Autoflower Cuts

Did you know you can actually grow apples on an orange tree. Can get 20 different fruits on the same tree if you "splice" or "graft"
Works with weed too. Seen loads of guys with a dozen strains growing on one plant.
Pretty cool stuff.
Farmers often use the root system for one plant to grow another. Pear trees I'm sure are the common one. They're roots aren't that great so they grow something else, chop both trees at the base and graft the pear tree onto the other ones root system.
Not kidding iether like. All genuine :)
Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with cannabis onto a rose bush, which sounds little crazy to me but I ha e never once tried it not am I an expert on grafting or roses so, it would be cool to ha e a gigantic rose bush tho with a hundred different strains grafted onto it lol Talk about one stop shopping, I'd be going to pick roses like everyday, my fiance would be like Jesus he really loves that damn rose bUsh...meanwhile I'd be passed out behind the raised bed drooling on myself with Thorn's stuck Into my forehead
Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with cannabis onto a rose bush, which sounds little crazy to me but I ha e never once tried it not am I an expert on grafting or roses so, it would be cool to ha e a gigantic rose bush tho with a hundred different strains grafted onto it lol Talk about one stop shopping, I'd be going to pick roses like everyday, my fiance would be like Jesus he really loves that damn rose bUsh...meanwhile I'd be passed out behind the raised bed drooling on myself with Thorn's stuck Into my forehead
Hmm...I do have a rather large rose bush out the back. Shame it's not legal here and my neighbours a dickhead. Otherwise I'd test it out for you bud.
No but they can start producing feminine hormones. Like estrogen for example.
Ok. Like I said before I don’t agree or disagree with anyone as I’m not an experienced grower and have just started out. I’ve read countless hours of growing. When I set out to do something I research the crap out of it lol. I like learning. I just think some people can be flat out rude if they don’t know the facts. Science is an amazing thing and I’m pretty sure some people being rude here don’t exactly know what they are talking about. I keep an open mind and absorb as much knowledge I can. Just like it was said. No one knows everything. Happy growing. Think people need to just get along.
Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with cannabis onto a rose bush, which sounds little crazy to me but I ha e never once tried it not am I an expert on grafting or roses so, it would be cool to ha e a gigantic rose bush tho with a hundred different strains grafted onto it lol Talk about one stop shopping, I'd be going to pick roses like everyday, my fiance would be like Jesus he really loves that damn rose bUsh...meanwhile I'd be passed out behind the raised bed drooling on myself with Thorn's stuck Into my forehead
That would be sick! I work in greenhouses (not cannabis unfortunately) and I would definitely be too
Did you know you can actually grow apples on an orange tree. Can get 20 different fruits on the same tree if you "splice" or "graft"
Works with weed too. Seen loads of guys with a dozen strains growing on one plant.
Pretty cool stuff.
Farmers often use the root system for one plant to grow another. Pear trees I'm sure are the common one. They're roots aren't that great so they grow something else, chop both trees at the base and graft the pear tree onto the other ones root system.
Not kidding iether like. All genuine :)
Yeah man haven't done it like that but my father showed me on an apple tree when I was very very little we would go graft trees, def cool shit! I dontknow how true it is but I either heard someone talking, or read it so.ewhere, someone was saying that this type of idea was also possible with cannabis onto a rose bush, which sounds little crazy to me but I ha e never once tried it not am I an expert on grafting or roses so, it would be cool to ha e a gigantic rose bush tho with a hundred different strains grafted onto it lol Talk about one stop shopping, I'd be going to pick roses like everyday, my fiance would be like Jesus he really loves that damn rose bUsh...meanwhile I'd be passed out behind the raised bed drooling on myself with Thorn's stuck Into my forehead
Yes I did know this! Saw a thread about splicing once where they were talking about splicing a cannabis plant to something with a larger root structure like a tree. Now that would be sick! I’d also love to have a spliced mother plant.
Yeah that's what I was reading too, I think they were comparing the cannabis plant to the rose bush cuz their structure and tap roots or something was so Similar, I'd have to go find it again and read it to see if what I. Saying Is totally accurate, but would def be freaking sweet
Ok. Like I said before I don’t agree or disagree with anyone as I’m not an experienced grower and have just started out. I’ve read countless hours of growing. When I set out to do something I research the crap out of it lol. I like learning. I just think some people can be flat out rude if they don’t know the facts. Science is an amazing thing and I’m pretty sure some people being rude here don’t exactly know what they are talking about. I keep an open mind and absorb as much knowledge I can. Just like it was said. No one knows everything. Happy growing. Think people need to just get along.
We can all learn so.ething from someone bro... Facts!! I'm glad this thread came BK to normal lol that dab break was necessary for everyone I guess lol.. happy growing bro!!! Science and mother nature really know little boundaries. Where there is a will nature will find a way in most cases... And plus tinkering with stuff is fun regardless. I know so e of the greatest discoveries were made by complete shit luck. And from first making a huge mistake... It's an amazing plant for sure, has yet ceased to amaze me with some of the stuff I've seen it do and overcome ,it's pretty sweet
Aw mate, ive just realised I've gotta watch my auld mans house a couple times a year and he's got all sorts growin. Gonna have to fuck with him next time he disappears.
