patriots but they are as far from patriotic as can be. They wrap themselves in a flag while hurting the country and they thump on a bible while ignoring the sick and the poor. Church on Sunday and hate on Monday. They make me sick.
We're spiking in California as well. Even where I live and where masks are the norm. Thanks Gavin Newsom?
We're spiking in California as well. Even where I live and where masks are the norm. Thanks Gavin Newsom?

Yes you should thank Gavin Newsom for enacting measures early on. California has the highest population in the nation. If those measures hadn't been enacted it would have been much worse. Arizona has 1/5th the population of California but the spike in cases is twice that of California per 100k people. If you had a moron for Governor like Texas, Florida, or Arizona you'd have 5 times the cases and dead as you do right now. So yes, short of declaring martial law and calling out the National Guard to patrol the streets he's done 1000% better than those other morons that have their nose so far up the ass crack of the top moron that if he doesn't tell them when he's turning left he'll snap their nose. They were told by smart people that believe in science not to open up but they did. This is the result.

And also with California being a state that many people from around the country travel to it's going to be hard to keep the people from the states that did nothing from continuing to bring new cases to California. The response should have been coordinated nationwide but the moron didn't know what to do so he did nothing. Now states that were getting it under control are being reinfected by states that bought the morons koolaid that it was like the common cold and would just disappear.

As bad as it might be in California it would have been much worse if you had a stooge for Governor who put appeasing the moron above common sense.
Yeah, I hear ya.

I sometimes wonder if the Greatest Generation will ever have any serious competition?

They went through the double hell of the depression and WW II and largely stuck together, and then the post war America had all the manufacturing work and jobs and an economic boom because the rest of the world was bombed out.

They weren't perfect, they didn't treat Japanese Americans fairly during the war, they didn't treat minorities farily especially down south, but they were the generation in power that passed the Civil Rights Act 20 years later. So they evolved and did the right things over time.

I see that seismic shift being a little shorter, more like maybe 30 or 40 years. Before that, I believe you could track steady improvement. After that, many things start to get worse, and a lot if it can be traced to the internet. A lot of it can be traced to job losses. The factory companies that survived modernized and modern equipment always cuts jobs. I worked summers for a company for four years, later became permanent. They invested in the company and it dropped the number of jobs there from 1800 to 500 over 44 years. Others moved off shore where it is cheaper to run sweat shops, but not very patriotic or moral. But money is money and companies are solely driven by it now. They used to have a degree of compassion. That is definitely long gone. And foreign companies destroyed in WWII rebuilt and began to compete.

Today you can't even get people to agree there's a problem with covid-19.

So historically, you have two sides of an issue. The two sides compromise and come up with a solution.

So we have a pandemic. There may be those too cautiously worried and think we're all going to get sick and there may be those who say, 'fuck it, it's not that bad' while they down play the infection and death tolls. I'm not sure there can accurately be two sides of a pandemic. It exists, people are dying.

And we really don't know how bad it's going to get because it's really in the hands of the people. And if they're going to not follow simple things like wearing masks in public, keep your hands clean and avoid large clusters of people it will continue to get worse. I see that as simple common ground mitigation efforts. But it's been politicized, like it or not, accept it or not.

As long as you have either common people or politicians saying things are under control while the infection curve soars almost vertically, then you have an obvious problem.

I guess it's everyone for themselves right now. How else could you define it?

The greatest generation never worked like that, they were much more of a team than we are now. It makes me appreciate them even more over time.

I think we'd have to see a lot more adversity before we see another generation like that. I was really impressed with the organization of the Stoneman Douglas students but they seem to have fallen out of the news cycle. Your 30-40 year window would fall right in line with the rise of libertarian movement in the US.

It really does appear that it's everyone for themselves. I worry how things are going to go this fall when students start returning to school.
You have people marching and waving the nazi salute calling themselves patriots. Patriots defeated the nazi's they didn't idolize them.

And then when you have a crappy reality show getting the top ratings for a Friday night it's apparent that the dumbing down of America is in full swing. While the rest of the world is moving forward America is going backwards.

This is what America has become. Highest ratings. It's pathetic.


:oops: I'll admit it I watched here comes honey boo boo.