COVID: I’m talking to you America..

Yes thats it, they re both political! All in the direction of whatever you want it to be or in whichever way affects your being. If it sticks in our head in whatever manner is probably trying to teach us something. Always individually though cause we re all the same but different in our ways. And 'they' know this very well, where science kicks in. Im trying to speak about it in the broadest of senses.

Politicians to me are like the necessary punching bags, anything they ll say apart from 'my people, take the money' they re always criticized and pushed around. From all sides right? I dont feel bad for them cause thats they re job.

I think thats common human nature where we must really grind up hard to fixate and standardise a new type of thinking that forces us to change our... BEHAVIOUR
Science is the systematic study of the natural and physical world based upon evidence, facts and observation. I just don't see much of that going on in what is called political science. It relies on a soft science, psychology. Due to the complexity of the subject and the lack of understanding of brain function, the science of psychology is not very systematic. Social sciences are also in the same primitive state of understanding and can hardly be called science as well. Social Anthropology is another factor in politics.

So I'd put political science down as an art that is called a science in order to get more funding.

Regarding epidemiology, that's a science and epidemiologists are trained in both the hard and soft sciences of both biology and psychology.

This is an article that discusses why politicians should NOT lead response to an epidemic.

The lead spokesperson should be a scientist. Dr. Richard Besser, a former acting C.D.C. director and an E.I.S. alumnus, explained to me, “If you have a politician on the stage, there’s a very real risk that half the nation is going to do the opposite of what they say.”
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I respect your thinking is in the right track.. you re working it your way, see? Pls dont take this as patronising. Anything you say or me wont change global facts but only our views.

Psychology is regarded as a soft science cause noone really gets it to the core, noone wants to because why should they? Its too tough and like any other science takes decades to get a basic firm understanding.. You gotta let go of things you been taught as standard but really arent. These were standards because it favoured the eras 'dogma' ouuuugh heavy words.

Psychology is the base of everything if i may. 'The alpha and omega baby' Its the main event for sure, everything through it and for most without knowing why even though is right inside of us. And thats ok the earth will take another spin and ill have another grow to sooth my existance lol

Give space - give space
I guess you felt you were patronizing. I didn't see it. No matter. But all you did was lecture without any depth in your reasoning. A didactic argument is good in lower level classrooms, I'll give you that. So maybe you thought you were being patronizing. I just think you were shallow.

People have to make decisions with the information they have available. Sometimes it's nothing more than a gut feel. The less information one has, the more one has to rely on the intuitive side of our minds. That's fine. Just don't call it science. Politics aren't science because there are so many layers to integrate into the artist's methods and there is nothing wrong with that. Politics are everywhere. As you say, they are about getting a group of people to act as one. In my job, office politics are so important and I'm a cluster fxxk at it. They are important too. It's an art, and I respect anybody who is good at it while maintaining high integrity.
As I mentioned, I had a debate about this issue last night with about 35 friends in a group. Only one other person knew that asymptomatic carriers were contagious. Due to that WHO press conference and the media going wild with fake news (which is why I don't watch, they twist all the words) it appears many people do not realize the actual situation we are in. By the time we ended our meeting, all but 3 agreed that they were fed the wrong information. So I thought, if it's like that, there's probably alot more people out their who feel the same. So yes, I used my voice online, to raise awareness. Whether people are aware or not, many are not.
sooooo which is it?
Your 'in depth' complex views on covid dont make you deep. You re just good for that job. You gotta look around it, its the outcome of all this that affirms THIS! The resume/ goal of all thats happening out there, psychology as a science could put it in a short sentence.

Not the patroniser type at all. I only mentioned it cause - I - firmly spoke about - you - and i dont know you. And I dont like politics cause it involves manipulation. Nasty
I posted my thoughts along with background information to give more depth. Otherwise I'd have write a wall of text and not really interested in that. On top of being boring, why would anybody read a wall of text by me? I'm no expert or journalist. I am a career scientist though, so I just gave you my reasons why I don't think Political science is a science. Argue with my points. All you've done thus far is repeat yourself and patted yourself on the back by saying you were being patronizing. But it was just a circular argument. You haven't said anything of substance to back up your claims.

That article contains a ton of good information, some of it explains why de-politicizing the response to an epidemic can save lives.
I wasn't there sunny. Were you? From what I read it was an online chat.
Fog, I was asking the OP.
The OP said they were in a group of 35 having a discussion about Covid and it struck me as funny.
I didn’t read that it was online, maybe it’s just me.
No offense dog.
Fog, I was asking the OP.
The OP said they were in a group of 35 having a discussion about Covid and it struck me as funny.
I didn’t read that it was online, maybe it’s just me.
No offense dog.
Not judging, just saying I didn't know you were posting to the OP.

Also, that would be the only thing that makes sense. The OP is pretty smart.
I mean cmon... every mainstream aspect of our global lives IS political. And its actually political SCIENCE. Science is there for a reason.

I could take this some steps further just by saying that our perception works methodologically...

I meant I started this thread for a place to discuss the "social aspects of covid." Focusing more on people and science, since there appears to be many non-believers.

My main goal is to change peoples misguided views on the social dangers of covid, bring some awareness of what we are facing. I know it's obvious but it is clear many are not comprehending that FACT. I mean it's pretty obvious to me that we need to get our "social behaviors" in check or shit is gonna get a lot worse.

This thread was started outside of political and moved in. That is all I'm referencing when I speak of political in this particular thread. Ya'll can discuss whatever you like. I will acknowledge all respectful and relevant views, whether fact or opinion.

You were in a group of 35 people talking about Covid?!?!

Actually we were brainstorming about what can be done to save small businesses that are closing up shop all over the US, but yeah, covid and asymptomatic carriers were definitely a hot topic of discussion seeings that is currently the direct cause of said buisnesses closing.

sooooo which is it?

Asymptomatic carriers ARE contagious. Highly likely to be the most dangerous of all.

Symptomatic carriers are quarantined and hopitalized. Asymptomatic carriers are living their normal lives and infecting their friends, families, and strangers in public. I think this is important for people to 100% understand and be aware of.

A socially distant, mask wearing group of 35 meeting outside lol

It was on Zoom. I had one of those "meetings" you speak of too tho.... at a covid funeral.
I don’t think most Americans would be ok with this.
Thats why they are dying for.

We had lock downs as well. Both together is a win. The drama is over seas people coming in as countries that were either covid free or just about covid free, like NZ and Australia has shown.
Then its spot fires and contact tracing to identify everyone at risk and take action fast.

My state has eradicated it. No community transmission. But we recently had a returning traveler test positive in quarantine so we have one case. The only case in maybe a 100 days and atm- is contained.
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I mean cmon... every mainstream aspect of our global lives IS political. And its actually political SCIENCE. Science is there for a reason.

I could take this some steps further just by saying that our perception works methodologically...
Science requires that the phenomena in question can be observed, measured and that the process is repeatable with the same outcome. Politics doesn’t qualify as a science, it’s a term given to it by non scientists.
Not me that sucks the dick of the orange man. Unless trumps secretly now president of the UK.
No you got your own cartoon character.


Hows Brexit going btw? It is kind of lost on us here. The Russians decided to attack you guys with that as a test run for Trump's election. How has that worked out for them?