Imagine how confused you'd be to find apples on your pear tree.
Hahahhahahahhah or big old juicy granny Smith apple growing where his cola should be hahahahahahhaa
We can all learn so.ething from someone bro... Facts!! I'm glad this thread came BK to normal lol that dab break was necessary for everyone I guess lol.. happy growing bro!!! Science and mother nature really know little boundaries. Where there is a will nature will find a way in most cases... And plus tinkering with stuff is fun regardless. I know so e of the greatest discoveries were made by complete shit luck. And from first making a huge mistake... It's an amazing plant for sure, has yet ceased to amaze me with some of the stuff I've seen it do and overcome ,it's pretty sweet
I agree bud. Just don’t get why people bash others that are trying to experiment. When I first started my first auto grow people say don’t do this or that. Can’t top them can’t mess with them. I found they are wrong. I did what I wanted and so far I’m pretty happy with my grow thus far. I truly think u need to learn to read ur plant. If it’s a healthy fast grower you can do anything u want to an auto that u would to a photo. I’ve had my problems. Asked for advice. Got some people who actually listen to me instead of jumping down my throat and saying u have mites. Told them I don’t. Looked all over with microscope. Told them I don’t have mites believe I had a ph issue. They said ur dumb. Whatever. I flushed my plants and voila. Everything fixed itself and low and behold no mites lol. Only issue I can’t seem to beat are the damn leafhoppers. Damn bastards lol
Sometimes they don’t wanna listen. I tried saying highly doubt was mites cuz I have 11 plants. All were fine. Then day and a half later all showed exact same signs. I didn’t think mites would do that overnight to all 11 of my girls lol. I rushed threw doing the ph in water and messed it up cuz my ph pen wasn’t calibrated. Ended up ph at 4.6. But they just criticize and say ur dumb and is mites lol. Guess what. They were wrong
I agree bud. Just don’t get why people bash others that are trying to experiment. When I first started my first auto grow people say don’t do this or that. Can’t top them can’t mess with them. I found they are wrong. I did what I wanted and so far I’m pretty happy with my grow thus far. I truly think u need to learn to read ur plant. If it’s a healthy fast grower you can do anything u want to an auto that u would to a photo. I’ve had my problems. Asked for advice. Got some people who actually listen to me instead of jumping down my throat and saying u have mites. Told them I don’t. Looked all over with microscope. Told them I don’t have mites believe I had a ph issue. They said ur dumb. Whatever. I flushed my plants and voila. Everything fixed itself and low and behold no mites lol. Only issue I can’t seem to beat are the damn leafhoppers. Damn bastards lol
Yeah man agreed and I know so w of the stuff ppl do might come across as dumb to some ppl but at the same time, alll great discoveries were at one time drowned upon might not seem like it rn, but really who's to say, so e of these guys on hereibht just accidentally stumble one the next big thing. I think if that dude earlier would have waited until he reversed one of his cuts and came BK and that seed that was produced were to in fact be sewn and grew as an auto, and was able to prove it, via pics/video whatever. This whooolle thread would have gone in a totally different direction. I hope he does honestly, and shit I hope he pulls it off too, if u could actually do that, flip an auto to be able to save it, then reverse a cutting and polinate another ant and still produce autoflowering babies.... That would be almost a priceless ability to some ppl...gonna stop rambling before I really start lol but I'm def w/ya man... The guys on here and t all that bad lol I just see it is as dealing with my grandfather kinda (hopefully I don't offend anyone by saying this) but he has been farming 2x as long as I e been alive and what he does works and works very well, but along the way I've figured stuff out that I think works a little bit better. But try telling him that, holy F* HAHAH everyone here has a ton of knowledge, some might not even realize how much they actually know. But not one person knows everything. Sometimes I'm very hard to convince of that as well, it's human..
I agree bud. Just don’t get why people bash others that are trying to experiment. When I first started my first auto grow people say don’t do this or that. Can’t top them can’t mess with them. I found they are wrong. I did what I wanted and so far I’m pretty happy with my grow thus far. I truly think u need to learn to read ur plant. If it’s a healthy fast grower you can do anything u want to an auto that u would to a photo. I’ve had my problems. Asked for advice. Got some people who actually listen to me instead of jumping down my throat and saying u have mites. Told them I don’t. Looked all over with microscope. Told them I don’t have mites believe I had a ph issue. They said ur dumb. Whatever. I flushed my plants and voila. Everything fixed itself and low and behold no mites lol. Only issue I can’t seem to beat are the damn leafhoppers. Damn bastards lol
What bugs got u bro? I k ow once u get them it can be a mofo getting rid of them. I keep squirrel cage fans on the floor and 4wall mount oscillating in a 8x14, so far I've been lucky, but I also run co2 which is a pretty damn good deterrent in itself. Depending which hoper's ur talking about I've read some pretty cool shit ppl have done on here.. someone will b able to help ya get em gone!
