Trump pardons Stone.

Will Rodger Stone be pardoned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters
trumpy* was only 35 miles away at his Bedminster NJ home for the weekend in an unannounced trip that friday night..trumpy* is so predictable..he loves doing his dirty work on a friday night.

wonder why no one has connected this?
Brian williams is currently anchoring MSNBC on a Saturday morning. I think the jig is up on Trump's patterns to try to own the weekend news cycle.

Edit: nevermind I'm high.
Commutation is when a convict has their sentence substituted to a lesser one (think a death sentence "commuted" to life in prison). A Pardon is when the conviction itself is wholly or at least partially overturned and thrown away.

Commutation does not remove the conviction, whereas a pardon does (in most cases).
A pardoned person loses his right to self incrimination, though. If called on to testify, he cannot use that excuse and must tell the truth, or risk lying.
How can he pull that off?
With control of the Senate by Republicans, he can't be impeached for now. At this time, there are no laws that Democrats could pass to remediate his actions. He's fired all checks on his power in the DOJ and the head of the DOJ is his personal lawyer, not a nonpartisan administrator of the DOJ. He's not constrained to follow the laws of this land. Lawsuits against his illegal actions that will most certainly succeed if they are allowed to proceed take years, not the months he has left, so he's pretty much unbridled. Near as I can tell, he's planning to take down the constitution. Perhaps through subverting the election or a coup. I don't know that he can manage it, but his path doesn't seem to be leading anywhere good for him if he acquiesces to the will of the people and steps down peacefully after losing the election. As with any corrupt leader, Trump can't step down without facing criminal prosecutions and he isn't going to go down that road. Not without a fight.

For motives, I've always suspected that Trump is involved in a massive money laundering scheme to the tune hundreds of billions of dollars maybe trillions. Not just Russian oligarch money but also laundering Iranian oil money and US organized crime. I think the scheme began years ago and it snowballed into his run at a presidency. If he pulls it off he'll be the richest man in the world with pretty much unlimited power. I have no doubt that investigations under a Biden presidency will find that Trump was raiding the national treasury and committing all sorts of illegal, corrupt act that benefited him personally. If he loses, he goes to jail anyway, so why not try?

I hope I'm wrong.
With control of the Senate by Republicans, he can't be impeached for now. At this time, there are no laws that Democrats could pass to remediate his actions. He's fired all checks on his power in the DOJ and the head of the DOJ is his personal lawyer, not a nonpartisan administrator of the DOJ. He's not constrained to follow the laws of this land. Lawsuits against his illegal actions that will most certainly succeed if they are allowed to proceed take years, not the months he has left, so he's pretty much unbridled. Near as I can tell, he's planning to take down the constitution. Perhaps through subverting the election or a coup. I don't know that he can manage it, but his path doesn't seem to be leading anywhere good for him if he acquiesces to the will of the people and steps down peacefully after losing the election. As with any corrupt leader, Trump can't step down without facing criminal prosecutions and he isn't going to go down that road. Not without a fight.

For motives, I've always suspected that Trump is involved in a massive money laundering scheme to the tune hundreds of billions of dollars maybe trillions. Not just Russian oligarch money but also laundering Iranian oil money and US organized crime. I think the scheme began years ago and it snowballed into his run at a presidency. If he pulls it off he'll be the richest man in the world with pretty much unlimited power. I have no doubt that investigations under a Biden presidency will find that Trump was raiding the national treasury and committing all sorts of illegal, corrupt act that benefited him personally. If he loses, he goes to jail anyway, so why not try?

I hope I'm wrong.

Lol, at trump ever being rich and powerful. The Russian mob owns him. He's nothing more than an asset that they will used and eventually completely destroyed, quite fitting I think. He may temporarily escape justice here, but he will never evade his debts to his thug handlers.
Lol, at trump ever being rich and powerful. The Russian mob owns him. He's nothing more than an asset that they will used and eventually completely destroyed, quite fitting I think. He may temporarily escape justice here, but he will never evade his debts to his thug handlers.
Do I think he'll pull it off? No

Do I think he'll try? Yes

It's going to be a long, hot summer.
With control of the Senate by Republicans, he can't be impeached for now. At this time, there are no laws that Democrats could pass to remediate his actions. He's fired all checks on his power in the DOJ and the head of the DOJ is his personal lawyer, not a nonpartisan administrator of the DOJ. He's not constrained to follow the laws of this land. Lawsuits against his illegal actions that will most certainly succeed if they are allowed to proceed take years, not the months he has left, so he's pretty much unbridled. Near as I can tell, he's planning to take down the constitution. Perhaps through subverting the election or a coup. I don't know that he can manage it, but his path doesn't seem to be leading anywhere good for him if he acquiesces to the will of the people and steps down peacefully after losing the election. As with any corrupt leader, Trump can't step down without facing criminal prosecutions and he isn't going to go down that road. Not without a fight.

