Autoflower Cuts

Ok let’s use this forum as it’s meant for. Not a school yard fight lol. I’m growing 9 autoflowers outdoors. Can’t seem to beat the damn leafhoppers. I don’t wanna use neem as they are flowering. Any good remedies? Tried organic insecticideal soap don’t seem to work.
Yeah..the "Who done it" is getting stale..I don't care if someone creates 3'handles to defend their position..Take everything on these boards with a grain of salt...AND take comments as input..
It's fairly easy to tell who know's what they're talking about if you take the time to read some posts...

My opinion of Autoflowers is based on "the practical" of growing them for a number of years..Having bred Autoflowers with photoperiods to create my own strains...Specifically to create male "Autos" for breeding..I can confirm that the ruderalis Auto gene is in fact recessive...Autos and photos don't magically convert back and forth..and..they are not codominant traits.
On the technical side, I studied Genetics back in university in my
undergrad days...

Having accidentally cross pollinated one of my female plants once..I fully recognize how easy it for someone to be growing an auto or a photo and thinking they have something else..

Presently I
Am growing
- Double Grape Auto (Mephisto)
- Bubbasquanch (Mephisto)
- Charlotte's Angel Auto (Dutch Passion)
- Genesis Auto (My own) GG4 Auto (Expert) x GSC Auto (Fastbuds) x Tangiematic (Fastbuds) x Jack the Ripper (photoperiod..Suncool)..The f2's were grown out recapture the Auto gene..

Lastly, on the photo period front, I've got a webbed strain photoperiod I am working on...crossed it with GG4 Auto and am now breeding it out again to recapture the recessive Auto gene..

people can choose to fight..or we can swap ideas that we can take hime and test for ourselves..

Growing out one plant or a few seeds does not create "epiphanies"..but rather food for thought and further study..
Funny how the two of you type exactly alike. No paragraphs, capitalizing for no reason, shortening words. Smells fishy
Jesus Christ bro alright. I'm me on every site I use, really was just getting something off my chest, and when I had that much to say, I ddnt pat attn to punctuation, is what it is, I said what I had to..