That would be sick! I work in greenhouses (not cannabis unfortunately) and I would definitely be too
Yeah man this convos sort of lit a fire in my brain lol I just bought and moved Into this place I'm in now, and spent all my time so far getting my rooms up and running but I kinda remember in the back yard there was an ol rose bush that ripped me up when we were clearing trees. I'm gonna go ck it out tomorrow and see if it's actually what I remember, kinda sad but I really do t k ow entirely what's even in my own back yard rn lol by rooms are finally all up and running tho.. *priorities!
Yes I did know this! Saw a thread about splicing once where they were talking about splicing a cannabis plant to something with a larger root structure like a tree. Now that would be sick! I’d also love to have a spliced mother plant.
I really think this should be a thing in here somewhere... I'm gonna go walk my property tomorrow And look for a rose bush I think I remember seeing and try n research it a bit more. I think that would probably be one of the coolest things I've ever seen if someone can pull it off!
So I came back to apologise for freaking out but seeing some of u guys comments I remember why I started talking like that I. The but regardless I shouldnt have acted like that in a place like this, it's not what this place is supposed to be for. But, what I. Talking about is actually happening regardless of my ability or desire to use the damn spell check. After all if growing abilities were based on clever screen names, it's looking like almost everyone would still be wondering why their thumb tacks hadn't sprouted yet. I should have waited to come back until I was actually done with every variable I have in play then , if everything keeps going the way it is and has been. You guys, in a couple months after I reverse one of the cuttings and polinate another and it produces autoflowering seeds once again which I do believe it will do, there really is t much anyone can say except for ask me the t
Questions any passionate grower trying to learn new things would already have been asking instead of just digging for every little bit of whatever u can grasp to try and probe to me that what I'm doing and witnessing, and have been recearching from my grow room to the dealer. I'm not just assuming shit. I have grown up growing everything that had kept us alive believe it or not idk it does t change actual "facts" I'll b BK in a couple months when. I'm done.. but to the one dude, that went as far as telling me I was full of shit talking about the very way in which I was raised... That's just about the most disrespectful thing a person could say. Insulting what made hi. Who he is... I would be really careful about taking that course when ur face to face with someone. But I really do think it's probably exactly what u need. You all , for ppl that are supposed to be a part of this lifestyle, or just grately underestimating the capabilities of mother nature in General which sadly doesn't surprise me because this attitude which translates into nothing but utter disrespect towards her is why this planet is in the disarray that it is today.. it's sad. I'll be back. And thank u to the few Ppl that weren't asshats! Grately appreciated...
A cutting was brought to the local University cuz I am also friends with a cultivation /yeild scientist that works there, because he comes over for fresh greens, and saw what was going on and was very Interested...
Wasn’t Mospedo friends with a university yield scientist?
What bugs got u bro? I k ow once u get them it can be a mofo getting rid of them. I keep squirrel cage fans on the floor and 4wall mount oscillating in a 8x14, so far I've been lucky, but I also run co2 which is a pretty damn good deterrent in itself. Depending which hoper's ur talking about I've read some pretty cool shit ppl have done on here.. someone will b able to help ya get em gone!
I’m growing outdoors. It’s the damn leafhoppers that are my biggest pain. Lol
So I came back to apologise for freaking out but seeing some of u guys comments I remember why I started talking like that I. The but regardless I shouldnt have acted like that in a place like this, it's not what this place is supposed to be for. But, what I. Talking about is actually happening regardless of my ability or desire to use the damn spell check. After all if growing abilities were based on clever screen names, it's looking like almost everyone would still be wondering why their thumb tacks hadn't sprouted yet. I should have waited to come back until I was actually done with every variable I have in play then , if everything keeps going the way it is and has been. You guys, in a couple months after I reverse one of the cuttings and polinate another and it produces autoflowering seeds once again which I do believe it will do, there really is t much anyone can say except for ask me the t
Questions any passionate grower trying to learn new things would already have been asking instead of just digging for every little bit of whatever u can grasp to try and probe to me that what I'm doing and witnessing, and have been recearching from my grow room to the dealer. I'm not just assuming shit. I have grown up growing everything that had kept us alive believe it or not idk it does t change actual "facts" I'll b BK in a couple months when. I'm done.. but to the one dude, that went as far as telling me I was full of shit talking about the very way in which I was raised... That's just about the most disrespectful thing a person could say. Insulting what made hi. Who he is... I would be really careful about taking that course when ur face to face with someone. But I really do think it's probably exactly what u need. You all , for ppl that are supposed to be a part of this lifestyle, or just grately underestimating the capabilities of mother nature in General which sadly doesn't surprise me because this attitude which translates into nothing but utter disrespect towards her is why this planet is in the disarray that it is today.. it's sad. I'll be back. And thank u to the few Ppl that weren't asshats! Grately appreciated...
What I think you should do instead of doing everything in secret and then telling us aha I did it! Why wouldn’t you start a journal that way we can follow along and see the results? As a scientific minded man would you believe me if I told you I did something that in hundreds and hundreds of years of marijuana cultivation has never been done? You certainly would not. So like I said. Journal it, tag some of the guys and girls and boom now you have a legit experiment and not a ghost story. I think your plants look great btw you would have got a lot of likes JUST from that.