For motives, I've always suspected that Trump is involved in a massive money laundering scheme to the tune hundreds of billions of dollars maybe trillions. Not just Russian oligarch money but also laundering Iranian oil money and US organized crime. I think the scheme began years ago and it snowballed into his run at a presidency. If he pulls it off he'll be the richest man in the world with pretty much unlimited power. I have no doubt that investigations under a Biden presidency will find that Trump was raiding the national treasury and committing all sorts of illegal, corrupt act that benefited him personally. If he loses, he goes to jail anyway, so why not try?

I hope I'm wrong.
Thanks for explaining, will the secret service shoot him if he stages a coup?
Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence: What You Need To Know

President Donald Trump commuted Roger Stone’s sentence days before Stone was to report to prison on charges of obstruction, witness tampering and making false statements. Stone was convicted for lying about his contacts with WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign. Trump was rumored to have been considering a pardon, which would have ‘wiped the slate clean’ for his former aide, but instead issued the commutation Friday night. Here’s what we know.
Thanks for explaining, will the secret service shoot him if he stages a coup?
This is all bordering on conspiracy theories that are more suitable for the likes of others who post here. You asked how he could pull this off and I gave you my worst fears but not what I think is going to happen.

The coup that I was thinking about would be a soft one, described here:

The scenario requires many steps to complete and it strains my imagination to think it possible:

  1. Biden wins the popular vote, and carries the key swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by decent but not overwhelming margins.
  2. Trump immediately declares that the voting was rigged, that there was mail-in ballot fraud and that the Chinese were behind a plan to provide fraudulent mail-in ballots and other "election hacking" throughout the four key swing states that gave Biden his victory.
  3. Having railed against the Chinese throughout the campaign, calling Biden "soft on China," Trump delivers his narrative claiming the Chinese have interfered in the U.S. election.
  4. Trump indicates this is a major national security issue, and he invokes emergency powers, directing the Justice Department to investigate the alleged activity in the swing states. The legal justification for the presidential powers he invokes has already been developed and issued by Barr.
  5. The investigation is intended to tick down the clock toward December 14, the deadline when each state's Electoral College electors must be appointed. This is the very issue that the Supreme Court harped on in Bush v. Gore in ruling that the election process had to be brought to a close, thus forbidding the further counting of Florida ballots.
  6. All four swing states have Republican control of both their upper and lower houses of their state legislatures. Those state legislatures refuse to allow any Electoral College slate to be certified until the "national security" investigation is complete.
  7. The Democrats will have begun a legal action to certify the results in those four states, and the appointment of the Biden slate of electors, arguing that Trump has manufactured a national security emergency in order to create the ensuing chaos.
  8. The issue goes up to the Supreme Court, which unlike the 2000 election does not decide the election in favor of the Republicans. However, it indicates again that the December 14 Electoral College deadline must be met; that the president's national security powers legally authorize him to investigate potential foreign country intrusion into the national election; and if no Electoral College slate can be certified by any state by December 14, the Electoral College must meet anyway and cast its votes.
  9. The Electoral College meets, and without the electors from those four states being represented, neither Biden nor Trump has sufficient votes to get an Electoral College majority.
  10. The election is thrown into the House of Representatives, pursuant to the Constitution. Under the relevant constitutional process, the vote in the House is by state delegation, where each delegation casts one vote, which is determined by the majority of the representatives in that state.
  11. Currently, there are 26 states that have a majority Republican House delegation. 23 states have a majority Democratic delegation. There is one state, Pennsylvania, that has an evenly split delegation. Even if the Democrats were to pick up seats in Pennsylvania and hold all their 2018 House gains, the Republicans would have a 26 to 24 delegation majority.
  12. This vote would enable Trump to retain the presidency.

A rebuttal to this idea is found here:

They give their reasons and sum it up with this statement:

But the claim that state legislatures and the Supreme Court would disingenuously overturn a clear election result with a bogus interference theory (even if the President were to invite such action) is fanciful.

So, I don't think Trump would prevail in a soft coup and without the military in his pocket, he lacks the muscle to conduct an overt one. But I don't see him going down without trying to take the constitution down first.
This is all bordering on conspiracy theories that are more suitable for the likes of others who post here. You asked how he could pull this off and I gave you my worst fears but not what I think is going to happen.

