COVID: I’m talking to you America..

We dont listen to borris, im in scotland. We've got our own leader who basically tells that twat to go fuck himself at every available opportunity. Hence why we've had 1 corona death in 4 weeks and England still has dozens every day. We just ignore the cunt for the most part.
And the Russians aren't trying to shaft scotland, they're trying to shaft England by splitting up the union. Something that works massively in the favour of Scots so he can feel free to keep it up.
He doesn't fuck with Scotland cos we're the only place in the UK that's nuclear armed.
Once we leave England will be basically defenceless and we sure as fuck won't help them. So again he can feel free to fuck with them. We love it up here :)
You really should do some research mate I'm getting bored having to constantly correct your deluded Ramblings.

At least you realize you are siding with the Russians I guess.
America has 150k dead.

South Korea flattened the curve back in April. Maybe us Americans should stop acting like we have all the solutions and learn something.

No shit sherlock, so did alot of other countries. That is why the fuck I am here trying to talk about SOLUTIONS and what other countries did!

You fail at reading. Go to the beginning and start over. Maybe you can get a better concept of what this thread is about...
No shit sherlock, so did alot of other countries. That is why the fuck I am here trying to talk about SOLUTIONS.

You fail at reading. Go to the beginning and start over. Maybe you can get a better concept of what this thread is about...
I gave you one that has been proven to work but it was too invasive on your freedoms. :wall: :wall:
You fail at reading. Go to the beginning and start over. Maybe you can get a better concept of what this thread is about...
The entire thread summed up.

You like yourself a lot and really think your thread will solve covid. End of thread. Everything in between was novels of redundant Bs.
If the "truth" is disruptive then so BE it.

I am acting in a very OPEN and HONEST matter, with no type of disrespect intended. Any one who actually reads the entire thread, or anything I've posted EVER can clearly see that.

Since we are pointing fingers today - YOU acted very disruptive towards me on another thread because you also could not read everything thoroughly there... then you inboxed me and I've been nothing but nice, thanked you for the "keeping up with the current convo on thread" advice, and have impletmented it. But I have noticed that you ignored me inbox, once you were done whining. You never answered any of my direct questions to you.

Go quote someone else's post. I don't know who is old, new, veteran, black, white, mexican, repulican, democrat and the one thing I NEVER do is make assumptions. I suggest you go back to your corner and do the same.

Stated quite directly, because that's who I am, and with a SMILE. I am tired of your blatent disrespect. GTFO of here with these types of comments. If that gets me banned, or deleted, so BE it. Just more proof that peeps can't handle the truths.

P.S. I bought up a bunch of web domains this morning since half the people jumping on this thread want to only talk about themselves and their selfish perspectives so no worries. Yall won't have to deal with me talking about how I feel about all these social issues with people here much longer..

Have a blessed day S... and stay safe.
Yup, wears pretty thin pretty quickly doesn't it. I can't comment on anything now without some reprebate bringing up nonsense about Scotland. Doesn't matter what the topic is I get pulled up for it every time.
Just small minded people who are too intellectually inferior to be able to see the bigger picture.
Can't see outside the box cos they're solidly stuck in it.
Had to go Google there as couldn't remember the term but its "dunning Kruger effect"
Basically explains why stupid people can't see their own stupidity. :)
If you think its WTF... why are you here in this thread commenting? Take your complaints to Sunni.... there is nothing wrong with this thread..

<--------- See your way to another thread, it's easy --------->

Just trying to point out some absolute truths here for the greater good of humanity..and especially the USA, since I live here too. I was raised being told to "be the change you want to see in this world."

So that's all I'm doing. Being the change I want to see in this world.
You’re pretty defensive....huh? I am glad that you’ll at least take credit for this train wreck of a thread. Lol.
I gave you one that has been proven to work but it was too invasive on your freedoms. :wall: :wall:

Your ignorance is unbelivable, seriously. I am the one suggesting contact tracing from the jump, and I completely agree it is the solution, along with social distancing. It's the only way to get control of this. Again, thats pretty obvious from my comments..all throughout. All I asked was if that was true (I didn't know and didn't fact check your words ) and I implied that if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for.

If I missed some other life saving suggested you posted, I'm sorry. I'll read back later when I have time to catch up.

My notifications are blowing up here and i'm sure I've been left in the dust of anger but I'm now headed to important work meeting so I'll let yall run wild. Have fun. Be safe. Quit making assumptions about me and each other. Please.
You’re pretty defensive....huh? I am glad that you’ll at least take credit for this train wreck of a thread. Lol.