The coup that I was thinking about would be a soft one, described here:

The scenario requires many steps to complete and it strains my imagination to think it possible:

  1. Biden wins the popular vote, and carries the key swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by decent but not overwhelming margins.
  2. Trump immediately declares that the voting was rigged, that there was mail-in ballot fraud and that the Chinese were behind a plan to provide fraudulent mail-in ballots and other "election hacking" throughout the four key swing states that gave Biden his victory.
  3. Having railed against the Chinese throughout the campaign, calling Biden "soft on China," Trump delivers his narrative claiming the Chinese have interfered in the U.S. election.
  4. Trump indicates this is a major national security issue, and he invokes emergency powers, directing the Justice Department to investigate the alleged activity in the swing states. The legal justification for the presidential powers he invokes has already been developed and issued by Barr.
  5. The investigation is intended to tick down the clock toward December 14, the deadline when each state's Electoral College electors must be appointed. This is the very issue that the Supreme Court harped on in Bush v. Gore in ruling that the election process had to be brought to a close, thus forbidding the further counting of Florida ballots.
  6. All four swing states have Republican control of both their upper and lower houses of their state legislatures. Those state legislatures refuse to allow any Electoral College slate to be certified until the "national security" investigation is complete.
  7. The Democrats will have begun a legal action to certify the results in those four states, and the appointment of the Biden slate of electors, arguing that Trump has manufactured a national security emergency in order to create the ensuing chaos.
  8. The issue goes up to the Supreme Court, which unlike the 2000 election does not decide the election in favor of the Republicans. However, it indicates again that the December 14 Electoral College deadline must be met; that the president's national security powers legally authorize him to investigate potential foreign country intrusion into the national election; and if no Electoral College slate can be certified by any state by December 14, the Electoral College must meet anyway and cast its votes.
  9. The Electoral College meets, and without the electors from those four states being represented, neither Biden nor Trump has sufficient votes to get an Electoral College majority.
  10. The election is thrown into the House of Representatives, pursuant to the Constitution. Under the relevant constitutional process, the vote in the House is by state delegation, where each delegation casts one vote, which is determined by the majority of the representatives in that state.
  11. Currently, there are 26 states that have a majority Republican House delegation. 23 states have a majority Democratic delegation. There is one state, Pennsylvania, that has an evenly split delegation. Even if the Democrats were to pick up seats in Pennsylvania and hold all their 2018 House gains, the Republicans would have a 26 to 24 delegation majority.
  12. This vote would enable Trump to retain the presidency.

A rebuttal to this idea is found here:

They give their reasons and sum it up with this statement:

But the claim that state legislatures and the Supreme Court would disingenuously overturn a clear election result with a bogus interference theory (even if the President were to invite such action) is fanciful.

So, I don't think Trump would prevail in a soft coup and without the military in his pocket, he lacks the muscle to conduct an overt one. But I don't see him going down without trying to take the constitution down first.
Thank you for such an interesting and comprehensive reply, it is very difficult for an outsider to understand so that was very helpful.
So no bullet then?
Trump corruptly commutes Roger Stone sentence. Can it be undone by next president or the courts?

Roger Stone was the Trump campaign "access point" to Julian Assange and Wikileaks, according to the Steve Bannon when he testified at Stone's trial. Stone was convicted of seven federal felony offenses for lying to Congress, obstructing the congressional investigation into Russian interference in our 2016 presidential election. Stone could have provided sharply incriminating evidence against Trump but refused to flip on him. In recent days, Stone announced, in an interview with journalist Howard Fineman, that he wanted Trump to commute his sentence (from 40 months in prison down to zero prison time) because Stone refused to "turn" on Trump. Donald Trump obliged and commuted Stone's sentence. This is a deeply corrupt and potentially illegal act by Donald Trump. The question is, what can be done about it? Here is one potential roadmap to justice.
Look my friends. I don't know what is your problem with Trump. I watch the news from my country. All the media have started war against him. For a period I was opening TV and all I was watching was Trump fucking girls. WTF? is that bad to have sex? All the Hollywood is raping kids but Trump fucking some girls is bad? Look at the corrupted politicians in Europe and then rethink about Trump. He is more of a businessman and less a politician. In our days that's the point because politicians are dogs of businessmans. If you don't want him cause of weed legalization send him to my country.
Look my friends. I don't know what is your problem with Trump. I watch the news from my country. All the media have started war against him. For a period I was opening TV and all I was watching was Trump fucking girls. WTF? is that bad to have sex? All the Hollywood is raping kids but Trump fucking some girls is bad? Look at the corrupted politicians in Europe and then rethink about Trump. He is more of a businessman and less a politician. In our days that's the point because politicians are dogs of businessmans. If you don't want him cause of weed legalization send him to my country.
Who do you offer in trade?
Look my friends. I don't know what is your problem with Trump. I watch the news from my country. All the media have started war against him. For a period I was opening TV and all I was watching was Trump fucking girls. WTF? is that bad to have sex? All the Hollywood is raping kids but Trump fucking some girls is bad? Look at the corrupted politicians in Europe and then rethink about Trump. He is more of a businessman and less a politician. In our days that's the point because politicians are dogs of businessmans. If you don't want him cause of weed legalization send him to my country.
go fuck a tree