Lol. I'm a survivor. I have lived with 40 years of people talking shit, being disrespectful, and generally not communicating in any type of constructive way. My apologies if I came across defensive, if you look around I've been getting attacked for my beliefs for days. It's tiring. Have a great day.
Ok so why dont you stop projecting your ego and start projecting yourself... say something of substance.
I did I posted a solution. Then she said it was too invasive. She’s not interested in solutions. She’s posted novels since day one and is already threatening to leave and start her own site. Did you read any of this? Guess not
Your ignorance is unbelivable, seriously. I am the one suggesting contact tracing from the jump, and I completely agree it is the solution, along with social distancing. It's the only way to get control of this. Again, thats pretty obvious from my comments..all throughout. All I asked was if that was true (I didn't know and didn't fact check your words ) and I implied that if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for.

If I missed some other life saving suggested you posted, I'm sorry. I'll read back later when I have time to catch up.

My notifications are blowing up here and i'm sure I've been left in the dust of anger but I'm now headed to important work meeting so I'll let yall run wild. Have fun. Be safe. Quit making assumptions about me and each other. Please.
More proof you’re not here do to discuss solutions. You’re here to see your own posts.
Im not here to argue with your points or you, im here to argue the issue. Youre getting drowned in the fake complexity and thats your right!

The fake truths must be doubted hundreds of times to get to the real truth. This.. has a practical side to it. If your perception cant get what i describe with these simple words, that go to the deepest, then you just dont get it. Or dont want to get it... You excel in your business anyway, who am i to tell you better.

See that you re 'programmed' that way. And why shouldnt you? Its ok. But whatevers really happening... is still happening and still gonna happen. Good'ay
Dude, i wasn't arguing either. It's a discussion. Bring more to the table than your thoughts. Expanding on your posts, they are a good example of a person who is used to getting their way. You said your piece and expected me to agree. I didn't and not only tried to explain myself but brought in independent information and evidence. You just continue to repeat the same stuff. Now you are irritated that I didn't just comply.

Your belief isn't good enough. If what you say is true then back it up with evidence. THAT is modern discourse. I admit that it is a science-based approach and not politcial science. It is also why Trump will be fired in November and Fauci will keep his job if he survives Trump and his legion of assassins.

When a response to an epidemic is directed by the political leader, people opposed to the that leader's platform are likely to distrust the message. Wnen done well, science is neutral and should convince based upon the facts. This is why de-politicizing our response to coronavirus is so important. That is proven true by historical and recent data.

I'll re-post the article in case you missed it. It shows how early responses to the coronavirus in very liberal, Democratic states made a difference to save lives when directed by the scientist and ended lives when directed by a politician. Trump's distregard for science is why more than a million people in the US will die from the disease before a year of this epidemic is done.

Trump: "Hydroxychloroquine cures covid. I don't want to wear a mask, it's not important and is an assault on freedom. The CDC is incompetant."
Medical science community: "Claims of HCQ's effectiveness are proven to be false. Near universal compliance for wearing a mask when in public will cut transmission rates by 30%."

I won't post the graphs showing what's happened. I'm sure you already know that Trump has failed to manage this disease.

Seattle’s Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York’s Did Not

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Your ignorance is unbelivable, seriously. I am the one suggesting contact tracing from the jump, and I completely agree it is the solution, along with social distancing. It's the only way to get control of this. Again, thats pretty obvious from my comments..all throughout. All I asked was if that was true (I didn't know and didn't fact check your words ) and I implied that if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for.

If I missed some other life saving suggested you posted, I'm sorry. I'll read back later when I have time to catch up.

My notifications are blowing up here and i'm sure I've been left in the dust of anger but I'm now headed to important work meeting so I'll let yall run wild. Have fun. Be safe. Quit making assumptions about me and each other. Please.
I'm here for a purpose, to cut Trump and his supporters throats and watch them bleed out on the ground, I don't involve myself in flame wars too much. I try to have as big a tent as I can and normally tolerate other POVs and try to be as inclusive as I can, unless it comes to human suffering, then I have an issue. For now, if they believe in the US constitution and the rule of law and at least stay home I have no issue, I'm not their mommy and I'm not responsible for their moral evolution. Get trump and the republicans out of office and keep them out for a decade, normal democratic social forces will quickly take care of the rest, the perfecting of the union. Republicans would rather burn down the house than let a black family move in, that's what they are doing to America and have been for a decade or more.

I have a pragmatic approach of making more friends than enemies while speaking my mind, my interest here is in getting votes for Joe and for those who can't stomach either to stay home. I am a foreign troll, an open and friendly one though, who states his intentions, position and motives. My motives are to support and defend the US constitution and the rule of law, like any sensible patriotic American citizen. I also have "skin" in the game, Trump is the biggest national security threat to my country since Hitler.

Supporting liberalism is the only moral and ethical way I know of to make the world a better place where people can flourish in the pursuit of happiness. Like Science and Buddhism/mindfulness, it reduces human suffering and is a positive force in the world.
false on so many levels.
Know any teachers? There are many ways of making the world a better place, another crusade of mine.
